Consider what the world would be like if Europeans

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Transcript Consider what the world would be like if Europeans

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Consider what the world would be like if
Europeans had never sailed west and discovered
the Americas. Write a paragraph describing what
your lives might be like today if the Old World and
New World had never come into contact. Where
might you live? How might you live?
Bell Ringer
During Renaissance in 1400's and 1500's a spirit of
discovery and awakening in Europe led Europeans to
discover new lands or new routes. Became so frequent
name changed to Age of Exploration.
Driven in large part for search of wealth/fame and
glory to their name and some simply were curious
(Marco Polo's writings intrigued many in Europe)
Spread religion, spread Christian teachings to new
populations - Renaissance/religious zeal
Italy dominated trade of spices, silk, perfume and jade
from China/India. Hoped to find a quicker route by sea
so they could have the upper hand
The Foundations
TPS What do you think was the main
motive that drove the Age of Exploration
and What changes in technology do you
believe helped improve navigation?
Introduction of compass and astrolabe from China and the
Muslims made it possible for explorers to know of their exact
location and know which direction was north using location of
the sun and stars in relation to the horizon. Could plot courses
even when they were out of sight of land
Europeans built ships that rode lower in water, why would
this matter?
capable of withstanding heavier waves
Typically had larger cargo holds to carry more supplies.
Caravel ship built. light and fast, steered with a rudder at the
stern, of the ship rather than side oars and equipped with
lateen sails that could even sail into a headwind
Also had one more wartime advantage ?????
Could be equipped with cannons, quickly become most popular
ship on exploratory voyages, could outrun or outmaneuver
hostile ships or simple outgun them.
TPS Why did Portugal turn toward
the Atlantic Ocean rather than the
Mediterranean Sea for exploration?
Portugal first to launch large scale
voyages under the direction of Prince
Henry, "Henry the Navigator“
1400's est. a court of sailors,
mapmakers, astronomers and others
interested in navigation. Sent men
south to W. Africa, discovered both
gold and slaves avail. in area
Main goal for Prince Henry was to
find Route around Africa to India,
died prior to seeing it accomplished.
1497 Vasco Da Gama took 10 months
but reached India, where Portuguese
est. trading centers, on other
expeditions (Pedro Cabral Far East
venture on way to India finding
Brazil) then discovering Indonesia
supplied valuable goods to
Portuguese making it one of most
powerful and richest nations in
1492 King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella (Spain) eager to get rich as
well, sent out Italian sailor Christopher Columbus, believed he could sail
west around world from Spain to China. Knew the world was round but
did not know of two other continents in-between.
Near anarchy prior to hitting San Salvador in Caribbean. Believed he
had reached Asia(indies) even until death. Due to his belief of landing in
the Indies, called the people there Indians.
Returned in 1493 to Spain with parrots, jewels, gold, and new plants.
Brought back several native Americans and they were baptized to
Christianity. Hailed as a hero in Spain due to belief of finding new route
to Asia. Made 3 more voyages to "Asia/America“
1502 Amerigo Vespucci sailed along coast of S.
America and discovered it was its own land and
named it America in his honor. (voyages became
known due to 2 letters wrote to Lorenzo de Medici).
1513 Spaniards took 3 weeks to cross Isthmus of
Panama. Balboa first European to see Pacific Ocean,
now realized that they needed to cross another ocean
to reach Asia, but unsure how large.
Ferdinand Magellan sailed west around the world.
Born Portugal but sailed for Spain, set out in 1519
with 250 men and five ships. Some of men rebelled,
finally reaching Philippines where Magellan was
killed in a battle with the natives. His men sailed on
and in early September 1522 18 survivors of original
fleet reached Spain being the first to circumnavigatesail completely around the world.
English, John Cabot reached Canada in 1497,
believing to be Asia, set out on second expedition
and entire fleet vanished.....
Sent Sir Frances Drake to discover "Asia/America"
after learning the truth. Drake rounded tip of S.
America stopping California and due to cold weather
decided to circumnavigate instead of heading back,
becoming the second man in the world to do so.
French sent many explorers looking for northern
passage ended up claiming Canada for N. France
Dutch came into play much later, sending out
previous English explorer Henry Hudson who
discovered Hudson River area in current day New
Rest of Europe
Partner Project
• You
are working for an admissions
department of a navigation school in
the late 1400's. Each group will
create a poster, brochure, or
advertisements and other materials
to recruit students for the school.
Recruitment materials should
provide information about the
school's programs and explain how
they will prepare students for a
maritime career.
Partner Jigsaw – Groups of 4
Competing Claims in N. America p. 561
The English Arrive in N. America p. 562
The struggle for North America p. 563
Native Americans Respond p. 564