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NeuroRegeneration: By Stopping
the Degeneration
Presented October 2015
by William Lee Cowden, MD, MD(H),
Chairman of Scientific Advisory Board of
Academy of Comprehensive Integrative
For more info:
Copyright WL Cowden 2011-15
Objectives of This Presentation
 Teach some of the main causes of chronic
neurodegenerative diseases & brain dysfunction
 Describe the evaluative tools helpful in identifying
causes of neurodegenerative diseases
 Explain the integrative medicine therapeutic tools
available to reverse neuro-degenerative diseases
Copyright WL Cowden 2011-15
“Evidence-Based Medicine”
Sackett D, et al. British Med J 1996,312:71-72
3 Essential Components:
1. Scientific Evidence (non-individualized &
23% of highly-cited RCTs later refuted, J.P.Ioannidis,
JAMA, 2005;294(2):218-228
2. Clinical Experience (ie. Cardiomyopathy)
3. Patient Values (ie. Jehovah’s Witness)
“Without clinical expertise, practice risks becoming
tyrannized by evidence, for even excellent external evidence
may be inapplicable to or inappropriate for an individual
patient. Without current best evidence, practice risks
becoming rapidly out of date, to the detriment of patients….”
“Evidence based medicine is not restricted to randomized
trials and meta-analyses.”
Copyright WL Cowden 2011-15
Help Your Own Stem Cells Work
• Some stem cells are released from your bone marrow
every day to assist in organ repair
• Toxicity, excess inflammation, hypoxia & other
conditions can impair stem cell action in organs
• Extra stem cells are released in response to aloe vera,
Fo-ti (Polygonum multiflorum), Klamath Lake bluegreen algae (Aphanizomenon flos-aquae), marine
algae fucoidan (Undaria pinnatifida), & cordyceps
sinensis (a fungus)
• Brain & other organs degenerate for various reasons,
but extra stem cell support isn’t logical until most of
the causes of degeneration are addressed
Copyright WL Cowden 2011-15
Some Causes of Brain Degeneration
In Dr. Cowden’s Experience
1) under-oxygenation (shallow breathing, fibrin in capillaries…)
2) acid-base imbalance (allergies, eating wrong foods for
metabolic type, hypoxia, emotions & metabolic poisons)
3) incorrect/deficient nutrients (poor intake/absorption &nutrient wasting)
4) inadequate sleep, relaxation, music/art, brain-games/exercise
5) disturbed cell membrane electromagnetic charge
6) electromagnetic pollution (WiFi, cordless & cell phone…)
7) poor messengers (hormones, neurotransmitters, SNiPs…)
8) injuries/other structural (TBI, skull jamming, scars, jewelry...)
9) emotional “traumas” & associated beliefs
10) toxic load (too many toxins going in & too few out)
11) dysbiosis of the gut & chronic infections
How to best identify causes of degeneration in any one patient?
EDS (electro- dermal screening, especially semi-automated)
Copyright WL Cowden 2011-15
Electro-Dermal Screening (EDS)
• In 1950s, Rheinhold Voll, MD developed instruments to
electrically identify acupuncture points & their relative
conductance Voll R. The phenomenon of Medicine testing in EAV; Amer J Acupunct,1980;18(2):97-104
Voll confirmed the 300 acupoints were where Chinese said
He discovered that very high conductance on an
acupuncture point correlated with inflammation of the
associated organ and very low conductance with organ
degeneration (compared blood tests, x-rays, etc.)
Voll discovered that placing a vial of the correct substance
on the patient would normalize a high or low conductance
of the acupuncture points
Giving the patient that correct substance would then often
resolve the patient’s illness
ElectroDermal Screening is like a quantum lie detector
Copyright WL Cowden 2011-15
Chen KG. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and
Biology Magazine, 1996; 15(3); 58-63
Selected EDS References
1) Baker DW: An introduction to the theory and practice of German electroacupuncture
and accompanying medications. Am J Acupunct 1984, 12(4):327-332
2) Chen KG. The Science of Acupuncture—Theory and Practice: II. Electrical
Properties of Meridians, With an Overview of the Electrodermal Screening Test. IEEE
Engineering in Medicine and Biology Magazine, 1996; 15(3); 58-63
3) Chen KG. The Science of Acupuncture—Theory and Practice: III. Applying Quantum
Interference to EDST Medicine Testing. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology
Magazine, 1996; 15(3); 64-66
4) Kenyon JN: Modern Techniques of Acupuncture, a practical scientific guide to
electroacupuncture, vol. I, II and III. New York: Thorsons Publishers Inc., 1983-1985
5) Lam Jr. F, Tsuei JJ, Zhao Z: Studies in bioenergetic measurement of acupuncture
points for determination of correct dosage of allopathic or homeopathic medicine in the
treatment of diabetes mellitus, Am J Acupunct, 18: 127-33, 1990
6) Milburn MP: Emerging Relationships Between the Paradigm of Oriental Medicine
and the Frontiers of Western Biological Science. Am J Acupunct 1994; 22(2):145-157
7) Motoyama H: Before polarization current and the acupuncture meridians. J Holistic
Med 1986; 8(1&2):15-26
8) Reichmans M., Marino A. and Becker R. Electrical Correlates of Acupuncture
Points. IEEE transactions, 1975; 533-535.
9) Royal FF, Royal DF: A review of the history & scientific bases of electrodiagnosis &
its relationship to homeopathy and acupuncture. Am J Acupunct 1991; 19(2):137-152
10) Royal FF, Royal DF: Homeopathy and EDT: Upheld by Modern Science – With
Case Histories. Am J Acupunct 1992; 20(1):55-66
11) Schuldt H. Bioenergetics in Acupuncture. Am J Acupunct 1978; 6(1);17-22.
Copyright WL Cowden 2011-15
More EDS & Other References
12) Tiller WA: Explanation of electrodermal diagnostic and treatment instruments, part
I: electrical behavior of human skin. J Holistic Med 1982; 4(2):105-127
13) Tiller WA: On the evolution of electrodermal diagnostic treatment instruments. J of
Advancement in Med 1988; 1(1):41-72
14) Tiller WA: What do electrodermal diagnostic acupuncture instruments really
measure. Am J Acupunct March 1987; 15(1): 12-23
15) Tsuei JJ, Lam Jr FMK,Chou P. The Science of Acupuncture—Theory Practice:IV,
Clinical Applications of the EDST, With an Investigation of the Organ-Meridian
Relationship. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Magazine 1996;15(3):67-75.
16) Tsuei JJ. The Science of Acupuncture—Theory and Practice: I. Introduction. IEEE
Engineering in Medicine AND Biology Magazine 1996;15(3):52-57.
17) Voll R: The phenomenon of medicine testing in electroacpuncture according to
Voll. Am J Acupunct 1980; 8(2):97-104.
Review Article For Muscle-Testing (like CRA& ART)
1) Cuthbert SC, Goodheart GJ: On the reliability and validity of manual muscle testing:
a literature review. Chiropractic and Osteopathy 2007; 15:4
Research on Biophotons
1) Cohen S and Popp FA. Biophoton Emission of the Human Body. Journal of
Photochemistry and Photobiology B. 1997; 40(2):187–189
2) Popp FA. Properties of biophotons & their theoretical implications. Indian J Experimental
Biol 2003; 41:391-402
Copyright WL Cowden 2011-15
Some Causes of Brain Degeneration
In Dr. Cowden’s Experience
1) under-oxygenation (shallow breathing, fibrin in capillaries…)
2) acid-base imbalance (allergies, eating wrong foods for
metabolic type, hypoxia, emotions & metabolic poisons)
3) incorrect/deficient nutrients (poor intake/absorption &nutrient wasting)
4) inadequate sleep, relaxation, music, art, brain-games
5) disturbed cell membrane electromagnetic charge
6) electromagnetic pollution (WiFi, cordless & cell phone…)
7) poor messengers (hormones, neurotransmitters, SNiPs…)
8) injuries/other structural (TBI, skull jamming, scars, jewelry...)
9) emotional traumas & associated beliefs
10) toxic load (too many toxins going in & too few out)
11) dysbiosis of the gut & chronic infections
How to best identify causes of degeneration in any one patient?
EDS (electro- dermal screening, especially semi-automated)
Copyright WL Cowden 2011-15
1) For Under-Oxygenation:
• Practice deep breathing before meals & bed while
holding left index & thumb & visualizing
• 2 oz.water every 15min; only eat non-allergic foods
• Take fibrinolytic enzymes 30 min. before meals
• Take some herbs that reduce inflammation &
fibroblast action (turmeric, boswellia); treat infection &
clear tissue terrain so “bugs” won’t regrow
• “Masking” for 40-60seconds every 6 minutes (dilates
arterioles & increases focal oxygenation &makes ATP)
• Hyperbaric O2 or EWOT (Exercise+O2) J.Exer.Phys.2003;6(2):8-20
• Correct anemia, CHF & carotid+coronary stenoses
Copyright WL Cowden 2011-15
Carotid Stenosis (66 year old man)
• Before Treatment
• 3 Months Later
• 90-95% stenosis in left
• 30% stenosis in left
internal carotid; 80%right
Brain-fog & freq. TIAs
Didn’t want surgery
Cholesterol= 380mg/dL
Started clean diet & Mg
Added many anti-oxidants
Bromelain 30’before meals
Took oral EDTA & DMSA
Took Barberry
internal carotid; 20%R
Having no TIAs
Mind & memory clear
No surgery or EDTA
Carotid regenerated
despite high cholesterol
& brain function saved !
Copyright WL Cowden 2011-15
2) For Acid-Base Imbalance:
• Resolve causes of tissue hypoxia & lactic acidosis
• Stress reduction before bed & meals & as needed
• Avoid food allergens (by Coca pulse test), do LED
for allergens & resolve leaky gut(fungi,parasites…)
Follow diet for your metabolic type (One Answer
To Cancer by W.D.Kelly & can take simple test in
Metabolic Typing Diet by W. Wolcott)
Supply the needed calories (ketosis) & metabolic
nutrients (mineral cofactors & vitamin co-enzymes)
Lymph exercise or chi-machine to move toxins out
Bind heavy metals that impair metabolic enzymes
Am J Kidney Dis. 1997;29:291–302.
Copyright WL Cowden 2011-15
3)Incorrect/Deficient Nutrients
• Eating “fast-food” speeds you to your grave
• Eat for health first (side benefit is good taste)
• Eat as much raw, organic, non-GMO, sprouted &
fermented foods as possible Physiol Chem Phys 1978;10(5):465-468.
With meals, drink no fluids, esp. cold drinks
Nutrient-depleted soil from corporate farming
Processing, cooking & preserving reduces nutrients
Many nutrients wasted from the body under stress
(Mg, lithium, chromium, B vitamins & vitamin C)
Mg, Mn & B vitamins help produce ATP & lithium is
cofactor for neurotransmitter production
Copyright WL Cowden 2011-15
3)Incorrect/Defic.Nutrients (continued)
• Water is nutrient most commonly deficient (drink 2 oz.
every 15min. every waking hour)
People under stress loose stomach HCl, absorb poorly
minerals & B12 (low intrinsic factor), get brain
shrinkage & can’t re-myelinate nerves
EPA/DHA increase BrainDerived Neurotrophic Factor
VeryLongChain FattyAcids (peanut & canola) & transfats disrupt cell membranes & should be avoided
Lecithin (sunflower & egg yolks) push bad fats from
mitochondria & cell membranes (regular oil-change)
A toxic body uses nutrients faster & less efficiently
Copyright WL Cowden 2011-15
Secrets of a 256 Year-old Man
 Li Ching-Yuen born 1677;died 1933- sharp mind
 Chinese Gov’t celebrated 150th & 200th B-days
 He attributed his longevity to peace of mind
 Each AM drank either Fo-ti or Ginseng tea, did
speed-walk, meditated x hrs to lower heart rate
 He ate mostly Fo-ti, reishi mushroom, gotu kola,
goji berries, rice wine & other Chinese herbs
 He practiced daily Qigong & Baguazhang
 His secrets of long life: “Keep a Quiet Heart,
Balance Yin & Yang, Walk Sprightly like a
Pidgeon, Sit Like a Tortoise, Sleep Like a Dog”
Copyright WL Cowden 2011-15
4) Inadequate Sleep, Relaxation,
Music, Art & Brain-games
• Repair of brain & body occurs in 1-3 Hz delta-wave sleep
• Healing of psyche occurs in REM/dream sleep
• Light in bedroom & man-made EMF disrupt healing sleep
• Deep-breathing & visualizing with 5 senses reduces stress
• Rescue Remedy, valerian, music, art… can reduce stress
• Papoosing reduces stress & slows EEG at any age
• Pulsing lights,sound,scalar to entrain brain from 12 to 1Hz
• Schumann earth freq. (7.8, 14.3, 20.8, 27.3 & 33.8 Hz)
• Exercising brain increases dendrite connections with other
neurons from 1000/cell to 10,000/cell (Einstein)
• Brain Gym, Masgutova, HANDLE, Ed Snapp Tx rebuilds
“foundation” for higher brain functions
Copyright WL Cowden 2011-15
5)Disturbed Cell Membrane Charge
• Transmembrane charge of a cell is determined by
the concentration of potassium adjacent to inner
cell membrane (Life at the Cell & Below-cell Level by G.Ling 2001)
• Negatively-charged protein & fat molecules on inner
cell membrane preferentially bind potassium (K+)
Healthy fats & proteins bind more K than other items
Potassium bound there structures the water layer next
to inner cell membrane which rejects toxins & cations
Trans-fats damage membranes (lecithin is oil-change)
Electromagnetic pollution reduces cell charge but the
charge can be supplemented externally (Pulsed EM
devices, Galvano-therapy)
Copyright WL Cowden 2011-15
6) Cases of EMF Causing Disease
• 40 yr.old man & wife came for new patient eval.
• Happy white collar workers without symptoms
• Blood dark-field microscopy showed ?CA in both
• Energetic eval. showed sigmoid colon CA in him &
abdominal lymph CA in her
CEA was elevated in him (nonsmoker)
Her nuclear SPECT gallium scan = lymphoma
EMF was >100x normal on their bed (became
normal when unplugged 2 alarm clocks & TV)
Left those 3 items unplugged & 2 months later,
both cancers gone without conventional therapy &
they were sleeping better
Copyright WL Cowden 2011-15
6) Electrosmog Effects from Cell-Tower Broadcasting
Within 300 meters of cellphone tower, significant increase in medical problems.
Brain Fog
Memory loss
Skin Problems
Hearing Loss
Copyright WL Cowden 2011-15
From D.Klinghardt
6) Cellphone Effects on Rat Brain
Normal ratbrain (L) & 50 days after 2-hour exposure to cellphone(R)
Salford LG, et al
Health Perspect
These changes
can occur
without thermal
damage !
From D.Klinghardt
Copyright WL Cowden 2011-15
6)Treatment For Electrosmog
• Create a sleeping sanctuary (sleep inside
German canopy or Emergency Blanket tent
without lights or geopathic & flip off breakers)
No metal in bed (frame, foundation, mattress)
No microwave oven use (only convection-air)
No cordless phones or fluorescent lights
Reduce mobile phone use (never in the car)
Operate laptop only when not plugged in
No WiFi & no RF-Smart-Meters
Copyright WL Cowden 2011-15
Some Causes of Brain Degeneration
In Dr. Cowden’s Experience
1) under-oxygenation (shallow breathing, fibrin in capillaries…)
2) acid-base imbalance (allergies, eating wrong foods for
metabolic type, hypoxia, emotions & metabolic poisons)
3) incorrect/deficient nutrients (poor intake/absorption &nutrient wasting)
4) inadequate sleep, relaxation, music, art, brain-games
5) disturbed cell membrane electromagnetic charge
6) electromagnetic pollution (WiFi, cordless & cell phone…)
7) poor messengers (hormones, neurotransmitters, SNiPs…)
8) injuries/other structural (TBI, skull jamming, scars, jewelry...)
9) emotional traumas & associated beliefs
10) toxic load (too many toxins going in & too few out)
11) dysbiosis of the gut & chronic infections
How to best identify causes of degeneration in any one patient?
EDS (electro- dermal screening, especially semi-automated)
Copyright WL Cowden 2011-15
7) For Poor Chemical Messengers:
• Adaptogenic herbs to regenerate glands
• Stress-reduction, Vit.C & B5 for adrenals
• Chromium, low glycemic foods & avoid phthlates
• Lugol’s iodine for low body temp/ low T3/ lowT4
• More poached eggs, etc. if total cholesterol <160
• Tryptophan or 5HTP if urinary serotonin is low
• Tyrosine for low epi, norepi, DOPA, dopamine
• Phenylalanine/cocao if phenylethylamine is low
• Molybdenum if poor SUOX or hi CBS function
• Hydroxy-B12 & 5MTHF for methylation SNiPs
• Arginine/Ornithine/BH4 for NOS SNiPs
Copyright WL Cowden 2011-15
8) Structural/Energy-Blocking Stress:
• Joints out of alignment pinch motor, sensory &
autonomic nerves & alter gland/organ function
Skull-jamming prevents toxic lymph/CSF pumping
Adjust skull & other joints: use percussor or hands
Contusive scar on tailbone blocks GV energy flow
Variable percussor will break up deep scars
Skin scars block energy flow in other meridians
Treat shallow scars with clay mud +/- injections
Metal blocks meridian energy flow so minimize
metal jewelry, wire-rim glasses, belt-buckles, etc.
The King’s Method, reflexology or acupuncture to
balance meridian
Copyright WL Cowden 2011-15
by Kevin
& Barbara
Also scars on
hands should
be injected or
clay treated
Copyright WL Cowden 2011-15
by Kevin
& Barbara
Also scars on
feet should be
injected or clay
Copyright WL Cowden 2011-15
9) Emotion Release To Resolve Dz
• The body holds onto physical toxins in specific
areas because of specific toxic emotions &
associated beliefs trapped there (anger in GB, fear
in UB+Ki, worry in ST, intellectual devaluation in brain)
• Releasing toxic emotions will cause release of
physical toxins from specific areas of the body
• Releasing physical toxins from organs will start a
physical healing of the organ
• When toxins are released from an organ, microbes
no longer grow there easily and inflammation, pain
& disease there resolve & the organ regenerates
• Therefore, resolving emotions, often quickly
resolves a severe illness, even cancer
Copyright WL Cowden 2011-15
9) Recall Healing + Evox
• Ryke Hamer, a German physician discovered in 1978
that cancers and most diseases are brought on by
specific emotional conflicts and are resolved by
resolving the emotional conflict
5-year survival rate for 6000+ stage 3-4 cancer
patients he treated with only emotional work was 92%
Claude Sabbah in France & others have continued &
expanded the Hamer concept
Gilbert Renaud, PhD in Canada now practices &
teaches a synthesis of all these called Recall Healing,
which works best with Evox therapy (a voice therapy)
Greatest impact on physical body are emotions from
in the womb, esp. from Mom & Dad(Evox can resolve)
Copyright WL Cowden 2011-15
9) Evox Voice Therapy For Emotions
• Patient speaks into microphone any word(s) repeatedly
while remembering a person or an event
Microphone records voice frequencies that correspond
to specific emotions & beliefs about that person/event
Computer then displays those emotions & beliefs
Patient, seeing on computer what was subconscious,
starts an emotional healing (awareness)
Computer makes the patient’s voice frequencies into
homeopathic-like harmonics that are delivered back to
patient’s hand electrode while relaxing music plays
The voice harmonics shake loose cellular memory
Pt often experiences emotional and physical healing
Copyright WL Cowden 2011-15
Relation Between Teeth,Joints,Organs,Tissues & Emotions
C1,2;L2,3; Knee,Ankle
S2,3,4,5;Co Sacrum
Liver, GallBladder
- molars
Spleen,Pan- Gonads
Should,Foot Lung,Colon
Hand,Elbow Bronchi
T11,12; L1
Jaw Area
Small intest
T3,4,5,11,12 Elbow,Hand Heart
Modified from J.Gleditsch, D.Klinghardt & TCM
BreastTon Worry,
sil Lymph Sadness
Parathyro TonsilVein Grief,Fear
id,Thyroid ArteryBrst of Death
Spleen,Pan- Hypothalcreas,Stom. mus
Ling.tonsil Inadeperipheral quacy
Copyright WL Cowden 2011-15
Relation Between Teeth, Joints, Tissues & Emotions
Jaw Area
C1,2;L2,3; KneeAnkle
S2,3,4,5;Co Sacrum
Bladder,Kid Pineal
Liver, GallBladder
- molars
Foot,BigToe Lung,Colon
RadialHand Bronchi
Upper 3rd
T11,12; L1
Modified from J.Gleditsch, D.Klinghardt & TCM
Post.Pituit tonsil
of Death
Spleen,Pan- Parathyro Laryng.To Worry,
creas,Stom. id,Thyroid nsilBreast Sadness
Small intest
T3,4,5,11,12 Elbow,Hand Heart
Spleen,Pan- Hypothalcreas,Stom. mus
Ling.tonsil InadeBrain
Copyright WL Cowden 2011-15
Some Causes of Brain Degeneration
In Dr. Cowden’s Experience
1) under-oxygenation (shallow breathing, fibrin in capillaries…)
2) acid-base imbalance (allergies, eating wrong foods for
metabolic type, hypoxia, emotions & metabolic poisons)
3) incorrect/deficient nutrients (poor intake/absorption &nutrient wasting)
4) inadequate sleep, relaxation, music, art, brain-games
5) disturbed cell membrane electromagnetic charge
6) electromagnetic pollution (WiFi, cordless & cell phone…)
7) poor messengers (hormones, neurotransmitters, SNiPs…)
8) injuries/other structural (TBI, skull jamming, scars, jewelry...)
9) emotional traumas & associated beliefs
10) toxic load (too many toxins going in & too few out)
11) dysbiosis of the gut & chronic infections
How to best identify causes of degeneration in any one patient?
EDS (electro- dermal screening, especially semi-automated)
Copyright WL Cowden 2011-15
“Dirty-water” faucets =
“Clean-water” faucets =
Nutrient depleted foods,
Healthy foods & nutrients,
Electromagnetic fields,
Purpose & will to live,
Radiation pollution,
Sunshine & exercise,
Toxic relationships, Health is like
Good relationships,
a Bathtub
Toxic emotions,
Peace, joy & love,
Heavy metals,
Great attitude,
Polluted air,
Restful sleep,
Pure water,
Fresh air.
Disease is a
Bathtub full of
Dirty Water =
Hi Total Load
Copyright WL Cowden 2009-2015
10) How Toxins Affect Health
• Toxins build up in cells, poison membranes &
enzymes & damage mitochondrial DNA
Heavy metals compete for binding sites on
enzymes where mineral co-factors should bind
The older we get, the more toxins accumulated
Toxins impair cellular ATP energy production
Without enough ATP, cells can’t function
IR sauna & metal binders reduce toxins
Exercise (esp.EWOT) also mobilizes toxins,
increases # mitochondria & ability to make ATP
Copyright WL Cowden 2011-15
10) How To Open The Detox Drains
(Dr. Cowden’s Experience w/ Literature Guidance)
• Herbs to detox bowel, liver, kidney, lymph
• Plenty of water (2oz.q 10min) + Homeopathic drops
BioMat or far-infrared sauna Crinnion W, Alt Med Review 2011;16(3):215-225
Clay baths or clay plasters, then shower
Fasting, enzymes, fiber, clay + enemas or colonics
Liver/gall bladder flush with olive oil & lemon
Olive, MCT or other healthy oil for swish-and-spit
Rebound, dry skin brush, chi-machine for lymph
Photomagnetic lymphatic drainage
Earthing (grounding to earth when you can)
Photonic detox (Laser Energetic Detox)
Copyright WL Cowden 2011-15
What Is Laser Energetic Detox?
• During LED, the light of a laser pointer passes
through a clear glass vial of a homeopathic
substance onto the entire body in a“sweeping”
fashion for the purpose of causing the body to
release/ resolve that “substance” as an issue.
• Substance to be “swept” is determined by
EDS or by Evaluative Kinesiology.
• LED is used to treat toxins, allergens, “autoimmunity”, and even some infections.
Copyright WL Cowden 2011-15
Laser Energetic Detox
Interesting Neuropathy Case
• 45 year old man with peripheral neuropathy
• For years he had washed engine parts in
gasoline without gloves on his hands.
• During LED for gasoline, so much gasoline
fume came out his skin and breath that the
technician and this patient both had to go
out of the treatment room.
• With LED, neuropathy improved markedly
• Nerves obviously regenerated !
Copyright WL Cowden 2011-15
LED for Parkinson’s Disease
(and no other therapy)
• 60 year old woman with Parkinson’s tremor
and prior removal of all dental amalgams
50% improved after first LED (for mercury)
Only 10% tremor left after LED#2 (for DDT)
Tremor remained minimal for the next year;
then patient moved & was lost to follow-up
Brain function regenerated with only detox !
Copyright WL Cowden 2011-15
LED for Chronic Insomnia
(and no other therapy)
• 49 year old woman with 10 year history of
drug-resistant insomnia
Did one LED for “auto-immunity” to her
own serotonin and GABA caused by 2
pesticides (dursban & heptachlor)
That night, she slept 10 hours without
interruption and without drugs
She continued to sleep 7-8 hours/night
Sleep pathways obviously regenerated
Copyright WL Cowden 2011-15
Autistic Brothers - 2 & 4 Years Old
• Before treatment, both boys very hyper and
would only speak one word echoing mom
Avoided foods and supplements determined
allergenic by energetic testing
Added only a few key missing supplements
determined by energetic testing
Did LEDs for 7 days (sulfa, mercury, other
heavy metals, pesticides, vaccines, etc.)
Boys speaking long phrases and sentences in
one week with good eye contact; less hyper
Brain function regenerated !
Copyright WL Cowden 2011-15
Laser Energetic Detox Materials
• Laser-Pointer (<5 mW 630 or 532nm) & vial holder
• Vials of homeopathics (X,C,M homaccords which
includes 3X,24X,200X,30C,60C,500C,10M,10MM)
• “Infrared pulser” to treat areas of highest toxicity
• Adjunctive detox support (Burbur or Parsley Detox
imprinted remedies, Chlorella, DMSA, EDTAphospholipid, liposomal glutathione, Zeolite)
• Lymphatic aids (skin brush, rebounder, MLD, chimachine, photomagnetic plasma device)
• List of things to avoid for 25 hours after each LED
• TKM instructions for “emergencies”
Copyright WL Cowden 2011-15
TKM Emergency Techniques
• Heart attack= Left little finger & T5 for 5 min.
• Asthma= Both middle fingers & T3 for 5minutes
• Anaphylaxis= Sternal notch & T1 for 5minutes
• Toxin overload/burns= palm calves for 15min.
• Acute appendix= Right ischium and rt. trapezius
between T1 & scapula for 5minutes
• Seizures= Both thumbs or both 1st toes 5+ min.
• Bleeding= Right palm near site & left palm on back
of your right hand (criss-cross) 5+ min.
• Best with no metal on patient or therapist’s body
(wire-rimmed glasses, under-wire bra, jewelry,
watch, belt-buckle, etc.) (
Copyright WL Cowden 2011-15
TKM For Spinal Muscular Atrophy Type I
• Irene was born 2002, normal until 8 months
• Began losing strength & difficult breathing; no wt.gain
• When couldn’t pull-up or stand, pedi-neurologist Dx
SMA- I at 17 months (death expected by 24 months)
She couldn’t enter 3 research trials nor tolerate
experimental drugs & continued to weaken
By 20 months, Irene couldn’t roll over, sit or swallow
solid food when she started TheKing’sMethod (TKM)
By 2nd day she could stand up & by 1wk ate solid food
By 4th wk, breathing normal & walking almost normal
Now 13yrs.old, nerves & muscles regenerated and
doing well!
Copyright WL Cowden 2011-15
10) Dementia Autopsy Studies
Ehmann WD, et al. Brain trace elements in Alzheimer’s disease.
Neurotoxicology 1986; 7(1):195-206
• Elements measured in brains of dementia patients
& same-aged people w/o dementia at autopsy
Mercury was much higher in the Alzheimer
dementia patients’ brains than in control brains
Mercury is very neurotoxic esp. with aluminum
Most toothpastes have aluminum (bauxite) as a
base (an “inactive” unlisted ingredient)
Aluminum tri-silicate is intentionally added to the
tap water supply to decrease pipe corrosion
Many vaccines now have mercury & aluminum
Copyright WL Cowden 2011-15
Brain Mercury Toxicity References
S. Khatoon et al., "Aberrant GTP-Tubulin Interaction in Alzheimer's Disease," Annals
of Neurology 26 (1989): 210-215.
S. David et al., "Abnormal Properties of Creatine Kinase in Alzheimer's Disease
Brain," Molecular Brain Research 54 (1998): 276-287.
E. F. Duhr et al., "HgEDTA Complex Inhibits GTP Interactions with the E-Site of
Brain-Tubulin," Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology 122 (1993): 273-288.
J. C. Pendergrass and B. E. Haley, "Mercury-EDTA Complex Specifically Blocks
Brain-Tubulin-GTP Interactions: Similarity to Observations in Alzheimer's Disease,"
in Status Quo and Perspective of Amalgam and Other Dental Materials,
International Symposium Proceedings, L. T. Friberg and G. N. Schrauzer, eds., 98105 (Stuttgart and New York: Georg Thieme Verlag, 1995).
J. C. Pendergrass et al., "Mercury Vapor Inhalation Inhibits Binding of GTP to
Tubulin in Rat Brain: Similarity to a Molecular Lesion in Alzheimer's Disease Brain,"
Neurotoxicology 18, no. 2 (1997): 315-324.
G. Olivieri et al., "Mercury Induces Cell Cytotoxicity and Oxidative Stress," J.
Neurochemistry 74 (2000): 231-241.
C. C. W. Leong et al., "Retrograde Degeneration of Neurite Membrane Structural
Integrity and Formation of Neurofibillary Tangles at Nerve Growth Cones Following
in Vitro Exposure to Mercury," NeuroReports 12, no. 4 (2001): 733-737.
Copyright WL Cowden 2011-15
Some Sources of Mercury Toxicity
David Kirby –
• Dental amalgams (55% mercury) outgas some
mercury every time you chew (breathed in &
swallowed, accumulating in tissues over time or
passed to kids thru placenta or breast milk)
Thimerosal from vaccines & topical meds
Coal burning for heating & producing electricity
(either US-source or smoke carried on jet stream
from China & other countries)
Eating fish (bio-accumulated especially in large
ocean fish, sushi, shell fish & bottom-dwellers)
Industrial/occupational (smelters, gold mines)
• Breaking fluorescent light bulbs
Copyright WL Cowden 2011-15
Some Causes of Brain Degeneration
In Dr. Cowden’s Experience
1) under-oxygenation (shallow breathing, fibrin in capillaries…)
2) acid-base imbalance (allergies, eating wrong foods for
metabolic type, hypoxia, emotions & metabolic poisons)
3) incorrect/deficient nutrients (poor intake/absorption &nutrient wasting)
4) inadequate sleep, relaxation, music, art, brain-games
5) disturbed cell membrane electromagnetic charge
6) electromagnetic pollution (WiFi, cordless & cell phone…)
7) poor messengers (hormones, neurotransmitters, SNiPs…)
8) injuries/other structural (TBI, skull jamming, scars, jewelry...)
9) emotional traumas & associated beliefs
10) toxic load (too many toxins going in & too few out)
11) dysbiosis of the gut & chronic infections
How to best identify causes of degeneration in any one patient?
EDS (electro- dermal screening, especially semi-automated)
Copyright WL Cowden 2011-15
11) Dysbiosis & Chronic Infections
 Should be 20,000 species of friendly bacteria in a healthy
gut with 100 trillion microbes in all
Friendly bacteria make vitamins, enhance immunity &
prevent overgrowth of pathologic microbes
Gut pathologic microbes produce biotoxins & leaky gut; &
alter hormones, neurotransmitters, mood, etc.
Chronic infections can be a virus, Borrelia, Bartonella,
Babesia, mycoplasma, chlamydia, fungi, parasites…
Many of the tests for microbes are falsely negative
Herbals appear to often work as well as (or better than)
pharmaceutical therapies but with fewer side effects
Best treatment addresses terrain + microbes, and if herbal,
can be empiric, even if tests are negative
Copyright WL Cowden 2011-15
Mercury &
Other toxins
To Borrelia
Morphology of Borrelia burgdorferi. Dark field image © Jeffrey Nelson,
Rush University, Chicago, Illinois and The MicrobeLibrary
More than 300,000 new cases per yr in USA
Copyright WL Cowden 2011-15
Survival Strategy of Pleomorphologic Variation in
Borrelia burgdorferi & Other Spirochetes
When exposed
to antibiotics,
develops cysts &
(round bodies)
which are
resistant to
Antimicrobial Agents
& Chemotherapy,
Kersten A; Poitschek C; Rauch S; Aberer E. 1995
Copyright WL Cowden 2011-15
More Borrelia Research- U. New Haven
Eva Sapi, PhD presented at ILADS conference 2013
 In vitro eval. of Banderol, Samento, Cumanda, Stevia,
Takuna, Enula, Mora, Houttuynia (herbs from the Cowden
Support Program- plus Doxycycline vs
3 forms of B.burgdorferi (biofilm, cyst, spirochete)
 Against Bb biofilm, all of the herbs were effective
(especially Stevia) but Doxycycline was not effective
 Against Bb cyst, several of the herbs were effective
but Doxycycline was not effective
 Against Bb spirochete, Doxycycline & all of the tested
herbs were effective
Copyright WL Cowden 2011-15
Borreliosis causes, mimics or contributes to more than 350 illnesses
( in the Science Library)
CDC says >300,000 new cases in USA per year & increasing worldwide
Borrelia can mimic MS, myelopathy, polyneuropathy, brain tumor,
encephalopathy (Neurosurgery.1992 May;30(5):769-73)
Can cause meningitis, encephalitis, neuritis, mania, OCD, depression,
schizophrenia, anorexia, dementia(Am J Psychiatry.1994;151(11):1571-83)
Can cause cardiomyopathy, CHF, perimyocarditis, arrhythmias, AV
block, conduction disturbances (Eur Heart J.1991 Aug;12 Suppl D:73-5)
Most fibromyalgia patients are Borrelia positive.
(Rheum Dis Clin North Am. 1998 May;24(2):323-51)
Fetal borrelia can cause fetal death, sudden infant death, fetal
anomalies, growth retardation, cardiac anomalies, hydrocephalus,
blindness, neonatal resp.distress, and toxemic pregnancy.
(Rheum Dis Clin North Am.1989 Nov;15(4):657-77)
Copyright W.L.Cowden 2009-2015
Alzheimer's disease
Analysis of the
evidence following
Koch's & Hill's criteria
Journal of Neuroinflammation 2011,
8:90 doi:10.1186/1742-2094-8-90
Judith Miklossy
Copyright W.L.Cowden 2009-2015
Microbes in Chronic Neuro Diseases
Garth Nicolson, Judith Miklossy, Lida Mattman, Hal Huggins, Jim Roberts, & others
 Alzheimers: 90% spirochetes, 80% chlamydophila,
 Multiple Sclerosis: 90+% Chlamydophila/
Mycoplasma/ Borrelia
 ALS: Ochrabactrum anthropi, spirochetes, viruses
 Autism: 16X more likely to have Borrelia, fungi,
viruses, mycoplasma…
 Atherosclerosis/MI/stroke: increased when
increased total microbial load in the blood or
periodontal disease
 Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: 18X more likely to have
Mycoplasma, Borrelia, HHV-6, CMV…
Copyright W.L.Cowden 2009-2015
Modified from Jeff Wulfman MD
Thermography of Inflamed RIJV
Patient with
& chronic
Copyright WL Cowden 2011-15
“Normal” Neck Thermography
(except for inflammation of thyroid & left sinus)
Copyright WL Cowden 2011-15
Inflamed LIJV, Jaw, Sinus & Thyroid
with brainfog and
Copyright WL Cowden 2011-15
Color-Flow Doppler & Phlebography On
Same MS Patient - Distal IJV Stenosis
With Substitute Collateral (SC) Veins
P Zamboni & R Galeotti – Phlebology 2010; 25:269-279
Copyright WL Cowden 2011-15
Left Jugular Vein
Balloon dilation
in MS patient with
CCSVI (Chronic
Venous Insuffic.)
MS symptoms often
resolve then recur
because microbes in
jugular veins can
recreate stenosis
(venous vasculitis).
Copyright WL Cowden 2011-15
CSP in Venous Vasculitis
• Hi-dose antimicrobial herbs in Cowden Support
Program have normalized red streaks in jugular
veins in some pts (& resolved symptoms)
• Liposomal herbs worked even better, esp. if
herbs were chosen by Zyto Elite testing
• Infrared LED over jugulars 30 minutes after
herbal dose also helped (
• When red streaks over jugular veins no longer
seen on infrared images, jugular ultrasound
Doppler abnormalities by Zamboni criteria also
Copyright WL Cowden 2011-15
Thank You For Your Attention !
Copyright WL Cowden 2011-15