Sociology Chapter 4_ sect
Transcript Sociology Chapter 4_ sect
Groups within Society
Chapter 4, section 4
Pgs. 78-82
Society Groups
A society is not only a group, but it is a group
made up of smaller groups.
Every individual in society participates in
A group can be very small, two people on a
date for example or very large- 500 soldiers
at boot camp.
A group can be intimate like a family or very
formal as in the case of people attending a
What is a Group?
In sociological terms, a
group has four major
First: it must have two
or more people
Second: it must have
interaction among
Interaction occurs
whenever the actions of
one person cause
another person or
persons to act.
Third: The members
of the group must
have shared
Fourth: the
members must
possess some
sense of common
The last three features- interaction, shared
expectations, and a common identity- distinguish a
group from an aggregate or a social category.
Aggregate: when
people gather in the
same place at the
same time but lack
organization or
lasting patterns of
interaction they form
an aggregate.
Example: people on
an airplane, people
standing in line at the
Social Category: a
simple means of
classifying people
according to a
shared trait or a
common status.
Students women,
teenagers, and left
handed people are
examples of social
Size - Dyad
smallest group possible ( a group of
2 members) is called a dyad.
In a dyad, each member of the group
has direct control over the group’s
two members fail to agree one member
must change convince the other to change
his or her position or the group will cease
to exist.
Size - Triad
a three person group you have a
triad. The group takes on a life of its
own independent of any individual
one person can disband the group.
Decision making is easier than in a dyad
because two against one alliances can
form in cases of disagreement.
group: one with few enough
members that everyone is able to
interact on a face to face basis.
found that 15 is the largest
number of people that can work well in one
group. When the group is larger than that,
members have a tendency to sort
themselves into smaller groups.
Example: Reality Shows
groups you may participate in
meet once and never meet again.
Other groups you are part of – such as
your family – exist for many years.
Most groups fall somewhere in
Organization of groups can be formal or
Formal Group: the structure, goals, and
activities of the group are clearly defined. Ex.
Student Government
Informal Group: there is no official structure
or established rules of conduct. Ex. Your
circle of friends because you likely do not
have rules or structure of when you meet.
Types of Groups
We are all members
of different types of
Primary groups
Secondary groups
Reference groups
The easiest way to
classify groups is
according to the degree
of intimacy that occurs
among group members.
Charles Horton used
the term primary group
to describe those
involving the most
intimate relationships.
Types of Groups
Primary Groups
A small group of people
who interact over a
relatively long period of
time on a direct and
personal basis.
Often intimate and face
to face, communication is
deep, structure is
Example: Family
Secondary Group
A group in which
interaction is impersonal
and temporary in nature.
Tend to be casual and
limited in personal
involvement, individuals
can be replaced easily by
anyone who can carry
out specific tasks needed
to achieve the group’s
Example: A classroom
Types of Groups
People usually
perform their social
roles and judge their
own behaviors
according to the
standards set by a
particular group.
Any group with
whom individuals
identify and who
attitudes and values
they adopt is called
a reference group.
Groups of friends or
school clubs serve
as reference groups
for many students.
Types of Groups
All groups have
boundaries –
methods of
between members
and nonmembers.
The group that a
person belongs to
and identifies with is
called an in-group.
Any group that the
person does not
belong to or identify
with is called an outgroup.
In groups/Out groups
In groups exhibit three characteristics
First: group members tend to separate themselves
from other groups through the use of symbols. Ex.
Badges, clothes, names
Second: members view themselves positively and
they often view out groups in negative terms.
Third: In groups generally compete with out
groups even to the point of engaging in conflict.
Give examples of In groups and out groups and
conflicts between the two.
E-communities: people interact with one
another regularly on the internet.
Most newsgroups are little more than sites for
members to discuss issues of common interests.
(However some seem like primary groups)
They argue, engage in intellectual discussions,
exchange knowledge, share intimate details of
their lives, gossip, argue, play games and even
flirt. The only difference is that they do it online
rather then face to face.
Social Networks
The web of relationships that is formed by the
sum total of a person’s interactions with other
people is known as a social network.
Social Networks include both direct relationships
with those in our primary and secondary groups.
We have indirect relationships with people we
know or who know us but with whom we have little
or no interaction with such as a friend of a friend of
your parent’s friends.
These networks give us a feeling of community
with opportunity for social interaction
Group Functions
Groups must also
select a leader,
people who
influence the
attitudes and
opinions of others.
In some cases
leadership is
In other groups
leaders are chosen
based on their
ability, and some
other groups elect
Leaders fall into two
Types of Leaders
Leaders are task
oriented. They find
specific means that
will help the group
reach its goals.
Expressive Leaders
are emotion
oriented. They find
ways to keep the
group together and
to maintain morale.
Groups need both
types of leaders to
be successful.
Groups, groups, groups
Groups also need to perform related functions of
setting goals, assigning tasks, and making decisions.
If groups have no purpose then there is no reason for
them to exist.
To achieve their goals, groups need to assign task to
their members. Knowing what is being done and who
is doing it helps strengthen member’s support for the
Finally groups need to control members’ behavior. If
members constantly violate group norms the group
cannot survive
Conformity is linked to the importance that people
attach to a particular group.