Transcript File

Gravity and Freefall
Law of Universal Gravitation
All matter has a gravitational pull on all
other matter
Pull may not be enough to overcome friction
 Pull depends on mass of objects & distance
between them
Law of Universal Gravitation
F = Force of Gravity
G = 6.67 x 10-11 Nm2 / kg2
A constant number
M = mass of first object
m = mass of second object
r = radius (distance between the objects)
Law of Universal Gravitation
What happens to the
force if you double one of
the masses?
Does this mean a 20 kg
ball falls faster than a 10
kg ball b/c of 2x the force?
No, because twice the mass = twice the force AND twice the inertia
What happens to force if you double the distance?
What happens to force if you double both masses?
Aristotle & Galileo
Aristotle thought weight decides
how fast objects fall (WRONG!)
“Heavier objects fall faster”
Galileo thought weight does not
decide how fast an objects fall
“Objects fall at the same rate”
“Objects fall at the same rate”
* However, air resistance may
affect rate of fall
 Air resistance
Friction on an object moving through
the air
 Greatly affects fall of bulky, low
density objects
Free Fall
Objects fall due to gravity alone with no
forces acting upon them.
 No air resistance (vacuum or outer space)
 Uniform acceleration
a = 9.8 m/s2
(velocity is 9.8 m/s faster each second)
Free Fall
v = at
(velocity = acceleration x time)
d = ½ a (t^2)
(distance = ½ acceleration x time^2)
*used for object that start
falling from rest
An apple is dropped…
1 sec.
2 sec.
3 sec.
4 sec.
 Acceleration is 9.8
m/s2 for falling objects
(at 1 sec, 2 sec, etc.)
Velocity Distance Fallen
0 m/s
9.8 m/s
19.6 m/s
29 m/s
d=1/2(9.8)(02) = 0 m
d=1/2(9.8)(12) = 4.9 m
d=_________ = ___ m
d=_________ = ___ m
An apple is dropped falls from a cliff and hits
the ground 45.0 m below. How long did it fall?
d = ½at2
 acceleration
is always 9.8 m/s2
45 = ½(9.8)(t2)
45 = 4.9(t2)
9.18 = t2
45 = 4.9(t2)
4.9 4.9
√9.18 = √t2
t = 3.03 sec.
Homework: Fill out Chapter 5
Problems Worksheet