Transcript document

Gastroenterology Pathology
Conrad Ross, PA-C SMDC GI
 Nature & course of abdominal symptoms
Pneumonic: OLD CARTS
 Associated s/s
 Past medical, family & surgical Hx
 Medications
 Could you be pregnant?
Aggravating / Alleviating Factors
Signs/Symptoms Associated
Physical Assessment
 Inspection
 Auscultation
 Percussion
Physical Examination
 Palpation
 Abdominal Quadrants
(Further Diagnostic Areas)
 Referred Pain
 Special Tests
(Murphy’s sign, Carnett’s Sign)
Abdominal Pain DDX
Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Inguinal Hernia
Esophageal Reflux/Indigestion
Crohn’s Disease
Trauma – spleen, liver, hollow viscous
 Pain usually (70%) starts centrally (umbilical
region) and moves to Mcburney’s Point
 The RLQ becomes tender in 65%-95% of cases
 Most common acute surgical condition of the
 Occurs in about 7% of population, between age
10-30 yrs old
Appendicitis: Pathogenesis
 Long finger-like process that extends from the
inferior tip of the cecum
 Obstruction of the narrow lumen initiates the
clinical illness
 D/T viral illness or fecal obstruction (fecaliths)
 S/S: Periumbilical abdominal pain, nausea,
fever, pain with motion, advanced stage
sepsis due to bowel perforation.
 Tests: inspection normal to immobile
patient, can look quite ill. Labs abnormal
elevated CRP, WBCs, abnormal palpation
 Tx/Complications: Immediate surgical
referral, if septic life threatening.
 Psoas Sign
Appendicitis - Tests
 Obturator Sign
Irritable Bowel Syndrome
 Common disorder, cause unknown,
diagnosis of exclusion
 S/S: intermittent loose stools, intermittent
constipation, relation to foods, relation to
stress (anxiety and depression), distention
of bowel causing pain.
 GI Bleeding, fever, weight loss, and
persistent severe pain are NOT s/s of IBS
IBS – cont.
Diagnosis: Again of exclusion, Rome III diagnostic criteria* for irritable bowel syndrome
Recurrent abdominal pain or discomfort at least 3 days per month in the last 3
months associated with 2 or more of the following
(1) Improvement with defecation
(2) Onset associated with a change in frequency of stool
(3) Onset associated with a change in form (appearance) of stool
Criteria fulfilled for the last 3 months with symptom onset at least 6 months prior to
diagnosis. Discomfort means an uncomfortable sensation not described as pain. In
pathophysiology research and clinical trials, a pain/discomfort frequency of at least 2
days a week during screening evaluation for subject eligibility.
Reproduced with permission from Longstreth, GF, et al. Gastroenterology 2006; 130:1480.
TX: Treatment is directed at symptoms not cause. Diarrhea- antidiarrheal, Constipation-
BRAT Diet: Bananas, Rice, Applesauce and Toast
Fiber, Miralax, MOM, Anxiety- Ativan etc. Depression –SSRIs, Tricylcics, PainAntispasmodics, Anitcholanergics, Physical Therapy, muscle release. Avoid Narcotics.
Inguinal Hernia
 Definition: A hernia is the protrusion of a portion of an
organ or tissue through an abnormal opening in the wall
that normally contains it. In this case the Inguinal area.
Can be direct or indirect.
 s/s: painless to painful bulge in RLQ,LLQ, worse with
motion, lifting. If no bowel movements worrisome for
incarcerated bowel (surgical emergency).
 Tx: referral to surgeon
 Can be difficult to diagnose. Common when born
 Excessive secretion of gastric acids, inadequate
protection of mucus membrane, stress, heredity,
 s/s: mid epigastric, gnawing abdominal pain
radiating to back, improved with eating, tarry
stools, anemia
 Dx: Exam, UGI x-ray, CBC, EGD
 Tx: Hold offending meds (NSAIDS), twice
daily PPI. Treat h. Pylori if present.
Esophageal Reflux
 Heartburn
 Cause: Transient relaxation of the lower esophageal
sphincter intrinsic pressure, angle of cardioesphygeal
junction, action of diaphragm, gravity.
 s/s: Retro sternal, non exertional chest pain, with or
without episodes of regurgitation.
 Dx: Based on symptoms, sometimes seen on UGI.
 Tx: If no alarm symptoms then PPI and re-evaluate. If
alarm sxs: dysphagia, GI bleeding or weight loss then EGD
 Causes: infection, drug-induced, food related, postsurgical, psychological, exercise (runner’s trot)
 s/s: Three or more bowel movements per day are
considered to be abnormal, and the upper limit of stool
weight is generally agreed to be 200 g per day in Western
 Dx: Multiple studies, stool o&p, stool culture, stool c.diff
toxin, stool fecal fat and if no cause and chronic then
colonoscopy and blood work, watch electrolytes.
 Tx: Aim at underlying cause, mostly supportive with low
glucose electrolyte solution, watered down Gatorade.
 BRAT diet: Avoid lactose, bland diet. No ETOH.
Runners Diarrhea
Runners Diarrhea affects 35% of
runners in 10k race
Increased intestinal motility with
intense Running
Caused by gastrointestinal
Possibly related to bowel
Symptoms and Signs
Watery Diarrhea
Increased stool frequency
Large volumes
Bloody stool in 12% of patients
Diffuse nonlocalized low
Abdominal Pain
– Establish pre-run ritual
– Avoid eating 2 to 3 hours before Running
– Decrease dietary sugars
 Lactose
 Fructose
 Aspartame (Nutri-sweet)
 Sorbitol
– Decrease Dietary Fiber or use liquid meals
before race
– Decrease caffeine intake
– Avoid mints or gum containing Sorbitol
– Avoid large Vitamin Doses (especially
Vitamin C)
– Switch training time of day to evening
– Stay conditioned
– Consider anti-Diarrheal drugs
– Consider temporary decrease in miles or
 Initially decrease program by 20-25%
 Slowly re-increase Exercise program
– Consider rice-based electrolyte solution
 Anecdotal evidence only
 Definition: Three or less bowel movement weekly
 S/S: bloating, early satiety, bulging abdomen,
painful defecation, nausea, abdominal pain
 Dx: History, KUB with sitz marker study
 Tx: Fiber, water, exercise, Miralax, Amitiza, MOM,
think about pelvic floor dysfunction, biofeedback
 Definition: Literally inflammation of gastrointestinal
system resulting in a plethora of symptoms from N/V to
diarrhea. Usually attributed to viral or bacterial cause.
 Cause: E. Coli infection, staphylococcal food poisoning,
botulism, viral, chemical or drug related
 S/S: N/V, steatorrhea, bloody stools, dehydration,
weakness, abdominal pain relieved by bowel movements.
 Dx: Stool studies, O&P, Stool cultures, stool for fat, c.diff
toxin, stool for fat. BMP
 Tx: Usually supportive, fluids, water down Gatorade, let
run it’s course avoid anti diarrheals, consider pepto, if
longer than two weeks further investigation. Bland diet
(BRAT) avoid milk products.
Ulcerative Colitis
 Cause: Unknown, ?autoimmune
 S/S: Loose stools w/ w/o blood, nocturnal stools,
iron deficiency anemia, LLQ abdominal pain.
 Dx: Usually on colonoscopy, some IBD serology
 Tx: prednisone, asacol
Crohn’s Disease
 S/S: Will present with diarrhea, blood in
stool, pain nonspecific to generalized.
 Dx: Labs, colonoscopy
 Tx: Immunosuppressive medications. Last
resort surgical removal of ulcerated portion
Abdominal Trauma
 Common sports
 Key is immediate recognition, monitoring &
Abdominal Trauma
 Screening tools: exam and History observe for
abdominal distention or falling BP rising pulse
without explanation
 Ultrasound: +/ Diagnostic Peritoneal Lavage: +/ Computed Tomography: +/-
Splenic Injuries
 Most commonly injured organ in abdomen
 Deceleration causes a shearing force on vessels
and capsule
 Blunt trauma to LUQ
Splenic Injuries
 S/S: LUQ pain radiating to back, severe,
sharp unrelenting to dull ache after trauma,
some ecchymosis
 Tx: avoid surgery if possible
 Return to play: 6-8 weeks depending on
recovery and sport activity.
 Al Harris- DB Green Bay
Liver Injuries
 2nd most common injured
 Blunt trauma to RUQ, lower chest from front or
 s/s: RUQ ache radiating to back, usually contusion
of ribs, achy in character.
 Tx: Usually supportive with monitoring.
Still more options
 Are you pregnant?, reproductive diseases
 Ovarian Cysts, PID, Endometriosis
 UTI or bladder infection, Kidney stones
– Can be secondary to appendicitis
– Pylonephritis
 If fever, bloody stool/urine, pallor, distress,
no body movement, unexplained weight loss
or severe pain are present, something
serious is wrong!!