I`m going going, back back, to Greece Greece

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I’m going going, back back,
to Greece Greece
Sources of the Democratic
10th Grade World History
The Rise of the Greek City State
Greece’s geography played a large role in
its development
– Why?
A city state is a political unit made up of a
city and the surrounding islands.
In the 700s B.C. lack of fertile land
encouraged the Greeks to expand, and by
doing so spread their ideas.
– Which were?
The Rise of the Greek City-States
As the Greek world expanded they
evolved a unique version of the city-state
which they called “polis”.
The polis went through many types of
government between 750 and 500 B.C
– First was a monarchy
The King was supported by the aristocracy (what is
The Rise of the Greek City State
650 B.C. Brings in iron weapons and a
shift in power changes.
– Why? How?
Changes in Warfare
Iron allows the general public to gain
access to high tech weaponry
New style of fighting emerges – phalanx
– Demonstration
This leads to two city-states developing in
a different way.
– What are the names of the two city-states?
This is Sparta!: A Nation of Soldiers
– Located on Peloponnesus in Southern
– 600 B.C transformed into a military state
– Boys at the age of 7 began training for a life in
the military
– Girls too were expected to produce healthy
sons for the army so they were required to
work out their bodies.
This is Sparta!: A Nation of Soldiers
Government Included:
– Two Kings
– Council of Elders who advised the monarchs
– An Assembly of all citizens approved major
Citizens were male, native-born Spartans over the
age of 30
The Assembly elected five ephors who
held the real power.
Athens: A Limited Democracy
Located in the region of Attica
First place Democracy was practiced
– Democracy: government by the people
Prior to Democracy, there was a Monarchy
and Aristocracy
The common people resented the nobles
in power and under Solon democracy
began to spread
Athens: A Limited Democracy
Solon’s Reforms allowed more people to
be citizens, but there was still widespread
This lead to Tyrants
– What is a tyrant?
The assembly of 500 Athens was created
– Later this assembly was turned into an actual
Athens: A Limited Democracy
By modern Standards, Athenian
democracy was very limited.
– Only male citizens could vote
– Few people qualified for citizenship
– Women had no share in public life
– Citizens were able to debate these issues
because slaves did all of the manual labor.
The Persian Wars
500 B.C – Athens is
the wealthiest Greek
City State
– How? Why?
Persia invaded and
All of Greece had to
unite to fight them off.
– Battle of Thermopylae
Map of Greece
Athens in the Age of Pericles
460-429 B.C Pericles leads Athens as the
dominant city-state
Political Life
– Direct democracy was instated
What is this? Do we (USA) have this?
– 6,000 members had to be present to vote
– Pericles allowed all male citizens to partake in
government (members of the assembly
received a salary)
Athens in the Age of Pericles
Athenians also created Juries
– People served to be a juror for a year.
– Number of jurors could total into the
Famous quote from Pericles – “We differ
from other states, in regarding the man
who holds aloof from public life not as
‘quiet’ but as useless.
Economic and Cultural Life
Athens prospered during the age of
– Increased jobs through building projects
What does this remind you of in our country?
– Created more temples to honor the Gods
Pericles and a few other Greek thinkers
came to believe that the universe was
regulated by natural laws, and not the will
of the gods
The Peloponnesian War
431 B.C. - Battle between Sparta and
– Engulfed all of Greece
– Lasted 27 years
– Land versus Sea battles
Spartans capture Athens in 404 B.C and
end Athenian domination