Transcript Chapter 19
Chapter 19
The Region Today: North Africa, Southwest Asia
and Central Asia
1. The Economy
Oil producing countries in NA, SWA and CA - experienced
greater economic growth than other countries in region
Saudi Arabia and Kuwait, oil reserves have defined their
economic history
Economic Activities
Countries rich in oil generally have little water
Countries with abundant water generally lack oil
Agriculture and Fishing
Small part of the regions land is arable, or suitable for
Yet large percentage of population works in agriculture
Agriculture plays smaller role in oil rich countries (SA,
Mediterranean climates (NA, SWA) best suited for
growing cereal crops, citrus, grapes, olives and dates
When rainfall is below normal, crops do not meet needs
of people
Countries must import additional grains
Citrus fruits are important exports
Agriculture and Fishing
Steppes of CA (semi arid, grassy plains) provide fertile
soil for crops and grasslands for grazing
Uzbekistan - one of largest cotton producers
Uzbekistan/Turkmenistan – raise silkworms
Kazakhstan – major grain producer
Azerbaijan – wheat, cotton, potato and tea exports
Fish – important source of food in region
Morocco – sardines and mackerel from Atlantic Ocean
Israel – majority of fish come from farmed fish in manmade ponds
Persian Gulf – home to 150 species of fish
Iran – strong fishing industry
Petroleum/oil products main export commodities, or
economic goods, of the region
Over 60 percent of earth’s oil exists in North Africa,
Southwest Asia and Central Asia
Region has 50 percent of earth’s natural gas
Oil has brought riches and modern cities to SA, Kuwait,
Oil, Natural Gas, and Mining
Iran/Saudi Arabia – oil-refining and oil-shipping facilities
Most other oil-producing countries export crude oil, or
unrefined oil
Petrochemicals – products made from petroleum or natural
gas, i.e. fertilizers, medicines, plastics and paints
Coal and copper mining and cement production important
in SA and CA
Service Industries
Bahrain – 60 percent of GDP comes from banking, real
estate and insurance industries
NA and SA – popular tourism/travel destinations, possess
ancient religious sites
Christians and Jews visit Israel, Jordan
Muslims often go on a pilgrimage to Makkah (Mecca),
Saudi Arabia
Transportation and
Main Idea: Advancements in transportation and
communications are improving throughout the region
Main Idea: Physical environment and government have
limited some development
Roads, Railroads, and Airlines
Roads unevenly distributed across region
Extensive systems: Iran, Turkey, Egypt
Landlocked countries – entirely surrounded by land, no
water access for trade and transportation
Examples of LL countries: Afghanistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan
Roads, Railroads, and Airlines
Istanbul, Turkey – new subway system
Air Travel – CA countries used to rely on Soviet airline
Aeroflot, now have own airlines
Waterways and Pipelines
Map on p. 477
Main shipping ports on Mediterranean and Black Seas
Strait of Hormuz and Strait of Tiran strategic and
economic importance, oil tankers must pass
Suez Canal – man made, allows ships to pass from Med. to
Red Sea, on to Indian Ocean
System of oil pipelines transports oil overland to ports on
Med. Sea, Red Sea, Persian Gulf
Govt. control of media limits media in many places
Communication is difficult in areas due to vast deserts
Cellular phones are common in major cities
Trade and Interdependence
MI: Interdependence among the countries of NA, SWA,
and CA is growing, as well as with rest of world
8 of regions countries in OPEC, gives them more
control over oil production and prices
Countries rely on their oil, giving OPEC great power
During 1973 Arab-Israeli War, OPEC placed an embargo,
or trade restriction, on oil shipments to US – due to
support for Israel
1999 and 2000, OPEC cuts oil production, rise in oil
prices around the world
2. People and Their Environment
People in NA, SWA, and CA often threaten their
People face dilemma of meeting needs without restoring
already damaged environment
Managing Resources
MI: Growing populations in NA, SWA and CA put strain on
scarce water resources
Water Resources
Nile, Tigris, Euphrates, Jordan , Amu Dar’ya and Syr Dar’ya
(run through Stan countries)– regions only major rivers
Only a few countries in region have enough freshwater for
Desalination – removing salt from seawater
Many countries depend on desalination plants
Region posses 60 percent of world desalination capacity
These plants too expensive for some countries
Australia, 12 % freshwater through desal, debate over cost
The Great Man-Made River
Carries water from aquifers beneath the Sahara to farms near
Multibillion dollar project
Brings freshwater to Libya
Human Impact
MI: New technologies and destructive wars have increased
environmental problems in NA, SWA and CA
Aswan High Dam
Located 600 miles south of Cairo
364 feet tall
Irrigates 3 million acres
Controls Nile’s floods
Created the worlds largest human-made lake, Lake Nasser
Impact of War
Persian Gulf War, 90-91, Iraqi troops burned 700 oil wells in
Kuwait, dumped oil into Persian Gulf, polluted area
US-Iraq war, 2003
Israel, Lebanon War - 2006
Hezbollah – Islamic fundamentalists, want to drive Israeli
troops from Lebanon
Three Troubled Seas
Caspian, Aral and Dead sea, face environmental challenges
Water level of Dead Sea, dropped 262 feet in past 40 years
Primary reason:90 percent of water from feeder rivers
diverted for irrigation, hydroelectric plants
Nuclear and Chemical Dangers
Kazakhstan, once home to Soviet nuclear bases
Soviets tested nuclear, chemical and bio weapons there
Soviets tested nearly 500 nuclear weapons in area
NE Kazakhstan severely affected by radiation