Transcript Chapter 36

• Ecology – is the
scientific study of the
interactions among
organisms and between
organisms and their
• The place where an organism lives and that provides
the things the organism needs is called its habitat!
– Food, water, and shelter.
• Biotic Factors – The living parts of an ecosystem.
– Animals, plants, fungi, bacteria.
• Abiotic Factors – The nonliving parts of an
– Water, Sunlight, Oxygen, Temperature, and soil.
• The smallest unit of
ecological study.
– Wildebeest
• A population is a group
of individual organisms
of the same species
living in a particular
– Herd of Wildebeest
Exponential Growth
• Occurs when the
population multiplies by
a constant factor at
constant time intervals.
Limiting Factors
• A factor that restricts
the growth of a
– Space
– Food availability
– Disease
• All of the organisms
inhabiting a particular
area make up a
Ecosystem and Biosphere
• An ecosystem includes
the abiotic and biotic
factors in an area.
• The biosphere is the
sum of all Earth’s
How do organisms get energy?
• Every organism requires energy to carry out
life processes such as growing, moving, and
– Producers (autotroph) – synthesize their own food
through the process of photosynthesis.
– Consumers (heterotrophs) – obtain their energy
by eating other organisms.
– Decomposers -
Types of Consumers
• Herbivore – eats plants.
• Omnivore – eats plants
and animals.
• Carnivore – eats
Food Chains
• The pathway of energy
transfer form one
organism to another is
called a food chain.
• What would happen if
one organism is
overhunted and
removed from the food
• What is the source of
all energy?
Food Web
• A pattern of feeding represented by
interconnected and branching food
chains is called a food web.
Energy Pyramid
• Emphasizes the energy loss from one
organism to the next in a food chain. Only 10
% is passed on to the next level, the rest is lost
to the ecosystem in the form of heat.
Types of Relationships among species!
• Predation – an
interaction in which one
organism eats another.
There are two
individuals that
• Predator and Prey
• Fox is a predator and
the rabbit is the prey.
Symbiotic Relationships
• A symbiotic relationship is a close interaction
between species in which one of the species
lives in or on the other.
– Parasitism – one benefits and the other is harmed.
– Mutualism – both species benefit
– Commensalism – one benefits and the other is
neither helped or harmed
Ecological Succession
• The process of community change is called
ecological succession.
• What would happen if you left the field
behind Heritage uncut for a couple of years?
Primary Succession
• When a community
arises in a lifeless area
that has no soil.
• Pioneer species are the
first to colonize barren
• Climax community takes
hold several hundred or
thousand years later.
The forest has grown to
its full capacity.
Secondary Succession
• When a disturbance
damages an existing
community but leaves
the soil intact, the
change that follows is
called secondary
– Fires
– Land cleared for farming,
then abandoned.
The Carbon and Oxygen Cycle
• Carbon starts its cycle in the
atmosphere as Carbon
• Plants take in the carbon
dioxide and make organic
compounds known as glucose.
• That glucose gets passed on to
consumers through the food
• They then release carbon
dioxide back into the
atmosphere through the
process of cellular respiration.
Human Activities can alter
Population Growth
• As the human population continues to grow,
the environment will be negatively impacted
by the following.
Habitat destruction
Air Pollution
Acid Rain
Water pollution
Global Warming
Introduced Species
Reduced Biodiversity
• The clearing of forest
for agriculture, lumber,
and other uses also
affects the carbon cycle
by eliminating plants
that absorb CO2 for
Alternatives to Clear cutting
• Don’t cut down every
single tree!!!!!!
• Selective Cutting
Greenhouse Effect
• They process by which
atmospheric gases trap
• Greenhouses trap heat.
Global Warming
• The overall rise in Earth’s
average temperature.
– Caused by increasing
carbon levels in the
• What causes increased
carbon levels in the
– Deforestation
– Burning of Fossil Fuels
• Effects of Global
– Rising sea levels
– Large effects on weather
– Loss of Species
Acid Rain
• Precipitation that carries
acid to the Earth’s surface.
– Smokestacks and automobile
exhaust pipes release
nitrogen and sulfur
compounds into the
atmosphere. They then
combine with water and form
acid rain.
– Can lower pH of soil and
aquatic ecosystems causing
species to become extinct.
• Acid Rain
Water and Air Pollution
• Burning Fossil Fuels –
Releases chemicals into
the atmosphere.
• Fertilizers – end up in
water supplies.
Introduced Species
• Starlings and house sparrows are introduced
species from Europe. They competed with the
bluebird population drastically reducing its
• Snakeheads are very aggressive and are
outcompeting all native fish populations.
Examples include Bass, Pickerel,
• The practice of overhunting.
– Elephants were hunted for their tusks
What can Humans do to reduce
our negative impact on the
Selective cutting
Make our homes more energy efficient
Use cars get higher gas mileage
Tougher regulations