They would periodically attempt to revolt ex. Masada 73a.d.

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Transcript They would periodically attempt to revolt ex. Masada 73a.d.

The rise of Christianity
>(Most) jewish people lived in the
roman province of judea
As monotheists, Jews were (initially)
excused from worshipping the Emperor
as a god
> They would periodically attempt
to revolt
ex. Masada 73a.d. (where over 900 Jewish
zealots commit suicide rather than surrender to
the romans)
Jews hoped that a divinely appointed liberator
or “messiah” Would appear to free them from
Roman rule
>our knowledge of jesus comes mostly from
the gospels (first four books) of the new
testament of the bible
>born in Bethlehem
Bethlehem Square 2000AD
>raised in nazareth
>trained as a carpenter
>in time he Began to teach & preach
12 of his closest followers came to be known
as the disciples (later to be called the Apostles)
>Created great excitement by performing miracles
Summarized 10 commandments in 2 great rules:
Love god above all else
Love others as you love yourself
In jerusalem he’s seen by some jewish leaders as a threat
to their leadership and By many romans as an
enemy of the state
>tried before roman governor
of judea, pontius pilate
>sentenced to death and is
killed by crucifixion
Christianity’s spread
>belief by followers in the resurrection and
ascension proves to them he was the messiah so
they began calling him jesus christ as the
greek word for messiah is christos
>the apostles then worked
to spread jesus’ word
*saul/paul – not one of
originals 12, but is important
because he preaches to both
jews and non-jews (or gentiles),
helping the religion to spread
>The acceptance of all and its promise of
eternal life helped spread the religion
“the blood of the martyr is the seed of the church” –
persecution only made the church stronger
>many Christians become martyrs - someone who is
persecuted or killed for their beliefs
*”Scapegoat” – someone blamed for something
they didn’t do
*By a.d. 300’s roman law accepts christianity
as a religion
Christianity’s acceptance
>Constantine's conversion in a.d. 312
“in hoc signo vinces” - under this sign, conquer
*Constantinople – new capital city he rules from in
the east
>a.d. 391 emperor Theodosius makes
it official religion of empire and
bans “pagan” worship
*Ex. Banning the - olympics
Church organization
>Priests - conduct services at local level
>bishops - head of church in each city
>bishops in largest cities called patriarchs
exs. Rome, alexandria,
constantinople, etc.
>The patriarch of rome eventually gains
title of pope and heads the entire church