Transcript slides

Offense: Brute Force
A Multifaceted Approach to
Understanding the Botnet
Enough Data?
Research paper states:
800,000 DNS domains examined
 85,000 servers botnet-infected
 65 IRC server domain names
Is above data statistically significant?
450,000,000 hosts via DNS (
 Over 150,000,000 domain names exist
 47,700,000 .com domains (1% probed)
Realtime Tracking
Longitudinal Tracking
Research paper states:
65 IRC server domain names
 85,000 servers infected by bots
 Type-II botnets only
 tracking (2+ years):
1800 active botnets daily
 3,000,000 active bots daily
 Updates every 15 minutes
Where’s the 40%?
Research paper exclusively WinTel
Most internet servers are Linux-based
Easier to obtain bot binaries?
Hard to ignore the majority
Worm or Trojan backdoors exploited
Defenses are already weakened
Botnet size
Footprint vs. effective size
 The paper complains that the footprint is
much larger than the effective size.
So? Bots are trying to stay off DNSBL
(black lists) and be more stealthy.
 Sections of footprint may be rented out
Botmaster concerns
C&C Stealth
Botmasters want to remain hidden
 IRC-based isn’t the only way
 Peer-to-peer systems hide IP source addr
 Virtualization of C&C
Dynamic web servers
 Network creation/reconfiguration
 Come and go quickly
 Difficult to trace
 Works for honeypots, why not botnets?
Gray-box testing
Only binary bot behavior studied
 Results limited by mimicing IRC state
 Research emphasized automation over
 Source code or disassembly reveals more
 Behavior may be different in honeynet
Agobot C&C
Variable Description:
bot ftrans port Set bot - file transfer port
bot ftrans port ftp Set bot - file transfer port for FTP
si chanpass IRC server information - channel password
si mainchan IRC server information - main channel
si nickprefix IRC server information - nickname prefix
si port IRC server information - server port
si server IRC server information - server address
si servpass IRC server information - server password
si usessl IRC server information - use SSL ?
si nick IRC server information - nickname
bot version Bot - version
bot filename Bot - runtime filename
bot id Bot - current ID
bot prefix Bot - command prefix
bot timeo Bot - timeout for receiving (in milliseconds)
bot seclogin Bot - enable login only by channel messages
bot compnick Bot - use the computer name as a nickname
bot randnick Bot - random nicknames of letters and numbers
bot meltserver Bot - melt the original server file
bot topiccmd Bot - execute topic commands
do speedtest Bot - do speed test on startup
do avkill Bot - enable anti-virus kill
do stealth Bot - enable stealth operation
as valname Autostart - value name
as enabled Autostart - enabled
as service Autostart - start as service
as service name Autostart - short service name
scan maxthreads Scanner - maximum number of threads
scan maxsockets Scanner - Maximum number of sockets
ddos maxthreads DDoS - maximum number of threads
redir maxthreads Redirect - maximum number of threads
identd enabled IdentD - enable the server
cdkey windows Return windows product keys on cdkey.get
scaninfo chan Scanner - output channel
scaninfo level Info level 1 (less) - (3) more
spam aol channel AOL spam - channel name
spam aol enabled AOL spam - enabled ?
sniffer enabled Sniffer - enabled ?
sniffer channel Sniffer - output channel
vuln channel Vulnerability daemon sniffer channel
inst polymorph Installer - polymorphoic on install ?
Command Description:
bot.about Displays information (e.g., version) about the bot code
bot.die Terminates the bot
bot.dns Resolves IP/hostname via DNS
bot.execute Makes the bot execute a specific .exe Displays the ID of the current bot code
bot.nick Changes the nickname of the bot Opens a specified file
bot.remove Removes the bot from the host
bot.removeallbut Removes the bot if ID does not match
bot.rndnick Makes the bot generate a new random nickname
bot.status Echo bot status information
bot.sysinfo Echo the bot’s system information
bot.longuptime If uptime > 7 days then bot will respond
bot.highspeed If speed> 5000 then bot will respond
bot.quit Quits the bot
bot.flushdns Flushes the bot’s DNS cache Delete specified shares and disable DCOM
bot.unsecure Enable specified shares and enables DCOM
bot.command Executes a specified command with system()
Botnet evolution
Polymorphic bot code
 Gmail as control protocol
 SSL usage
 Invisible to network inspection
 XML/RSS messages
 Exploit IPv6 flaws