Transcript LungSK_NEPS

1-888-566-LUNG (5864)
1. To provide an overview of the
activities of the Lung Association of
2. To present opportunities for
involvement in the Lung Association
of Saskatchewan
Saskatchewan Anti-Tuberculosis League
founded February 17, 1911
Built and operated TB sanatoria at Fort San,
Saskatoon and Prince Albert
Until August 1987 SATL was responsible for
the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of TB
in Saskatchewan
Transition to Saskatchewan Lung Association
began in 1960’s
Last sanatorium patient discharged in 1978
Official name change in 1987
Split into Lung Association of Saskatchewan
and Lung Foundation of Saskatchewan in
Healthy lungs for everyone
To improve lung health one breath at a time
To improve respiratory health and quality of life
through programs, education, research, training,
treatment, and prevention of lung disease
2008 Budget
$2.5 million
Fund Raising
Health Initiatives
Health Education
Health Initiatives
to provide support for people with
lung disease
Strategic Direction:
to improve the management of asthma,
COPD and sleep apnea by facilitating
adherence to recognised guidelines
Health Education
to prevent lung disease by educating people
about the lungs and lung health
Strategic Directions:
* to
increase public knowledge of: lung health,
threats to lung health, ways to improve lung
health and ways to prevent lung disease
* to advocate for action by individuals and
public health systems to improve lung health
to promote research and development to
improve lung health
Strategic Direction:
to fund professorships to recruit and retain
respiratory specialists who also contribute
to education and patient care
Fund Raising
to generate revenue to support activities
Strategic Direction:
to make current campaigns more effective
and to develop new opportunities
to provide infrastructure to support activities
Strategic Direction:
to maintain an efficient, professional,
well-equipped and well-motivated workforce
for the Association
Health Initiatives
Health Education
Fund Raising
The goal of the Respiratory Training and
Educator Course is to give health
professionals the knowledge and skills to
better educate their patients or clients;
thereby improving the quality of care and
the patients’ quality of life.
• RESPTrec includes AsthmaTrec and COPDTrec
• LAS will deliver RESPTrec across Canada
• Spirometry training module to be added in 2008
• Sleep apnea module under consideration
• Conduct courses to train 50 educators in
Saskatchewan 2008
• Pilot project to provide Respiratory Educators in
family physician clinics in Regina, Ft Qu’Appelle,
Prince Albert
• Provide continuing education seminars,
videoconference and website resources for
respiratory educators
• Participate with CNAC in the national certification
• Include RESPTrec components in
Health Sciences curricula
• Explore alternative training programs for
chronic respiratory disease management in
Northern Saskatchewan
• Promote Integrated Chronic Disease Management
• Work with health regions to expand COPD Rehab
satellites in Saskatoon, Regina, Prince Albert,
Humboldt, and more
• Provide oximetry services for home oxygen therapy
• Lobby Sask Health to provide funding
• World COPD Day November 19, 2008
• Continue COPD awareness program
Jamal A, et al. JAMA 2005; 294:1255-1259
• New adult asthma handbook revision
• Pediatric asthma handbook under development
• Update asthma information on website
• World Asthma Day May 6, 2008
• Discovery Asthma Camp Programs
Sleep Apnea
Home testing for OSA in partnership with
Saskatoon Sleep Disorders Centre
- SleepWell
Sleep apnea handbook
Support groups & newsletter
Attend national and/or international sleep
General HI Activities
• Provide individual support to lung health queries
received by telephone, by e-mail and in person,
including the BreathWorks helpline and the
Asthma Information line
• Provide public education forums for respiratory
patients and their families
• Update the respiratory medications website
which provides information in common language
on medications used to treat lung diseases
General HI Activities
• Provide teaching and placements for students in
health sciences
• Conduct media interviews and issue news
releases to increase awareness of lung health
• Attend national and international conferences
• Participate in CLA Chronic Lung Disease
working group
Provincial HI Activities
• Saskatchewan Thoracic Society
- Annual Education Day
• Convene the Saskatchewan Provincial Home
Respiratory Therapy Committee
to provide the Ministry of Health with guidelines
for home oxygen therapy, home ventilation
and CPAP provision
Provincial HI Activities
• Convene and co-chair the Provincial Respirology
• held 2 – 3 times per year
• provides a forum for respirologists across the
province to develop provincial best practices in
respiratory medicine and lobby for appropriate
access to respiratory care, services and
Health Initiatives
Health Education
Fund Raising
• Develop new resources for students
• Develop web-based lung health resources
• Saskatchewan tobacco reduction coalition
• Conduct media interviews and issue news
releases to increase knowledge of tobacco
• Attend municipal/provincial meetings debating
bylaws/legislation affecting lung health
• Provide individual consultation to queries on
tobacco issues and quitting smoking
• Participate in CLA Tobacco working group
• Attend conferences on tobacco
Example of a
tobacco information
poster developed
for Saskatchewan
schools with
funding from
Health Canada
Clean Air
• Advocate for elimination of urban wood burning
• Advocate for elimination of burning of agricultural
• Provide information and awareness about radon
• Promote scent-free indoor air policies
• Promote clean air policies and actions
• Participate in CLA Clean Air working group
Public Education
• Health fair presentations, spirometry demonstrations
• Make classroom presentations on lung health
• Maintain and expand an effective website for lung
health information
• Host an annual reception for MLAs to make them
aware of lung health issues
News Media
• Maintain and enhance relationships with the media
• Send regular news releases
• Request appearances on talk shows, community
• Respond quickly to all opportunities for publicity
Health Initiatives
Health Education
Fund Raising
• Professorships:
Ferguson Professorship, COPD, Sleep Apnea,
Basic Science, Southern Saskatchewan,
Pediatric Respirologist
• Training grants for STS members
• Support national research programs through CLA
When the Lung Association professorship program
began in 1975 there were 0 respirologists in
Saskatchewan. Now there are 19.
• 9 respirologists were recruited to Saskatchewan
through the Lung Association program
• 8 new respirologists have been trained by the
respirologists funded by LAS and remain working
in the province
Health Initiatives
Health Education
Fund Raising
Fund Raising
• Conduct Direct mail campaigns
• Conduct a residential canvass
• Conduct lotteries
• Conduct special events
• Apply for grants
• Enhance the major giving, planned giving and
memorial giving programs
Lung Foundation
Work with the Lung
Foundation of
Saskatchewan to
develop and enhance
secure long-term
funding for the
One of our fund
raising campaigns
featured a nurse
who attended
asthma camp as a
child. Fund raising
materials also serve
to raise awareness
about lung disease
and programs such
as our new asthma
Health Initiatives
Health Education
Fund Raising
• Continue to maintain and review the support
infrastructure for the Association
• Formalise the succession planning strategy for staff
• Continue to ensure that staff have the necessary
tools, equipment and resources
• Develop a flu pandemic preparedness plan
• Continue to develop and evaluate the governance
of the Association
Canadian Lung
• National Lung Health Framework
• CTS guidelines and updates on COPD, adult asthma,
pediatric asthma, sleep apnea and TB
• Lobbying federal government and national advocacy
• National workgroups chronic diseases, tobacco,
environment (clean air)
• Coordination and facilitation of inter-provincial activities
Professional Societies:
Canadian Thoracic Society
Canadian Respiratory Healthcare Professionals
International Projects
CIDA funded
project to
establish a
TB control
program in
• Regular meetings with the ministries
of Health and Environment
• Yearly meeting with all MLAs
• Lung Health Priorities for
• Internet based advocacy
Key Saskatchewan Issues
• Need more access/capacity for:
– COPD Rehab programs
– Sleep Apnea testing
– Pediatric respirology
– Spirometry and Pulmonary Function
– Medications (non-EDS)
– Respiratory Educators
Key Saskatchewan Issues
• Need more tobacco control measures:
– Smoke-free workplaces
– Ban tobacco sales in pharmacies
– Ban all signs advertising tobacco
– Fund tobacco control activities
– Fund smoking cessation activities
Key Saskatchewan Issues
• Need more clean air measures:
– Test new housing developments for radon
– Create a radon remediation program
– Ban stubble burning, urban wood burning
– Promote wind, solar and geothermal energy
– Create requirements for new housing to
go green
Clinical Placements
Clinical guidelines for lung diseases
COPD rehab programs
Adult respirology clinic
Certified respiratory educator
Sleep Disorders Centre
Pediatric respiratory outpatients
Pediatric asthma/allergy clinic
Home oxygen program – home visits
Clinical Placements
• Undergraduate and Post-graduate
• Development of educational resources
• Assistance with patient education
• Experience on respiratory help-line
• 2 to 4 students per year
Opportunities for Involvement
Clinical placements
Staff positions
Board members
Secondments – health regions, HQC
Take RESPTrec to be a CRE, CAE
patient educator for asthma, COPD or
lung education programs
• RESPTrec trainers
Opportunities for Involvement
• Research projects
• Advocacy
• Join Canadian Respiratory Health
Professionals and/or Saskatchewan
Thoracic Society
• Volunteer