Transcript Joe

Joe Huang
Block: A
Provides body with energy
Helps your cells grow
Should make up 60% of diet
Has 4 calories per gram
Types of carbs:
– Simple (For quick energy)
• Different types of sugars
– Complex (For long lasting energy)
• Vegetable, Grains and Beans
Protects & insulates your body
Best source of energy
Should make up 20% of diet
Has 9 calories per gram
Fat is burned when other sources depleted
Types of fats:
– Saturated
(Normal fat)
• Pork, beef, etc.
– Unsaturated
(Healthy fat)
• Olive oil, other organic oils, etc.
Builds muscles
Helps us fight diseases
Stores iron
Your body is made of proteins
Has 4 calories per gram
Types of proteins:
– Complete
(All essential parts)
• Red meats, dairy, poultry
– Incomplete
(Partly essential parts)
• Fruit, vegetables, grains and nuts
Fibre makes you feel full
It provides energy to your liver
Helps clean your teeth
Helps break down other foods
Should eat about 30 – 35g per day
2 types of fibre:
– Soluble (Absorbs water)
• Most fruits and vegetables
– Insoluble (Goes through body unchanged)
• Beans, wheat
There are many forms of vitamins
It can temporarily replace food
Keeps body strong
Makes red and white blood cells
Aids food to give you energy
Types of vitamins:
– Natural
• Fruits, vegetables, nuts, etc.
– Artificial
• Vitamin (candy form or tablets)
There are many forms of minerals
Most foods contain minerals
Minerals help bones grow
Some help you digest food
Others helps your organs grow
A few types of minerals:
– Calcium
• Builds strong bones
– Iron
• Helps transfer oxygen to organs
Water absorbs waste
Water keeps your body cells working
A body can only last a week w/out water
The body cannot retain water
The waste water exits the body as urine
75% of human body is water
Sources of water:
– Direct
• Tap water, bottled water
– Indirect
• Fruits, vegetables, etc.