Transcript Jeopardy

First Law
Q $100
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Final Jeopardy
$100 Question from H1
What will cause an object to move?
$100 Answer from H1
An unbalanced force
$200 Question from H1
If an object is already moving, in the absence
of outside forces, what will the object do?
$200 Answer from H1
It will continue moving with the same
$300 Question from H1
On Earth what are unbalanced forces that
often change an objects motion?
$300 Answer from H1
Gravity and friction
$400 Question from H1
What 2 factors affect acceleration?
$400 Answer from H1
Force and mass
$500 Question from H1
What is Newton’s First Law of Motion
also called?
$500 Answer from H1
The Law of Inertia
$100 Question from H2
What happens to passengers on a train
When it stops quickly?
$100 Answer from H2
They want to keep moving
$200 Question from H2
What is inertia?
$200 Answer from H2
An object’s tendency to resist a change
in motion
$300 Question from H2
How can I increase acceleration of a sled?
$300 Answer from H2
Answers will vary
$400 Question from H2
A measure of an object’s _______,
is a measure of the object’s inertia.
$400 Answer from H2
$500 Question from H2
What is the force required for the following
A water-skier with a mass of 55kg who is
accelerating at a rate of 2.0m/s²
$500 Answer from H2
110 newton’s
$100 Question from H3
For every action there is what?
$100 Answer from H3
An equal but opposite reaction
$200 Question from H3
What is the force exerted by a baseball compared
to the force exerted by a bat used to hit it?
$200 Answer from H3
It is equal to the force exerted by the bat
$300 Question from H3
The force that causes an object to move in
a circle is called what?
$300 Answer from H3
Centripetal force
$400 Question from H3
For every action force there is a what?
$400 Answer from H3
Reaction force
$500 Question from H3
When a gymnast does a flip, he pushes
down on the vaulting horse. What is the
reaction force here?
$500 Answer from H3
The vaulting horse pushing him back
$100 Question from H4
When you jump Your feet pushing on the
ground is what kind of force?
$100 Answer from H4
An action force
$200 Question from H4
When you jump what is the reaction force?
$200 Answer from H4
The ground pushing back on your feet
$300 Question from H4
Why don’t action-reaction forces cancel each
other out?
$300 Answer from H4
They are acting on different objects
$400 Question from H4
What are the main forces acting on
passengers during a roller coaster ride?
$400 Answer from H4
Gravity and acceleration
$500 Question from H4
How do you determine momentum of a
moving object?
$500 Answer from H4
By multiplying the objects mass and velocity
$100 Question from H5
The law of conservation of momentum states
that the total momentum of objects that
interact does what?
$100 Answer from H5
Does not change
$200 Question from H5
What must you know to determine an
objects momentum?
$200 Answer from H5
It’s mass and velocity
$300 Question from H5
Why can a rocket take-off?
$300 Answer from H5
Because the gases it expels with a downward
action force exert an equal but opposite
reaction force on the rocket
$400 Question from H5
Satellites in orbit around Earth continuously
do what?
$400 Answer from H5
Fall toward Earth
$500 Question from H5
How does gravity help keep satellites in orbit?
$500 Answer from H5
Gravity provides the centripetal force
Final Jeopardy
Does a satellite require fuel once it is in orbit?
Final Jeopardy Answer
No, Inertia and the force of gravity
keep the satellite in orbit