A Comparison of Ancient Civilizations

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Hungary Greece Bulgaria Estonia Latvia Italy Romania Germany
Project in Greece
2nd Vocational Lyceum of Peristeri
16th –21st January 2013
2nd Vocational Lyceum of Peristeri
‘’Your Europe – democratic shaping and sharing’’
Η διαδικασία της δημιουργίας και της ανάπτυξης της
δημοκρατίας από την αρχαία Ελλάδα μέχρι σήμερα
The process of creation and development of democracy from
ancient Greece till today.
Peristeri-Athens 2013
The process of creation
And development of democracy
From ancient Greece to today
16-21 January
2nd EPA.L. Peristeri-Athens
Overview of the Athenian Archons
594-558 – Solon
550-527 – Pisistratus
527-515 – Hipparchus
515-508 – Hippias
513-507 – Cleisthenes
479-461 – Cimon
461-429 – Pericles
429-422 - Cleon
Located in southeastern Europe, Greece is defined by a series of
mountains and surrounded on all sides except the north by water.
The Delian League
Ancient Greek View of the World
The POLIS (city-state) consisted of a city and its surrounding plains
and valleys. The nucleus of the polis was the elevated, fortified site
called the ACROPOLIS where people could take refuge from attack.
With the revival of commerce, a TRADING CENTER developed below
the acropolis.
Four major TYPES OF GOVERNMENT evolved in
ancient Greece:
 Monarchy (rule of a king) limited by an aristocratic council and a popular
 Oligarchy (rule of the few) arising when the aristocratic council ousted the
king and abolished the assembly.
 Tyranny (rule by one who ruled without legal authority) riding to power on
the discontent of the lower classes.
 Democracy (rule of the people), the outstanding political achievement of
the Greeks.
Cleisthenes: "The Father of Democracy"
He was born in 570 BC and died in 507
and was an Athenian noble.
He introduced the system of democracy
in Athens,that is why he is called
“the father of the Athenian democracy.”
Cleisthenes broke up the power of noble families,
divided Athens into 10 tribes based on where its citizens
He made tribes, not families, social groups and he put
up the basis for elections.He introduced ‘’SISACTHEIA’’
which means that he legislated for the poor citizens of
Athens not to pay for their debts so as not to lose their
freedom, and their rights
 He was born in 490 and died in 429 B.C.
 He came from a wealthy family , with
strong political aspects about
democracy of that time.
 He began his early career in the military
service and he became a general.
The People
 Pericles understood that the value of human
existence rested in the citizens’ ability and
 He believed that anyone who did not have an
interest in politics or the affairs of the state
had no position in the state at all .
Pericles believed that the people should be equally
represented at all levels .
He worked to ensure that every Athenian had land and
some link to their state and its government.
He believed that any man could benefit his country, no
matter the obscurity of his condition (in life).
‘’Our political system is called a democracy because
power is in the hands not of a minority but of all the
 Pericles brought,the ideals of
democracy to Athens and
Greece as well.
 He was a democrat ,a liberal in
theory and a realist in
practices concerning faith.
Pericles’s Plans for Athens
 He became the leading archon of Athens throughout
the Golden Age.
 461-429 BC, known as the age of Pericles
 His aims were to
 a)strengthen democracy
 b) hold and strengthen the empire
 c) glorify Athens
The Age of Pericles
 Pericles brought great changes
 to the government of Greece
 He also brought great changes
to the nature of art and progress
of his time.
 The great structures of Greece, The New Temple of Athena (The
Parthenon) among others, were built during his time. This jewel of
‘’The Golden Age of Pericles’’ built in honor of Athena, patroness of
Athens, is considered by experts to be the most perfect building ever
created by man.
 For 50 years (477-431 BC) Athens grew intellectually and
artistically = Golden Age of Athens
 Achievements in:
Glorious Art and Architecture
Aim: Greatest Greek artists/architects to glorify Athens.
During the Golden Age there existed peace between
Athens and Sparta, something that showed the power and
glory of the city of Athens. When the Peloponnesian war
started, the city began to lose its power and wealth,
because the Athenians surrendered and the Spartans
gained the prestige they fought for.
The Parthenon Today
The Acropolis of Athens
Odeum of Herodes
Atticus (Roman)
Stoa of
Theater of
Sanctuary of
Pnyx Hill
which every male citizen was entitled
to attend as often as he pleased was
one of the keys of the Athenian
 Right to DEBATE,
 Vote on PROPOSALS.
 Every man had a say in whether to
declare WAR or stay in PEACE..