Social Fabric
Transcript Social Fabric
What Is Sociology?
The study of human
interaction and
Why Should We Learn About
• To acquire self-knowledge
who we are; what are
our life chances, etc
• To prevent false conceptions of
• To develop realistic solutions to
unique Cdn problems and
constellations of problems
National Unity, NationBuilding & Societal
• Introduction
a) Meaning of National Unity
b) Paradox
c) Soc’gical Artificiality of Cdn Society
• Means Used by The State to Promote Ntl
a) Policy & Legislation (name the law)
b) Institutions
c) Other State Means
• Non-State Factors Contributing to Ntl Unity
Policy & Legislative Means Used by
The State to Promote Ntl Integration
• Unity Bill/Clarity Act, 2001
• National Energy Policy, 1980
• Constitution Act, 1982
Charter of Rts & Freedoms
Recognition of Aboriginal Rts
Sec. 28: Gender Equality (to here 02Sept13)
Official Languages Act, 1969
Creation of Cdn Flag
Adoption of National Anthem & Currency
Immigration Laws & Procedures
CRTC Canadian Content Regulations
Macdonald’s National Policy
Residential Schools
Cda Health Act
Nation-Bldg (cont’d.): Additional
State Policy & Legislative Means
Institutions Created by The State
to Promote Ntl Integration
CBC & NFB & Mint
Cdn Council for the Arts
Social Safety Net (e.g. CPP; EI)
Military (incl. Coercive integration)
Festivals and Honorific Awards
Parks Canada
Cdn Olympic Association
Non- State Aspects of Cdn Society That
Promote National Integration
Shared Myths, Symbols & Instit’ns
Shared Values
Inertia based on fear and conservatism
Cross-cutting cleavages
Displacement of aggression & escapist
responses of some oppressed peoples/
limits challenges to the system
• Cumulative Exper. Conflict Resoln
• Spread of Nationalistic Ideology in Face
of External Threats (Notable exceptions
are conscription crises of WWI and
What is “The Social Fabric”
• A set of taken-for-granted social
expectations, based on common
understandings, ideals, and norms
that define what individuals can
count on when dealing with others
and with institutions (and those
institutions’ agents)
In assessing the state of societal
cohesion, we need to assess
-how well these expectations are being met
- peoples’ sense of indebtedness to society
- norms of reciprocity (sense of obligation)
The Implicit Social Covenant:
Expectations Comprising
the ‘Social Fabric’
Implicit social covenant defines what
individuals can expect from society &
what society can expect from them.
Full acceptance: sense of belonging to larger whole
Fair treatment
Trustworthiness of others
Recognition of the contributions made to
community or society
Thus, membership in society entails
OBLIGATIONS – members owe
something to each other.
Social Change and the
Social Fabric
• Some social change strengthens
the social fabric; some weakens
• The social fabric is particularly
vulnerable to weakening during
periods of rapid social change.
i.e., when it produces
frustrations, social tensions,
& status anxieties
Those who see little chance
of winning become alienated
and marginalized.
Social Changes Affecting
the Social Fabric
• Emergence of a ‘market’ culture.
Society as simply a set of individuals
engaged in economic transactions as consumers
of goods & services, as taxpayers buying
services from govt, as entrepreneurs competing
for markets, etc.
Quiet Revolution in Quebec
Multiculturalism Policy
Immigr’n Policy & Incr. In ‘Visible Minorities’
Emergence of Indigenous Isolates
Women’s Movement
Globalization & Major Technological Change
Multiplication of Interest Groups
Concept: Social Capital
“Social capital” refers to certain
properties of relationships and
networks, including:
norms of reciprocity,
norms prohibiting anti-social
behaviour, and
norms compelling beneficial
Sociologists’ Concerns
About the Market Culture
(p. 1 of 2)
• Angus Reid (pollster): “Canada’s
reserves of social capital are at risk of
being quickly depleted by the meanspirited individualism of the new
economy and undermined by onedimensional arguments that focus
solely on the need for greater
economic freedom.”
• Charles Taylor (The Malaise of Modernity)
Concern that people have lost the
broader view and feel less a part of the
larger social order because they focus
on their individual lives.
Sociologists’ Concerns
About the Market Culture
(p. 2 of 2)
• Market Culture Emphasizes Self-Interest
& Self-Reliance
- might discourage the sense that
we owe something to others
& to the community (sense of
indebtedness to society)
- encourages a sense of self-worth
based on economic success
• Market Culture Endorses a Business
Framework as the Main Template for
Social Relations & Institutions
- What counts is the “bottom line”.
e.g., universities’ business plan
students as customers
i.e. market culture as a de-stabilizing
force that strains the social fabric.
How Fragile is the Social Fabric?
Research Findings
• Sense of Belonging
Strong re: communities in which we
live and the larger society.
Feeling of Indebtedness to Society
Sense of Obligation to Help Others
Strong, and we “walk the talk”.
Sense of obligation to help anyone in
need is much stronger than our sense of
obligation to the social groups of which we
are members
Strong commitment to common good
Sense of Mutual Dependence
Diversity Seen as Source of Strength
Disquieting Trends &
• Generation Gap
• Regional Differences
esp. in sense of trust,
commitment, & recognition
• Social Class Cleavages
• Gulf Between Elites & Masses
How Can We Reinforce
the Social Fabric?
• Encourage countervailing forces
to the individualism of the
market culture.
• Eliminate unfairness in
distribution of opportunities and
in practices of institutions
• Bridge social boundaries
• Achieve fairness in social
• Narrow the gap between
citizens and leaders
• Foster community involvement