First Nine weeks study guide answers

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First Nine weeks study guide
Study Guide answers
1. Belief in many forms of one God,
Reincarnation: Rebirth based upon Karma
Karma: Knowledge that all thoughts and actions
result in future Consequences
• Vedas and Upanishads: Sacred Writings
• Spread along major trade routes
2. Women, slaves, Patricians and Plebeians, the
Patricians and Plebeians got right,
women/slaves did not
3. Hannibal
4. The destruction of Carthage Rome
domination over the Western Med, Leading
to the diffusion of Roman Culture, Expanded
trade and wealth for Rome
5. Africa, Asia, Europe, including the Hellenic
world Eastern Med, Western Europe (Gaul,
British Isles)
6. Crossed the Rubicon, defeated Pompey and
his forces and took control of Rome
7. Spread of slavery in the agricultural system,
Migration of small farmers in the cities causing
unemployment, Civil War over the power of
Julius Caesar, Devaluation of Roman currency:
8. Two hundred years of peace and prosperity in
9. Economic: Established uniform system of
money, which helped to expand trade,
Guaranteed safe travel and trade on Roman
roads, Promoted prosperity and stability, Social:
Returned stability to social classes Increased
emphasis on the family, Political: Created a civil
service, Developed a uniformed rule of law
10. Had its roots in Judaism
Was led by Jesus of Nazareth, who
was proclaimed Messiah,
Conflicted with polytheistic beliefs
of the Roman Empire
11. Slowed as a result of persecution by
Roman authorities,
12. Christianity later became a source of moral
authority, Loyalty to the Church became more
important than loyalty to the Emperor, The
Church became the main unifying force in
Western Europe
13. Adopted and legalized by Emperor
14. Art and Architecture: Circus Maximus, Colosseum, Forum,
Technology: Aqueducts, Roads, Roman Arches.
Ptolemy beliefs that heavenly bodies revolved around the
Baths ,Public Water System, and medical Schools, Emphasis
on public health,
Roman Art: They wanted to recreate what the person looked
like in real life,
Virgil’s Aeneid:Roman poets, modeled his masterpiece,
the Aeneid (30-19 BC), on the ancient Greek epics the Iliad
and the Odyssey, written by Homer,
Languages: Latin and Romantic Language
15. Established the idea that ALL free citizens
patricians and plebeians had the right to
protection of the law
16. : Circus Maximus( used for chariot racing),
Colosseum( used for gladiator fighting), Forum(
Senate conducted government business),
Pantheon( worship all the Roman deities)
• 17. Economic Causes: The cost of defense,
Inflation: caused by devaluation of Roman
• Political Problems: Civil conflict, Weak
administrations, Divided empire,
• Military Causes: Germanic invasions, Army
started to include invaders, (discipline declined)
Social Causes: Moral decay, Self-serving upper
class, People’s loss faith in Rome and family
18. 476 A.D
20. promote civic and commercial life.
21. Zeus
22. The Polytheistic Religion
23. Athena
24. . Rigid social structure, Militaristic and
aggressive society
Black Sea
Aegean Sea
Balkan Peninsula
Peloponnesian Athens
Mediterranean Sea
Asia Minor
25. A system of government by the whole
population or all the eligible members of a
state, typically though elected representatives
26. ( Ruled by a small group from all social
27. Knowledge that all thoughts and actions
result in future Consequences
• 28. Chinese rulers were considered divine,
but they served under a Mandate of Heaven only as
long as their rule was just.
29. Founder: Siddhartha Gautama(Buddha)
• Four Noble Truths
• Eightfold Path to Enlightenment
• Asoka’s missionaries and their writings spread
Buddhism from India to China and other parts of
30. Civil service system, Paper, Porcelain, Silk
31. Belief that humans are good, not bad
• Respect for elders
• Code of politeness (still used in Chinese
society today)
• Emphasis on education
• Ancestor worship
32. Humility
• Simple life and inner peace
• Harmony with nature
33. Colonization and the search for arable land
34. Stages in the evolution of Athenian
government: Monarchy( ruled by a King or Queen),
aristocracy(Ruled by a small group of Nobles),
Tyranny( Cruel and oppressive government or rule),
democracy( A system of government by the whole
35. Women, Foreigners and Slaves
36. Caused in part by competition for control of the
Greek world: Athens and the Delian League versus
Sparta and the Peloponnesian League
37. Battle of Marathon:490 BC
Persian land 25,000 men Athenians 10,000
Athenians used the Phalanx, Athens won against
city state of Persia, Battle of Salamis: Greek Navy
defeated Persian Navy Saved Greece
38.Temple to honor the goddess Athena and all
the Greek fallen soldiers of the Persian War
39.Pericles extended democracy; most adult
males had an equal voice. Pericles had
Athens rebuilt after destruction in the
Persian Wars
40.. Aeschylus, Sophocles
41. Father of History
42.A person who migrates in search of Food
43. developed agriculture (domesticated plants)
• domesticated animals
• used advanced tools
• made pottery
• developed weaving skills.
44. Archaeologist
45. A group of people that settled between the
Mediterranean Sea and the Jordan River Valley
(part of Fertile Crescent in Southwest Asia).
46. Tigris and Euphrates Rivers and Fertile
47. Egyptians need to keep records and laws
48. An Organization with set rules and a strict
like of authority from the top down.
• 49. . Golden Age of classical Indian culture
• Contributions: Mathematics (concept of
zero),medical advances (setting bones),
astronomy (concept of a round earth), new
textiles, Literature
50. Asoka, Continued political unification of
much of India, Contributions: Spread of
Buddhism, free hospitals, veterinary clinics,
good roads
51. Physical barriers, such as the Himalayas, the
Hindu Kush, and the Indian Ocean, made
invasion difficult.
• Mountain passes in the Hindu Kush provided
migration routes into the Indian subcontinent.
• The Indus and Ganges were the important
rivers in the Indian subcontinent
52. Poetry: Homer (Iliad and Odyssey )
53. Socrates, Plato, Aristotle
54. He was a philosophy who was found guilty of
treason and corruption of the young who was
forced to drink poison by the Athenian
55. . Types of columns ,including the Doric
(Parthenon), Ionic, and Corinthian
56. Alexander the Great Established an empire
from Greece to Egypt and the margins of India
Extended Greek cultural influences
57. . On the Italian peninsula near the
Mediterranean Basin surrounded by the
Mediterranean sea and the alps, it helps protect
them from invaders.
59. . Greek Polytheistic Religion, Though Natural
phenomena, human qualities and life events
60. Prisoners from other civilizations conquered by Rome
or Prisoners of War not based on race
61. Assembly and the Senate: Assembly was the
Plebeians Assembly, they voted in laws, elected the
consuls and other government officials and the Senate
was the Patricians Assembly, propose and approve laws,
direct money and foreign policy create projects for
construction. Two Consuls: They were senators who
served one year terms who could veto each other out,
ran the government and controlled the military