Week 24 - Lake County Schools

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Transcript Week 24 - Lake County Schools

This is a g i ant squid. Whenever i or e
come after g, g says j.
The biggest squid ever found was 59
feet long. That’s almost as long as a
school bus.
5 tens + 9 ones = 59
50 + 9 = 59
Giant squids are invertebrates. They
don’t have bones. They are carnivores.
They eat meat. A group of squid is
called a school.
How big is a giant squid’s eye?
It is a big as a baseball.
It is a big as an elephant’s eye.
It is a big as a beach ball.
It is a big as a baseball.
It is a big as an elephant’s eye.
It is a big as a beach ball.
Largest squid ever caught.
Ce phalopods live in the ocean. They are
invertebrates. They do not have bones.
Fishermen sometimes call them inkfish
because they squirt ink. They have
a larg e head, and a set of arms or
tentacles. Squid and octopuses are
cephalopods. So are
C ŭ ttle fish have 8 arms and 2 tentacles.
When they are frightened, they shoot out
brown ink.
8 2 10
+2 +8 -8
10 10 2
They have a shell on the inside
called a cuttlebone.
They move by squirting
water which is called
jet propulsion.
They breath through gills. What color
is their blood?
no color
no color
When there is oxyge n mixed with
the cuttlefish’s blood it is blue.
It has 3 hearts. It has one heart for
each of its 2 gills and the 3rd one to
pump blood around its body.
To find out how many hearts 8 cuttlefish have
We would count by 3’s.
6 9 12 15 18 21 24
About 70% of our earth is covered with
water. About 30% is covered by land.
7 tens or 70
3 tens or 30
Many interesting animals live in the ocean.
3 tens and 9 ones = 39
30 + 9 = 39
Mega means
The megamouth shark is an extremely
rare and unusual speci es of deep water
shark. It was discovered in 1976, only a
few have ever been seen, with 39
speci mens have been caught or sighted.
The blind eel is often called the
nast yi est fish in the ocean. They
are called blind because their small
eyes don’t see in the complete
darkness on the bottom of the
Blind eels have ci rcular mouths that they use
to suck on their dead and living fish. They
have teeth on their tongues that allow them
to cut through their prey and eat them.
They are also sometimes called slime eels
because their skin makes a sticky slime. It
makes up to a gallon at a time. It is used to
suffocate predators by clogging their gills
when they try to eat the eel. They belong to
the family called cy clōstōmes which means
they have no scales, no fins, no jaws, and a
mouth shaped like a c i rcle.
These strange fish live 5,600 feet
down at the bottom of the ocean.
How many hearts do blind eels
This stran ge creature lives deep in the
ocean where there is no light. It is
called a hairy anglerfish.
The hairs glow and act like lures. They
attract prey in the blackness of the deep.
It has light organs that make light.
Scientists call making light in this way
bioluminesc e nc e . Fireflies can do this,
The female is larg er than the male. She
is about the size of a football. The male is
about the size of a ping pong ball.
It has a hu g e mouth and tiny eyes. Food
is scarce deep in the ocean. It uses its
lure to attract prey. Then it opens its
mouth and sucks in the prey.
I know ey has a long ā sound like day.
Which one is true?
Its stomach can expand so it can eat
other fish bigg er than itself.
It has red skin which is invisible because
red light does not penetrate deep in the
ocean where it lives.
It has supersensitive tentacles so it
can feel vibrations in the water.
Jumping spiders have good vision and
use their eight eyes for hunting. They
live in tropical forests, deserts, and
even on mountains!
They have even been found on Mt.
Everest, the world’s tallest mountain. It
is 29,029 feet above sea level.
What number is
in the tens pla c e
in the number