Drug Payment Methodologies
Transcript Drug Payment Methodologies
Drug Payment Methodologies
Presentation Developed for the
Academy of Managed Care Pharmacy
February 2015
• Obtain an understanding of pharmaceutical payment
• Understand differences between common payment
• Describe common payment benchmarks used by
payers for different services
• Understand how differences in these payments may
affect you in practice
Everything has a price…
Consider the purchase of a new car…
Think about all the different prices on this new car:
• Manufacturer’s Suggested Retail Price
• Sticker Price
• Invoice Price
• Negotiated Sales Price (Purchase Price)
Depending on which dealer you are at, you will likely see
variation in these prices
Ultimately, the price you pay is benchmarked off one
of these prices
Drugs work in a very similar fashion…
Drug Pricing
Drugs are not much different than that new car…
There are many published benchmarks for drug
pricing, but the true price is often convoluted…
Payers negotiate different pricing with different
• Often, a payer will pay an independent pharmacy a
different price for a prescription than they would pay
a chain pharmacy for the same prescription
• Pricing also varies depending on service. A home
infusion pharmacy will get a different price than a
long-term care pharmacy, etc.
Although not always by rule, most similar drug
dispensing services will use the same benchmark
AWP (Average Wholesale Price)
AWP is one of the most commonly used
benchmarks in drug pricing
Mainly because it is readily available, easily updated, and
regularly maintained
Many payers base their drug reimbursement to a
pharmacy on AWP, specifically for brand drugs
Third-parties publish this price for public knowledge
(First DataBank (FDB) and Medi-Span are the most
widely used)
In 2009, a lawsuit was filed in regards to improper
inflation of this price
WAC (Wholesale Acquisition Cost)
WAC is the most commonly used benchmark in
pharmacy purchasing of drugs
Published by the manufacturer for sale via a wholesaler
Many pharmacies buy their drugs from a Wholesaler
(AmeriSource Bergen, Cardinal Health, and McKesson
are the three largest drug wholesalers)
The price the pharmacy pays to acquire drugs for their
inventory is usually based on the listed WAC price
WAC pricing does NOT exist for all drugs
Since this is generally a “Wholesaler” price, drug
manufacturers who only sell their drugs directly to
pharmacies sometimes do not publish a WAC
AMP (Average Manufacturer Price)
Established as a part of OBRA 1990
AMP is “the average price paid to the manufacturer for
the drug in the United States by wholesalers for drugs
distributed to the retail pharmacy class of trade.”
excluding “customary prompt pay discounts extended
to wholesalers.”
Made available to state Medicaid programs monthly
This price helps determine the Federal Upper Limit (FUL) price
Beginning July 2006
Currently, this is a retrospectively calculated price and is
held as proprietary information by the government.
Will need to be public if used as a benchmark
Academy of Managed Care Pharmacy. What is the Price Benchmark to Replace Average Wholesale Price (AWP)? . JMCP
Supplement. September 2010. Vol. 16, No. 7
Best Price
Applies to brand name drugs
Defined as “lowest price available from the
manufacturer during the rebate period to any entity
in the US in any pricing structure”
This price is listed to ensure that Medicaid (postrebate) has the best available price for any given
brand drug
Thus, any private payer cannot pay less than what
Medicaid pays for a drug
MAC (Maximum Allowable Cost)
Applies to many multi-source generic drugs
This is a payer or PBM determined price
Consider that for some drugs, multiple manufacturers
exist and they have different published prices
• Payers do not want pharmacies purposely choosing the most
expensive generic on the market
Establishment of a MAC price allows payers to pay the
same price for a drug, no matter the manufacturer
Payers have different calculations for this price
• Often, this price is proprietary to the specific payer
FUL (Federal Upper Limit)
CMS published price specific to a drug entity,
strength, and dosage form
Similar to a MAC price for CMS
Federal Medicaid will fund state Medicaid programs
up to this limit for multi-source drugs plus a
dispensing fee
Like MAC, it prevents a payer from overreimbursing when a cheaper alternative is available
Generally available for most multi-source brand and
generic medications
National Average Drug Acquisition Cost (NADAC)
• New CMS published benchmark created through
a national survey of actual invoice prices paid by
retail pharmacies to wholesalers
– Some states created state specific Actual Acquisition
Cost (AAC) benchmarks through statewide surveys
before the NADAC was finalized by CMS
• Many Medicaid programs are considering using
the NADAC as a new pricing benchmark
• States that implement the NADAC benchmark
will likely increase their dispensing fee
AWP Roll-back
For brand drugs, AWP has a direct correlation to WAC
Aforementioned law suit changed how AWP is
calculated from WAC
Before 9/26/09, AWP = 1.25 * WAC for brand drugs
After 9/26/09, AWP = 1.20 * WAC for brand drugs
Essentially, the listed AWP for most brand drugs was
“rolled-back” about 4%.
Since many pharmacies were reimbursed by payers off of
AWP, pharmacy reimbursements would be reduced
Caused a shake-up in pharmacy world to try and maintain
AWP Roll-back (cont.)
The lawsuit brought about two main consequences:
Roll-back of AWP price as explained previously
Claims of discontinuing AWP by FDB and Medi-Span
Since AWP was the main benchmark for
reimbursement of claims, payers researched and
discussed a new benchmark
Due to a lack of a new benchmark, Medi-Span continued
to provide an AWP Price for drugs
This allowed continuation of the use of AWP as a standard
benchmark for drug pricing
FDB no longer publishes the AWP price
Supply Chain
Consider the many involved parties that a drug
must go through before it finally reaches the
Payer (government, PBM, MCO, etc.)
Other Providers (e.g. Home Infusion, Outpatient
Hospital, Infusion Suites, etc.)
Pharmacy Reimbursement
Let’s concentrate on the transaction that most
pharmacists are familiar with:
Community pharmacy dispensing a drug to a patient
who is covered by a third-party payer
Every payer has a contract with a pharmacy to be a
provider in their network
For example, if you are a member of Pitt Street Health
Plan and you wish to go to Joe’s Pharmacy to get your
drug; Pitt Street Health will have a contract set up with
Joe’s Pharmacy to pay them a certain amount for the
drug and the services they render to you as a member
Pharmacy Reimbursement (example, cont.)
Pitt Street Health will have a “rate” that they
reimburse Joe’s Pharmacy for certain drugs
Standard contracts before roll-back reimburse about
AWP -16% for brand drugs
So if you go to Joe’s Pharmacy and obtain a brand
drug, you will be told a copay amount or a
coinsurance to pay, the rest (up to AWP -16%) will
be paid by Pitt Street Health
So if AWP changes, then the amount Pitt Street
Health pays the pharmacy also changes…
Pharmacy Reimbursement (example, cont.)
Joe’s Pharmacy has a contract with Pitt Street
Health for AWP -16% on brand drugs, but let’s say
you belong to a different plan…
For example, you are with ABC Health instead. ABC
Health may pay Joe’s Pharmacy AWP -13% on brand
drugs per their contract
Another plan could have a different benchmark, for
example if you are with XYZ Health instead, their
contract with Joe’s Pharmacy could be WAC +5%
Pharmacies are reimbursed differently based on the
plan and the rates they negotiate with the payer
Pharmacy Reimbursement (example, cont.)
The patient-facing portion of this transaction is
determined by the patient’s coverage.
If the member is on a copay type plan, their copay is
independent of the total reimbursement to the pharmacy
A Tier 3 brand drug with a $50 copay will be $50 to the member no
matter which pharmacy the member utilizes. The pharmacy will collect
the rest of their contracted amount (AWP –xx%) from the payer.
If the member is on a coinsurance type plan, their coinsurance
is determined by the reimbursement to the pharmacy
A Tier 4 specialty drug with a 25% coinsurance would have a variable
cost to the member as the 25% is usually calculated as 25% of the total
cost of the prescription. It behooves the patient to go to a pharmacy
with a low reimbursement contract with the payer.
The possibility of variability in member cost share exists in coinsurance
based plans.
Pharmacy Reimbursement
The most common payment benchmark is AWP, but
the changes made to AWP in 2009 have caused us
to look further into how drugs are paid for…
Although it is a relatively new benchmark, ASP is
becoming the gold standard for drug
reimbursement for office-administered drugs…
NADAC and state specific AAC benchmarks are
being considered by many Medicaid programs and
may become the new Medicaid standard
Drug pricing is variable based on the type of
Wholesaler to pharmacy
Pharmacy to third-party payer
Pharmacy to Medicaid
Uniformity in the standards to drug pricing is what
the industry is moving towards
Government and legislation have altered previous
standards to drug pricing
Until a standard is agreed upon in the industry,
AWP is holding on
Academy of Managed Care Pharmacy. AMCP Guide to
Pharmaceutical Payment Methods, 2013 Update
(Version 3.0). JMCP Supplement. April 2013.
Academy of Managed Care Pharmacy. What is the
Price Benchmark to Replace Average Wholesale Price
(AWP)? . JMCP Supplement. September 2010. Vol.
16, No. 7
Thank you to AMCP member
Matt Lennertz for updating
this presentation for 2015.