Transcript Slide 1

HISI Conference – 18th
November 2010
Towards use of OpenEHR
Archetypes to support views of
Cystic Fibrosis Review Records
Derek Corrigan
• Problems specific to developing clinical systems
• OpenEHR – a potential solution?
• A methodology for developing OpenEHR systems
• Application of methodology to a clinical case
•Conclusions about OpenEHR experience
Clinical Systems -The Software
Design Perspective
Developing clinical systems is difficult!
• Clinical knowledge is broad and changes quickly
• Software developers are not domain specialists
• Clinical knowledge is embedded in software
• Cluttered, static and inflexible views of data
Clinical Systems - The Clinicians
The Clinical guidelines :
Increasingly demanding multi-disciplinary care teams for
best practice
This requires flexible and dynamic views of data to cater
for all each team member as well as the overall team.
Incompatible with previous limitations
OpenEHR – A Silver Bullet?
Specific implementation of 2 level information modelling employed
using concepts of archetypes and templates.
Courtesy of OpenEHR Foundation
Cystic Fibrosis – A Case Study
Why Cystic Fibrosis?
Was kindly given access to CF registry documentation
Very relevant to Ireland – highest incidence in world
Best practices demands multi-disciplinary team care relating to a
number of discreet clinical areas
By implication requires dynamic views of CF patient data to
support different team member requirements
Could I satisfy team data view requirements using OpenEHR
archetypes and templates and provide a “how-to” guide for others?
Literature Review Based Design Methodology
Identify the key information sources for the domain
Determine all individual clinical items in the domain
Merge related individual clinical items to single archetype clinical concepts
Map the derived clinical concepts to existing archetypes
Data model new clinical concepts e.g. Using mindmaps
Model new archetypes for clinical concepts that are not already available
Create templates to group and constrain related archetypes that represent the
contents of locally used form or document data.
Publish newly created archetypes to the OpenEHR Clinical Knowledge
Cystic Fibrosis Registry
Update Process Flow
Person with CF
Patient Consent Form
Step 1
Clinician Submits CF Patient Details
Or an Updated Annual Assessment
Cystic Fibrosis Registry
Registration and Diagnosis Form
Cystic Fibrosis Registry
Annual Assessment Form
Cystic Fibrosis Registry
Staff Enter Submitted Patient Data
Data Updated in Database
And available via Web
Database Schema
Cystic Fibrosis Periodic
Step 1
Covers a number of clinical areas including physical functions,
nutrition, physiotherapy, medication
CF Registry
DB Schema
Step 1
Clinical Concept
Patient Demographic Details
Patient demographic details
Hospital Demographic Details
Hospital demographic
Spirometry Measurement
A clinical observation of a single complete set of
readings to be captured and interpreted as a single
spirometry lung function test.
A clinical observation of the recorded weight at a
point in time for a patient.
A clinical observation of the recorded height at a
point in time for a patient.
Body Mass Index
A clinical observation of the recorded body mass
index at a point in time for a patient.
Centile Weight
A clinical observation of the recorded centile weight
at a point in time for a patient.
Biochemistry Result List
A clinical observation of a list of the results of
multiple biochemistry tests recorded for a particular
Medication List
A clinical instruction of the current list of
medications that a patient is currently using.
Physiotherapy Regimen
A clinical evaluation and record of the physiotherapy
regimen that a patient is currently undergoing
Nutrition Regimen
A clinical evaluation and record of the nutrition
regimen that a patient is currently undergoing
Steps 2
and 3
OpenEHR Clinical Knowledge Manager
(CKM) – Search for archetypes
Step 4
Spirometry Archetype
Key OpenEHR Goal
Should be clinically complete and reusable
Step 5
Spirometry Archetype
Design V2
Step 5
Step 6
Develop Templates (Views)
Step 7
Step 7
Publish Archetypes to
CKM Step 8
Spirometry archetype submitted to OpenEHR
Aspects incorporated into new archetype they were
working on
To be published on CKM and currently being used in
system in paediatric hospital system in Slovenia
OpenEHR - Conclusions
OpenEHR worked well – descriptive enough from a data perspective – too
flexible though?
Will clinicians use this? Jury still out
Design patterns for archetypes could help
OpenEHR CKM is a very powerful tool to locate and reuse existing
archetypes quickly
Global OpenEHR community - archetype features developed in Ireland
being used in application in Slovenia
Publication of archetypes to CKM, and governance needs to be streamlined
– most still in draft form
If not done, localised archetypes will be used – defeats the aim of
supporting reuse of archetypes
Questions ?