MMuzzi UNICEF Ethiopia Ending Child Marriage SBCC

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Transcript MMuzzi UNICEF Ethiopia Ending Child Marriage SBCC

Mariana Muzzi, UNICEF Ethiopia
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia 8-10 February 2016
Social and Behavior Change Communication Summit
1: Adolescent girls express and exercise their
2: Households & communities invest & support
adolescent girls
3: Service delivery for adolescent girls
4: Laws + policies + enforcement + resources =
protect and promote adolescent girls‘ rights
5: Data + evidence = better policies & programmes
+ progress tracking + document lessons
1ary: 12 million children
enrolled in 30,534
schools w/ 335,109
2ary: 0.5 million (less
than 5%) enrolled in
1,912 schools w/ 65,
116 teachers)
37% of female in primary
15% of female teachers
in secondary school
Mass media:
18% watch TV once a week
30% listen to radio at least
once a week
Non mass-media:
- 52% and 36% of pop. in
rural and urban areas
respectively, get information
from family and friends.
- More trust on religious
leaders & health workers
than mass media
Amongst the identified/evaluated global solutions to end child
marriage how much of the focus should be on C4D/social and
behavioural change communication vs. for instance service
delivery? What’s the balance?
Amongst communication initiatives in place, are we implementing
the ‘right’ ones? How do we measure and know we are doing the
‘right’ thing?
Whose behaviours would we like/need to influence to increase
our results for girls and to end child marriage? [Religious
leaders? Girls?]