Chapter 8 After the clinical day is over Patient evaluations and self

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Transcript Chapter 8 After the clinical day is over Patient evaluations and self

After the Clinical Day is Over
patient evaluations and self-evaluations
The Clinical Day is Over
The time is spent reflecting on
clinical performance
patient responses
writing summaries
Standards of Professional Nursing
Performance (ANA)
systematic evaluation of the quality and
effectiveness of nursing practice
The evaluation of one’s own nursing
Purpose of Performance Evaluations-1
A performance evaluation is the process of
determining how well the nursing student
does that which is required.
The purpose is not to blame or shame
The Questions to be Addressed with
the Performance Evaluation Are:
(1) Are you providing safe and effective care?
(2) What grade did you earn?
(3) Should you be promoted to the next level?
Purpose of Performance Evaluations-2
The clinical objectives and specific daily
objectives of the course are used as
standards to evaluate performance.
Performance evaluations are based on
standards and objective criteria.
Clinical Performance Objectives
 Assessment
 Nursing
 Planning
 Implementation
 Evaluation
 Documentation
 Professional Qualities
 Prepares
each patient profile by gathering
complete, relevant information needed to
develop a concept map care plan
Nursing Diagnosis
 Develops
a concept map
 Develops
patient goals, objectives, and
nursing interventions
1.Provides safe and effective nursing care
2.Safely and effectively implements all procedures
and treatment
3.Safely and effectively administers medications
4.Safely and effectively teaches and is emotionally
supportive to patients and families
5.Communicates effectively
6.Collaborates with other health-care workers
1.Evaluates the concept map plan of care
2.Evaluates self-performance
 Documents
accurately, concisely,
completely and in a timely manner
Professional Qualities
1.Acts professional at all times
2.Acts ethically at all times
Constructive Criticism-1
It provided you believe in respecting others’
rights to their opinions.
The criticism received is valuable and
helpful, and requires changing behaviors.
The valuable and helpful criticism is termed
constructive criticism.
Constructive Criticism-2
 Constructive
criticism is based on lack of
performance of specific behavioral
 Its intent is not to shame or blame on a
personal level.
 Specifically, the intent of constructive
criticism from your nursing faculty is to
give you feedback on your performance
and to help you grow into your role as a
professional nurse
Carrying out Responsibilities and
Showing Initiative
The fastest way to be dismissed from
clinical and possibly even from the nursing
program is to jeopardize patient safety.
Performance appraisals are also used to
decide if a student should be dismissed.
Dismissal for Unacceptable Clinical
Behavior Policy
Examples of unacceptable clinical behavior
include, but are not limited to:
Refusal to care for an assigned patient
based on patient characteristics such as
race, culture, religious beliefs, or diagnosis
Clinical Evaluations
There are links between performance evaluation,
professional growth and development, and the
rewards of providing excellent care.
Faculty and students give feedback to each
other in order to evaluate the student’s
performance, professional growth, and
The focus is on behaviors and skills.
Clinical Evaluations:
Formative Evaluations
Start out each term by reviewing specific
clinical objectives that you will need to
meet in order to complete the course.
It is very important for you to be aware of
what is expected of you.
Then, on a weekly formative basis, you
and your faculty will jointly select
experiences to meet those objectives.
Summative Evaluations
Each clinical course also entails
summative evaluations.
 Usually at midterm and at the end of the
Basic principles of receiving an
1. View all your constructive criticism feedback
as having been given with helpful intent.
2. Listen to your faculty’s perspective and avoid
3. Ask for clarification and ask for examples of
the inappropriate behavior.
4. Check with your clinical faculty for mutual
5. Ask for help and support in the areas of future
Making Mistakes
Keep in mind that everyone makes mistakes because no
one is perfect
Honesty and integrity are paramount to safe and
effective nursing care.
A student coveting up mistakes is acting unethically
because it is dishonest
Don’t beat yourself up about mistakes publicly or
privately. It is unhealthy to engage in self-recrimination
 You
alone must take responsibility for your
own development
 You must seek out learning experiences to
develop yourself in ways that support the
achievement of outstanding nursing care
You alone must take responsibility for your
own development.
You must seek out learning experiences to
develop yourself in ways that support the
achievement of outstanding nursing care.