spartaathens - KellyUmbachWiki
Transcript spartaathens - KellyUmbachWiki
Sparta and Athens
Sparta and Athens were both _____________
___________ during the Ancient
_____________________ civilization. They were two of the most popular city-states
of the time.
While they were both part of __________________ they were very
_____________________ in many ways.
They had different ____________________, militaries, ____________________,
and views on ____________________.
Maps of Greece
GREECE- WHERE IS IT?: Maps of Greece
ACTIVITY: Fill in your map of Ancient Greece
On your blank map, fill in the following cities and waters.
Athens, Sparta, Thermopylae, Crete, Mediterranean Sea, Ionian Sea, Adriatic
Sea, Aegean Sea, Black Sea
The ____________________ between the two city-states is significant. In fact, one of these city-states
was the model for our very own government here in the ______________ _______________ .
Sparta was known as an ___________________. This means the government was ruled by ____
_____ _______________. There were __________ elected officials and two __________ . The kings
would pass their rule down to a _________. The elected rulers could _______________ the kings, but
usually only dealt with the military and religion. Only the most __________________ men could hold a
place within the government.
VIDEO: Athens Democracy and the United States
Athens was known as a _____________________. This
means ________ _____ ________________. A very large
group of citizens ruled together to make decisions. There
was no __________ or other sole ruler to make rules and
laws. All decisions were made by the ______________
that were citizens that became part of the ruling assembly.
This is very different from ______________ where the
citizens had no _________ in the government decisions.
Military and Education
Sparta’s overall focus was their ________________. They wanted to be _______________ and
_____________________. Their ______________ military training started at the age of _____. The
training was very ________________. It involved beatings and being left alone in the woods at young
ages. Children were encouraged to __________ local slaves as a sign of their strength.
Sparta needed to protect its city from the large numbers of _______________ that could take over the
city as well as the other ____________________ that wanted Greek land. The intense training made
the Spartans the most ____________________ army of the time. They were trained to __________
_____ __________ and accepted their mission to succeed or be killed for their _________.
The Athenian army, was never as _______________ as the Spartans. Athens had a strong
___________, which could protect their city from invaders by water. They made fast __________ with
rams on the ends for battle. The combination of the Spartan __________ and the Athenian __________
made Greece a strong force.
Instead of the military focus, Athens often focused on their government and ____________________
and _______________. Children were educated formally, learning how to ___________ and
___________. The _______________ children were expected to devote themselves to training for the
army and become stronger.
Spartan women were expected to be ____________, just as the men of Sparta. There was no fancy
Women in Sparta and Athens
______________ or ______________. They were judged on how _____________ they were.
Woman ________________ in athletic and strength competitions. _______________ and
________________ was an important part of their daily lives. Women were also expected to produce
strong _______________. In Sparta, every baby and child was looked at as a part of the
__________. If they weren't strong enough as infants, they were left to die in the fields. Children were
not for _______________, children were for the state.
Athenian _______________ were the opposite of Spartan women. They were judged on
_____________. They wore makeup, ______________, and elaborate _______________. Women
were expected to raise ______________. They were to stay home, __________, and care for the
_______________ and _______________ ____________.
Sparta can be considered a city-state known for its ______________ and strong _____________.
Athens can be known for its _______________, which was a __________________, and its focus on
VIDEO: The remains of Ancient Greece