Developing Countries and Innovation Improving the Higher

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Developing Countries and Innovation
Using patent information
Sri Damayanty Manullang*, Jacky Kister*, Henri Dou**
*METICA, Aix-Marseille University AMU
** ESCEM, ATELIS (Strategic Intelligence Workroom)
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
The gap between theoretical programs
and technical development
Most of the educational programs in higher education do not
have, most of the time, a link with application and development.
Due to this state of things, when teh students reach the state of
employment (industry or research or education), they do not no
how to use their competenices and knowledge to develop
innovative products or services.
We believe that because there is no program to show the role of
science in the development of products and services is one of
the main brake in the development of developing countries.
How to create among researchers an incentive to
use their competencies and knowledge
Facts: if you examined most of the bibliographies of research publications
you will see that most of time, there are no patent citation.
if you examine also the educational programs of most of the higher
education institution, there is no specific or general aproach to patents,
except in law and especialized curriculum.
Patents: the patents represent a living technological encyclopedia which covers
most of the applications and developments in all the areas.
access to the main patent databases is free, this constitutes an
invaluable plus for developing countriesd where the financial resources are often
the worldpatent database covers the most important countries, the
European Patents, the World Patents, this represents more than 90 million of
patents notices, including the Chinese patents and Utility Models.
World patent map
China is the larger patent contributor in the world
How patent information may increase innovation
Competencies, knowledge, facilities of research labs
Traduction in words, concepts, enabling to search the
patent database
Query of the worldpatent databse
Who is doing what
Where, with whom
When, how, etc.
With my knowledge here are the applications
and services which can be developed
How does the educational program will work
How to valorized the natural resources
In developing countries, there are often various natural resources which do
not conduct to added value products. They are most of the time sold
without transformation.
Natural resource names (often latin
Query of the worldpatent databse
All uses and applications of the natural resource
eg. Coconut, moringa, cactus, …
Then I can choose some applications and developments fitting with
My level of knowledge or technology
Access to the most important patent
For the purpose of the development of a general program of the
Intellectual Propertiy knowledge, we use the worldpatent database
available either from the EPO (European Patent Office) of from the
company Matheo Software which developed a package (at a very low
cost) enabling the uploading of the patent notices and the APA (Automatic
Patent Analysis) of the local formated database created through the
Information available on
The Matheo Software package allows also to work on the US Patent
Access to the EPO database (Patent worldwide)
How does the Matheo Patent works
World Patents from EPO
or US Patent (or both)
Creation of
local Databases
Instant analysis
Deeper analysis
offline with
Matheo Analyzer
Copyright matheo-software
The patent notices bibliographic fields
The patent notices contain a certain number of fields which will help to query the
database but also which will give to the users important information.
Patent numbers, priority numbers, application numbers, patent dates, Applicant(s),
inventor(s), titles, abstracts, patent family, IPC (International Patent Classification
eg. Technologies and applications), drawings.
The patent date is important since after 20 years the patents are in the public
domain, they are also used to indicate the trend in the domain
Inventors is the link to scientific publications if any and to the research potential in
the field (how many people work in the area)
Applicants gives the names of potential partners or competitors
IPC is very important it gives the domain (s)of application of the patents
Chinese utility models (petty patents) are important to seak for new ideas. These
utility models are not extended out of China and then can be used outside without
All these data can be combined to gives matrix, networks, lists, etc…
Exemple of the use of APA in Thailand
All the mapping is done using Matheo Patent
Palm oil extract
To prepare the expert’s analysis, strategic information
related to SMEs are extracted from the patent mapping
of coconut applications, products and facilities
From an analysis of the coconut area
Frugal Innovation
This concept (to do more with less) has been developed mainly in India. Today many
firms reconsider low income people as a source of an economic profit. To enter in
this dynamic, it is necessary to be able to develop low cost products, but robust
enough to meet the consumer’s needs.
In this perspective, reconsidering low patents especially in the field of energy (solar,
wind, low cost fuels) is interesting. In the same way analyzing the Chinese Utility
models is important since many low improvements are available.
Quering the patent databases with the terms : « low cost », « robust », « frugal » in
combination with dates or other words wuch as « solar energy », « water
treatment », « sustainable », etc. open the way to new ideas or to revisit old ideas
within the framework of the energy cost, the weather change, the economic
potential of low income population, etc.
Again, this area pointed out that the use of âtent information may be one of the
keys to improve innovation.
Action at the national level
Entrepreneurial courses must be developed at the Master and Doctorate
levels not only for the students, but also for all professors and researchers.
It is important to create an incentive among the researchers by a larger ROI
when they are engaged in the tranfer of their knowledge
Create a special formation (continuing education) to have real transfer
specialists (not a diploma, since the need is limited)
knowledge of the mechanism of the transfer (contracts, protection,
security, negociation, …..)
knowledge and analysis of what is done in the institution, the
competences, the know how, the facilities, and seek for partners
in research and development (ex Stanford Research Institute,
University of Coventry)
Create in research and education institutions strategic think tanks to
develop a robust governance to facilitate the transfer of knowledge
Bibliographic references
Competitive Intelligence and Regional Development within the Framework of Indonesian
Provincial Autonomy, Henri Dou, Sri Damayanty Manullang, Education for Information, n°22,
June 2004,
Developing competitive technical intelligence in Indonesia, Hadi-Kusuma Ifan , Dou JM Jr. , Sri
Manullang , Henri Dou , Technovation, January 24, pp.995-999, 2004
The use of scientific indicators within the framework of the development of Indonesian
Sri Manullang, Henri Dou, ISDM n°7, avril 2003, article n° 65
Automatic Patent Analysis (APA) to Improve Innovation and Decision Making in Science and
Technology, Dou H., J. Kister, B. Mannina, International Journal of Latest Research in Science And
Technology, Volume1, issue4, 2012
Les indicateurs issus des brevets au service du développement régional : apport a la stratégie
de différenciation et de valorisation des produits locaux au Maroc, Henri Dou, Fatima Zhora
Taouil, Driss Gruerraoui, Jacky Kister, Vie & Sciences de l'entreprise, n° 197, pp. 82 - 107, 2014
L'Information brevet vecteur de diffusion d'une culture scientifique et technologique
Dou Henri, Revue de Management et de Stratégie (5:2), pp.17-47, 2015
Automatic Patent Analysis Used to Improve Innovation and Development in Developing
Dou Henri, Manullang Sri Damayanty, Kister Jacky, Dou Jean-Maris Jr
British Journal of Applied Science & Technology, 7(3), pp. 237-252, 2015
Negociation et contrats de licence - Comment favoriser le transfert des resultats de la
recherche vers les entreprises
Dou Henri, Regional Seminar about the protection and the valorization of research results in
Universities and Resear, 21 - 23 Janvier 2015 Yaounde Cameroun (see
The role of Patent Information in the development of the innovative SMEs. A focus on
Chinese Patents, Dou Henri, Xie Hongxia, Revue Internationale d'Intelligence Economique
(R2IE), 4, pp. 187-203, 2013
L’Intelligence Economique à l’heure du Jugaad, Henri Dou, Amazon format Kindle
Trends in 3-D printing from a patent information analysis (APA)
Duou Henri, Clerc Philippe
Int. J. Technology Intelligence and Planning, Vol. 10, Nos. 3/4, 2015 pp.354-372
(SSN online: 1740-2840 ISSN print: 1740-2832)
See also
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