Clinical Procedures in Prosthetics II
Transcript Clinical Procedures in Prosthetics II
Designing a PT Management Program
for Patients with Prosthesis
Mark David S. Basco, PTRP
Department of Physical Therapy
College of Allied Medical Professions
University of the Philippines Manila
Learning Objectives
At the end of the session, you should be able to
Discuss principles behind designing a management
procedure for prosthesis users in the different phases:
Early post-operative
Late post-operative
Prosthetic training phase
Learning Objectives
At the end of the session, you should be able to
Discuss indications, precautions, and
contraindications to prosthetic management
Discuss special considerations when designing a
program for children
Introductory Visit
Discussion of outcomes
Preparation for the operation
Pre-operative exercises
Introductory Visit
Introduce self and role in the rehab team, emphasize
role of patient and family
Need for reassurance that amputation and
rehabilitation is a positive step towards reintegration
back into the community
Goals and expectations
Introduce team management concepts
Conditions that may affect mobility
Functional capacity
Social situation
Accommodation after surgery
Outcomes and Prognostication
What the patient may feel or encounter post-op
Complications that may arise
Expected highest level of function possible given the
level of amputation
Use of the prosthesis is the patient’s decision
Options for prosthetic devices
Life with a prosthesis
Preparation for the operation
Show the patient around the facility where he will be
in after the operation
Possible prosthesis given the level
Speak to other amputees
Exercise program
Operating room, equipment, gadgets, medications, etc
Phantom sensations
Pre-operative Exercises
Increases tolerance to surgery
Faster recovery and gain of independence in prosthesis
Mentally prepares the patient
Exercise program:
Endurance training
Simulation of training activities post-op
Treatment methods
Early home visit
Prevent the deleterious effects of immobilization and
loss of a limb segment
Facilitate faster wound healing
Pain management
Provision of needed accessories or equipment to
progress patient to the next stage
Prepare patient and stump for prosthetic fitting
Promote early independence in ADLs
Treatment Methods
Proper positioning
Stump edema management
Active exercises
Selective Stretching
Donning and doffing
Functional training
Proper Positioning
Stump should be flat on the bed
Use of comfort pillow
Prevent flexion contractures
- Sitting vs supine
Advocating intermittent positioning in prone
Sidelying to relieve buttocks pressure
Stump edema management
Intermittent variable air pressure machines
Pneumatic pylon
Shrinker socks
Rigid dressing
Exercises for the Stump
Done every 10 reps / hour
Active contraction of the stump muscles is the best
method of reducing edema
Patient must imagine the performance of alternate
Through knee/AKA
Patient must perform alternate hip flexion and
extension as well as hip abduction
Precaution: development of pressure necrosis
Stump bandaging can never change stump shape
without the danger of interference with the local
A uniformly edematous stump is more readily fitted
than one which has been misshapened by bandaging
Active Exercises & Stretching
Determine which muscles decreased / lost their
strength and which muscles gained a mechanical
Determine biomechanical implications to identify
appropriate exercise for the patient
Active exercises
Start with the intact side
Applicable across all amputation levels
1st day post-op, exercises could be done on supine
All techniques could be performed except push-ups if
attachments are present.
Be vigilant especially for patients with co-morbidities
e.g. DM
Selective Stretching
Knee must rest in full extension immediately post-op
Major concern is development of hip flexion and
abduction contractures
Obtain neutral hip alignment
Gradually altering hip position
Special considerations in exercise
Other medical conditions
Early Home Visit
Weekly team meeting
Early walking aid prescription
Pneumatic devices on the sockets
Vacuum techniques
Laminated plastic sockets
Local varieties
Group therapy
Promote wound closure
Stabilize the stump
Decrease edema
Start prosthesis measurement
Exercises for the following groups
of muscles
Hip Extensors
Hip Flexors
Hip Abductors
Hip Adductors
Knee Extensors
Knee Flexors
Trunk strengthening exercises
Exercises for the following groups
of muscles
Hip Extensors
Exercises for the following groups
of muscles
Hip Flexors
Exercises for the following groups
of muscles
Hip Abductors
Exercises for the following groups
of muscles
Hip Adductors
Exercises for the following groups
of muscles
Knee extensors
Exercises for the following groups
of muscles
Trunk strengthening
Special considerations during
exercise prescrtiption
Incorporate play therapy especially for your pediatric
Make sure that activities that you plan to do are
developmentally appropriate for your patient
Donning and Doffing
Patients are encouraged to dress independently as
much as possible
According to Engstrom (1993)
If the patient is unable to put the underpants
independently, it is very unlikely that the indpendent
application of the prosthesis is possible
Initial requirements
Alertness and the ability to comprehend instructions
It is possible to do transfers while the drip / catheter is
in situ (PRECAUTION)
A suitable wheelchair should have been loaned preoperatively and must be self-propelling
Independence for all transfers on all level surfaces
should be the goal
Therapist should try to make all transfer surfaces level
Basic mobility skills
Independence in sit-to-supine, supine-to-sit, and
rolling for all LE amputees
What happens when the amputation of the LE is high?
Tendency to fall
Good core muscle strength is needed
Prosthetic referral
Upon complete wound healing and stump stability
Upon gaining independence in ADL’s
What if bilateral AKA?
Possible non-walker
Activities are: bed mobility training, arm exercises,
balance re-education, transfers, wheelchair maneuvers
Wheelchair concerns...
Training Program Design
Pre-ambulation training
Gait training
Falls training
Functional training
Environmental considerations
Specialized prosthetic training
Training Program Design
Principles of exxercise prescription
Should be done daily and runn the whole day
Family / caregiver involvement
Use of different appliances / attachments
Donning and doffing of the prosthesis
Training Program Design
Principles of exxercise prescription
Should be done daily and runn the whole day
Family / caregiver involvement
Use of different appliances / attachments
Donning and doffing of the prosthesis
Pre-ambulation Training
Balance re-education
Weight transfer on to the prosthetic leg
Considerations for progressions
Pre-ambulation Training
Gait Training
Weight bearing on the prosthetic leg is advocated
Done on various types of surfaces
Protection of the stump
Gait Training
Gait Pattern;
2-point vs 3 point
Indoor then outdoor mobility
Functional Training
Environmental Modifications
For grasping
Toilet seat raise, grab bars, bed blocks
Velcro and snaps vs zippers and buttons
Other considerations
Disablement resettlement
After Discharge
Out-patient services
Follow-up visits
Maintenance of prosthesis
Specialized prosthetic training
Vocational training
Recreational activities
Specialized prosthetic training
Specialized prosthetic training
Specialized prosthetic training
Mariano, LMMJr. (2007). PT150 Archives. UP-CAMP
Meyers, R.S. (1995). Saunders manual of physical
therapy parctice. Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders.
(2004). A manual for the rehabilitation of people with
limb amputation . World Health Organization.