Regional Accents: How the French Define(d) the Midwest

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Regional Accents:
How the French
Define(d) the Midwest
Anita Alkhas, University of Wisconsin
– Milwaukee
Denise Phillippe, Concordia Language
Larry Kuiper, University of Wisconsin
– Milwaukee
Where in the world are we,
Carmen Saint-Jacques?
Middle West (Encyclopædia Britannica. 2004.)
also called Midwest, or North Central States, region, northern and
central United States, lying midway between the Appalachian and
Rocky mountains and north of the Ohio River and the 37th parallel.
The Middle West, as defined by the federal government,
comprises the states of Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan,
Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota,
and Wisconsin. Actually composed of two regions, the Northwest
Territory, or the Old Northwest, and the Great Plains, the Middle
West has become more an idea than a region: an area of
immense diversity but somehow consciously representative of
a national average.
Where in the world are we,
Carmen Saint-Jacques?
The Northwest Territory entered the United States in 1783 at
the conclusion of the American Revolution and was organized
under a series of ordinances that set the precedent for the
admission of future territories into the Union. The Great Plains
entered the United States in 1803 as part of the Louisiana
Purchase. The Plains were to develop primarily agriculturally,
but the Northwest Territory, blessed with both fertile soil and
valuable natural resources (coal, oil, iron ore, and limestone),
would develop both industrially and agriculturally.
I. Introduction: Defining regions
What is a region?
•A historical construct
•A geographical construct
•A political construct
•A cultural construct
• être “limogé”
• “plouc”
• “Cela fait ‘province.’”
“Moi j'aime la province
évincée par le système,
On y trouve le vrai, le beau,
les relations humaines.”
MC Solaar
Et le Midwest?
Historical definition:
The western
boundaries of the
Midwest seem to
correspond to the
journeys of the
French explorers.
le Midwest
Geographical definition:
The southern, western, and
much of the northern and
eastern boundaries of the
midwest seem to correspond to
geographical barriers – bodies
of water, and mountains.
Political/economic Definition:
According to the federal
government, these twelve states
make up the Midwest. The
Midwest is referred to as an
economic entity in its own right
(for example, as a major trading
partner with Canada).
Et culturellement?
Cultural Definition: Is every
area of each of these states
really “midwestern?”
Some would say ‘no,’ so what
really does that term
(‘midwestern’) mean?
What do these expressions mean to you?
“But will it play in Peoria?”
“We’re not in Kansas anymore.”
“L’Amérique profonde”
Jean-Claude Guillebaud, “Tous des imbéciles ?”
Sud Ouest Dimanche, le 7 novembre 2004
“Après la réélection de George W. Bush, certains commentaires
entendus en France me laissent songeur. Après avoir légitimement
exprimé l'inquiétude que suscite la reconduction des "faucons" à la
Maison-Blanche, on se laisse souvent aller à un autre type de
jugement. C'est peu de dire qu'on brocarde cette fameuse "Amérique
profonde", celle du Midwest, des campagnes et des Etats du Sud ! On
la désigne comme une sorte d'arrière-monde illettré et ultrareligieux.
On ironise sur ces "beaufs" portés sur les armes, les gros 4 * 4 et les
rodéos. On se moque des ces "ploucs" patriotes, assez bêtes pour avoir
réélu un homme que les élites de la côte Est tiennent pour un parfait
Je n'arrive pas à adhérer à ce dédain...”
“L’Amérique profonde”
II. The Midwest Needs French!
State-Specific French Advocacy Sites
(“Tennessee” Bob Peckham’s project):
Example: “Wisconsin Needs French”
[French Organizations in Wisconsin] [French Language Learning in Wisconsin] [French Media in
Wisconsin] ['French' moments in Wisconsin History] [Links to Wisconsin French History Sites] [French
Restaurants in Wisconsin] [Wisconsinites Who Speak French]
Wisconsin Needs French
Evidence of Wisconsin’s rich French heritage can be seen
simply by glancing at the map to the left (and the French
place names here are just a sampling!). But, the
contributions of French to Wisconsin are not limited to our
geography nor to our history: French still maintains a
strong presence here in Wisconsin and has a great deal to
offer us in a number of ways. A key indication of the value
we continue to place in our French ties is Milwaukee’s
annual Bastille Day festival, a celebration unrivalled in the
United States. Wisconsinites who study French can take
pride in carrying forward a longstanding tradition while
reaping the benefits of language study, so important in our
changing world. They increase their cultural awareness,
develop stronger cognitive and problem-solving skills,
and learn to communicate more effectively. They are also
able to connect meaningfully with a broad range of
communities of French speakers, here in Wisconsin and
abroad, thereby gaining the potential to help strengthen
Wisconsin’s ties to its current (and future!) trading
III. What’s in a Name?
Unit: Place Names From French Explorers of the Midwest
Unit: Place Names From French Explorers of the Midwest
Targeted Standards: 1.1 Interpersonal Commmunication;
1.3 Presentational Communication, 3.1 Making
Connections with Other Disciplines (History)
Part 1 : Identifying French Place Names
Step 1: In small groups, students brainstorm a list of place
names (towns and cities, streets, corporations, schools,
etc.) that seem to be French in origin.
Step 2: Compare lists and write a compilation on board.
Discuss any disagreements or questions.
Unit: Place Names From French Explorers of the Midwest
Part 1 : Identifying French Place Names (cont.)
Step 3: Ask the students if they can identify any of the
place names as being the name of someone from French
history, and, more specifically, the name of a French
explorer of North America and the Midwest.
Step 4: Eliminate names and add names as necessary.
Cadillac, Cartier, Champlain, Du Lhut (Dulhut, Du
Luth, Du Lhud, Du Lud), Hennepin, Jolliet, Marquette,
Nicollet (Nicolet), Radisson are possibilities.
Unit: Place Names From French Explorers of the Midwest
Part 2: Preparing a Presentation on a French Explorer
Step 1: Each student selects a French explorer whose
name gave rise to a contemporary place name. Each
student will prepare a first-person oral monologue to
present the explorer.
Step 2 : As a group, decide on the type of information to
be presented and the basic expectations. (Suggestions :
birth and death dates and places, occupation, typical day
for this person, family, clothing worn, food eaten,
importance of the person to exploration of the midwest)
Step 3 : Student research their selected explorer.
Unit: Place Names From French Explorers of the Midwest
Part 2: Preparing a Presentation on a French Explorer (cont.)
Step 4 : Students prepare a first-person oral monologue to
present the explorer.
Step 5 : Students practice delivering their presentation with a
Step 6 : Students deliver presentation. Classmates ask
questions. Together, locate the place name on a map.
Unit: Learning about pronunciation from place names
Targeted Standards: 3.1 Making Connections with Other
Disciplines (History/Geography); 4.1 Making
Comparisons (Language)
Objectives: Understand the basic differences between the
French and English sound systems. Using examples from
everyday life (common place names), make a connection
to the target culture and its language and our own culture
and language.
(Note: This exercise was used in an advanced phonetics
class, but could be done at different levels, using a
simplified phonetic alphabet, or having students explain it
Unit: Learning about pronunciation from place names
Step 1: Students compile a list of place names and street
names that they know are of French origin.
[Platteville, Lafayette, Lac Butte des Morts, Juneau, Fond
du lac, Racine, Lac du flambeau, Eau Claire, De pere,
Allouez, Lac Courtes Oreilles]
Step 2: Students give phonetic transcriptions of the
standard French pronunciation of these names.
[plat vil] [la fa jet] [lac but dE mOr] [y nO] [fõ dy lak]
[ra sin] [lak dy flã bO] [O klEr] [d pEr] [A lwE] [Lak kurt
sO rEj]
Unit: Learning about pronunciation from place names
Step 3: Students give an approximate phonetic
rendering of how the names are commonly pronounced,
focusing sound by sound on the differences in the
English pronunciation of the place names, but also
pointing out the things that have remained the same.
Examples (from students):
Lac butte des morts: In English, we pronounce this almost like “lake
buttermore”, which shows how in English we tend to pronounce vowels
that are farther back in the mouth, and also how the vowels in general
are less important to our pronunciation that the consonants, at least in
how we divide syllables. Oh, and we retained the French habit of not
pronouncing the ‘s’ at the end of plurals.
Fond du lac: In English, we pronounce ‘fond’ just like the English word
that it resembles. Then, the last part is kind of like “djew lack.” I guess
this shows what happens with the French vowel /y/, which is usually
spelled ‘u’... Since we don’t have that vowel in English, we diphthongize
it, and then we sort of add an extra consonant before it to make it easier
to say. I know we talked about that in class, but I don’t remember what it
was called.
IV. Time Travel
Les voyageurs
V. Regional Identities
Unit: Understanding Regional Identities in the U.S. and France
Unit: Understanding Regional Identities in the U.S. and France
Targeted Standards: 1.1 Interpersonal Commmunication; 1.3 Presentational
Communication, 3.1 Making Connections with Other Disciplines (Human
Geography), 4.2 Making Comparisons, 5.1 Communities
Part 1: Understanding Regional Identities in the U.S.
Step 1: Distribute a blank map of the United States. In small groups, students
divide the map into separate regions. They should come to a consensus, but
can mark as many or as few regions as they wish.
Step 2: Compare maps. How many regions did each group come up with?
Discuss as a class how to account for these differences. How are regions
defined in the United States (geographically, historically, politically,
economically, culturally)? (Note: the instructor could also provide information
at this point in the unit to help students compare and contrast how regions are
defined in the United States and in France.)
Unit: Understanding Regional Identities in the U.S. and France
Part 1: Understanding Regional Identities in the U.S. (cont.)
Step 3: Now choose 4 or 5 of the regions (for example, the Northeast, the
South, the West Coast, and the Midwest). In small groups, students jot down
as many qualities/attribute/stereotypes as they can that they associate with
each (Note: For added content, this step can be extended as a mini-survey
activity assigned as homework: students survey family and community
members about their perceptions of different regions and report the results in
Step 4: As a class, choose one of the regions as a starting point (the Midwest!)
and describe a different region from that perspective, e.g., what do
Midwesterners think of Californians? (Ask a student or students to take notes
on the board.) Now imagine that Californians are describing a different region
(for example, the South). Continue in this fashion until you come full circle
(e.g., Southerners describe Northeasterns who then describe Midwesterners).
Unit: Understanding Regional Identities in the U.S. and France
Part 1: Understanding Regional Identities in the U.S. (cont.)
Step 5: Analyze the regional perceptions noted on the board. How are the
defining characteristics of a region viewed differently from within and from
without? (e.g., people in the Northeast may attribute the so-called slowerpaced lifestyle in the South to laziness whereas Southerners may see
Northeasterners as brusque and ill-mannered because they don’t seem to take
the same amount of time to be polite).
Step 6: In small groups, students list positive attributes of their region (the
Midwest). They may include perspectives (the “personality”) of the region as
well as practices and products of interest.
Unit: Understanding Regional Identities in the U.S. and France
Part 2: Researching and Presenting a French Region
Individually or in pairs, students choose one of the 22 administrative regions
in France to research and to present to the class. Keeping in mind the
description they compiled of the Midwest, students should include in their
presentations reasons why their region would make a good sister region for
the Midwest. (Note: For added content, students survey French informants
about their perceptions of the region they have chosen and include the results
in the presentation.) -- aventures du bout du monde
A voir, à faire
C'est en bordures des lacs que sont situés les lieux intéressants, tous axés sur les paysages
et une nature rude et sauvage. Quant aux villes, hormis Chicago et éventuellement St
Paul/Minneapolis, elles ne présentent quasiment aucun intérêt. L'intérieur des terres
annonçant les "Grandes plaines" ne mérite pas non plus le détour.
**** : à ne pas manquer; *** : très bien; ** : à voir; * éventuellement
. . . Illinois **
Chicago **** (ville)
Springfield * (ville - historique - de Lincoln)
Galena ** (ville historique sur le Mississipi)
. Wisconsin **
Milwaukee * (ville)
Door County ** (lac Michigan)
Apostle Islands ** (rando, nature)
Spring Green * (architecture F. Wright)
. Minnessota **
Minneapoli/St Paul ** (villes)
Lac Supérieur *** (paysages, activités nature)
Voyageur Nat. Park ** (lac, nature)
Sud du Minnessota * (petites villes, Mississipi)
Avant de lire
On va regarder une introduction à notre région des Etats-Unis pour un
voyageur français. Quelles villes ou attractions vont être mentionnées?
Qu’est-ce qu’on va dire pour parler de la géographie de notre région?
En lisant
Quelle est l’attitude générale envers cette région? Quels sont les lieux que ce
guide conseille? Et ceux qui sont moins conseillés? Déconseillés?
Après avoir lu
Que pouvez-vous ajouter à cette présentation que les auteurs ont sûrement
oublié? Quels sont les aspects de votre région ou ville qui ne sont pas bien
représentés par cette présentation?
Targeted standards: 1.2 Interpretive communication (written),
2.2 Cultures.
VI. The Ties that Bind: France and the Midwest today
A sample of Midwestern French festivals and events:
Milwaukee, Wisconsin: Bastille: Bastille Days; organized by Milwaukee's East Town
Association; celebrates music, food, and culture loosely organized around a French theme;
held in the Cathedral Square area of Milwaukee's East Town.
West Lafayette, Indiana: The Feast of the Hunters moon, a recreation of an 18th century
French and Native American gathering.
Des Moines, Iowa: The Midwest Belgium Beer Festival:
Bloomington, Minnesota: In late July, Bloomington puts a French twist on yet another
Independence Day celebration with Bastille Day held outdoors at Hotel Sofitel. They also
call their July 4th celebration at Normandale lake “Summerfete.”
Dayton, Ohio: The dance group Bagatelle performs French folk dances annually at the
Dayton International Festival.
Ste. Genevieve, Missouri: Each year this town has a “French Heritage Festival” Featuring
music, dance, reenactments, crafts, lectures and food.
VI. The Ties that Bind: France and the Midwest today
French-American Relations
(Embassy of France)
Description of the Midwest
for French citizens
(Consulate in Chicago)