The basic directions of modern economy of public health services of

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Transcript The basic directions of modern economy of public health services of

Lecture №1
Subject and actual
problems of economy of
public health servicesd
The plan: problems
1. Concept of a subject «public health
services economy».
 2. The basic directions of modern
economy of public health services.
 Public health services planning
 Features of modern economy of public
health services of R.Uz.
 Economic efficiency Public health services
Economy of public health services ascience investigating action of economic
laws in public health services, as parts of
uniform system of a national economy, and
also investigating questions of a concrete
economic substantiation of activity of
bodies, services and public health services
establishments. It is a science about
managing methods in public health
The public health services economy
develops the following circle of questions:
1. A role of public health services and
separate kinds of activity of system of public
health services in the general economy of a
social society (proves social, medical efficiency
of public health services);
2. Investigates ways and methods rational
and an effective utilisation of material,
financial and personnel resources of public
health services;
3. Develops questions of an economic
substantiation and an economic estimation
of new organizational forms and medical
aid methods.
The public health services economy
provides complex process of managing in
public health services management, its
planning and the scientific organisation of
work. Possibility of development of public
health services of any country, planning of
some actions for public health services are
defined whole complex socioeconomic
factors, first of all by a country social order.
Planning of services of public health services in each
country is spent with the account the main problems
after first of all from an estimation of a state of health
of the population, their initial distribution or those
illnesses.Vital importance at their planning or those
programs has a possibility of their adequate financing.
At planning of services of services of public health
services it is expedient to use major principles of
services of public health services the developed and
recommended CART.
The committee of experts the CART
recommended following principles of
1. Necessity of declaration of the governmental
policy in the field of public health services, an
establishment of the general form and plan
2. The national policy on public health services
should be co-ordinated to all economic and
social development of the country.
3. Public health services planning should is spent by
competent establishment, including representatives
of all state organisations participating in work on
public health services.
4. Coverage of kinds of services of public health
services and the population in any plan should be
5. The plan should be made taking into account
concrete demographic, social, cultural, economic
and administrative conditions of the given country.
6. The public health services plan should provide
coordination of all programs directed on protection
and strengthening of health.
7. For achievement of tasks in view should be calculated
on the certain period.
8. The actions provided in the plan should be within
possibility of the country from the point of view of the
finance, the personnel and knowledge.
9. At all stages of development and realisation of
programs on public health services registration and
estimations of performance of the plan are necessary
consecutive supervision.
According to these recommendations, and also
with experience of the CIS in the field of
planning of public health services it is possible
to give work on the plan schematically as
1) Carrying out of the sanitary-andhygienic analysis and structure of disease,
the demographic indicators, revealed laws
and tendencies of these indicators.
2) Carrying out of the analysis of security of the
population by medicosanitary service, conditions
of a network of establishments of public health
services and its activity, arrangement and use of
medical shots.
3) Working out of the forecast of sanitarydemographic processes: level and character of
disease, growth of a population, shifts in its
vozrastno-sexual structure, distribution on
territory etc.
4) Working out of the basic directions and
specific targets in respect of public health
services depending on local conditions.
5) Scheduling of public health services by means
of special techniques on all sections and
The general principles of planning of principal
views of medical aid in developing countries are
under construction on the basic standard
methodical receptions of planning of a network
and shots of development of the out-patientpolyclinic and stationary help.
The CART expands the methodical help with the state
concerning public health services planning. In a number
developing countries special committees at high level which
problems included definition of specificity of problems of
public health services of the given country and the finance
necessary for their decision have been created.
The committee structure included representatives of the
private or public international organisations of public health
services for rendering of the advisory help, local sociologists,
financial workers, representatives of legislations, political
parties, demographers, workers of public health services of
the given country.
Problems of similar committees include definition of
real financial possibilities of the country necessary for
realisation of problems of public health services. Correct
distribution of available resources between preventive and
medical services, etc. Committees should define definition of
cost of preparation of medical shots, what of diseases
economic both social development of a society and degree
of the control of the population brake.
Thus, the CART directs efforts of the countries to
coordination of a national resource by application of
methods of planning of public health services.
Progress in the field of public health services
development basically depends on achievements of
the country in the field of economic and cultural
development of the population. Many countries yet
in a condition to provide public health services
services with all necessary or at least to use
achievements available now in the field of public
health services because of for rather limited
financial resources.
The basic directions of modern economy of public health
services of Republic Uzbekistan. The modern
economy of public health services in the CIS
countries, including in R.Uz has 2 направления:1.
Economic efficiency of public health services
(Macroeconomic) 2. Profitability of public health
services-research and working out of methods of
more rational and economic use of the means
consumed on public health services (microeconomics)
Economic efficiency
Economic efficiency - is influence of public
health services on growth of labour productivity
by improvement of a state of health, decrease in
disease, death rate, prolongation of labour activity
of people etc.
Work of workers of public health services
does not create direct material assets,
however the public health services can
promote increase in manufacture of the
national blessings at the expense of following
The actions which are carried out by workers
of public health services, lead to death rate
At the expense of death rate decrease the
contingent of workers increases, number of
sphere of production of goods increases in
a national economy hence qualified
personnel do not decrease and can work
during the big number of years. The volume
of an annual reproduced public product
and the national income accordingly grows.
Average life expectancy that allows to prolong
the period of active work capacity increases and
to involve in manufacture millions people.
Public health services Development conducts to
disease and physical inability decrease.
It is interesting to notice, that the structure of an
economic damage of the national income in
connection with disease develops of a number of
direct and indirect losses. The main things from
them are:
I. Cost of treatment-and-prophylactic service of
Polyclinic treatment and carrying out of
preventive actions
Hospitalisation, sanatorium-health-resort
treatment (it is free or preferential delivery of
permits at the expense of trade unions), a finding
in sanatoria-dispensaries, an invalid food etc.
2. Time invalidity which leads to reduction of
number of the working days, to decrease in
production and a monetary outlay on temporary
disablement allowances.
3. Physical Physical inability which conducts
to reduction of number of the working
conducts to a monetary outlay on payment
of disability pensions.
4. Летальность - reduction of number of
Profitability of public health services provides:
1. The analysis of use of means and material resources in
public health services
2. Working out of methods of more rational and an effective
utilisation of these means (an effect maximum at a minimum
of expenses)
3. Rational arrangement of medical shots
4. Working out of criteria of a substantiation of cost of
various kinds of medical aid
5. An effective utilisation of final fund, equipment, the
6. Working out of specifications of financing of public health
services, regularly-financial specifications of various
establishments of public health services.
Questions for theme fastening:
1. What do you understand as concept
«Public health services Economy»?
2. Problems of economy of public
health services?
3. Open the term "economic
4. What questions are provided by
profitability of public health services?