The Basics of Communication

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Transcript The Basics of Communication

The Communication Model
Mass Media
Jordan High School
Mr. Rydberg
Types of communication
• Interpersonal communication:
between individuals and/or small groups.
• Mass communication:
(See previous notes)
• Interpersonal communication = vast
majority of communication in history.
The Communication
• Communication Environment:
ALL information transmitted (sent) & received.
• All 5 senses are included.
• Your thoughts are included.
• Describe your CURRENT communication
• How does your communication environment
affect how you receive information?
The Shannon-Weaver Model
(created in the1940s)
SENDER begins by creating…
INFORMATION to be sent through a…
MEDIUM, or mode of transmission, to a…
RECEIVER, who takes the info., and gives…
FEEDBACK, or a response, to the sender.
(Salted Ice Melts Really Fast)
Shannon-Weaver Model
Info Medium
Sample Communication
(Ray feels hungry.)
Ray: Are you hungry?
Tom: Yeah. Let’s go eat.
Ray: Okay.
Stop WRITING for a Minute!
Class Activity:
We are going to go into the hall. Once there,
Mr. Rydberg will tell the class to line up in
certain ways.
The class must line up in the hallway
according to Mr. Rydberg’s specifications,
but NO STUDENT can speak!
• Noise = ANYTHING that interferes with
clarity of the communicated message.
Noise can come from …
• All five senses
• Your thoughts
• Physical/Mental limitations
• Limitations of the medium
• Others?
Shannon-Weaver Model,
Info Medium
Sample Communication
(Ray feels hungry.)
Ray: Are you hungry?
Tom: Yeah. Let’s go eat.
Ray: Okay.
Noise can strike ANYWHERE!!!
(Where can noise strike between
Ray and Tom?)
Stop WRITING for a Minute!
Class Activity:
Break into small groups (3-4 people) and
answer the following question:
Can a living person ever NOT communicate?
Generate answers to this question and
prepare to discuss.
Can we NOT communicate?
• We communicate through…
our words,
our silence,
our action,
our inaction.
• What else is there?
• Can you ever STOP communicating while
you are living?
Noise in Context
Abbott & Costello's "Who's On First?"
Activity (in pairs)
• Create 2 sample communication exchanges
in which all aspects of the Shannon-Weaver
model are labeled. Noise should interfere
in both.
• Each medium should utilize a different
• The noises should be at different locations.
1st Man: What are you reading?
2nd Man: (looks up from paper) Hm? What?
Sender: 1st man
Information: “What are you reading?”
Medium: Voice (acoustic medium)
Noise: 2nd man distracted by reading
Receiver: 2nd Man
Feedback/New message: “Hm? What?”