Communication Barriers
Transcript Communication Barriers
By the end of today, you will be able
Describe what a Communication
Barrier is.
Name them.
Tell how to eliminate or reduce them.
Group Roles:
Recorder: Records notes, questions, examples, etc…
from group discussion. Also, reads group examples
to the class.
Resources Manager: Responsible for keeping up
with and turning in all materials in an organized
Area Supervisor: Responsible for keeping the group
on task and making sure that your groups area is
clean and organized during and after this
Why is it important to recognize obstacles to
effective communication?
What are some things you can think of that
might get in the way of effective
Have you experienced any obstacles while
communicating with someone?
Sender: Transmits the Message
Message: Words, body language, and symbols
that convey an idea
Receiver: Intercepts and interprets the message;
transmits feedback.
Feedback: Words, body language and symbols
that respond to the sender’s message.
A Communication Barrier is any obstacle that
gets in the way of effective communication.
With your group, place each example under
the proper Communication Barrier.
There are 5 Communication Barriers:
Attitudinal: “I don’t like what we are talking about”
Social: “This person is not one of my friends”
Educational: “I am too smart to listen.”
Cultural: “This person’s heritage isn’t like mine”
Environmental: “There is too much noise to think”
Using what you have learned, make any
corrections to the examples of Communication
Barriers by placing them in the correct place.
Each Communication Barrier can prevent the
receiver from correctly interpreting the
message from the sender.
What are some ways can you think of that can
help eliminate or reduce these obstacles during
Here’s what the experts say:
Get rid of distractions.
Find a common field of experience (A realistic way
to be on the same page) with the other person.
To the Sender:
THINK before you speak (What is the real message
you want to send?)
ARTICULATE your words (Speak clearly)
Watch for feedback (Nonverbal signals will show
you if they are getting the right message)
To the Receiver:
ASK Questions: (Could we turn down the heat, Can
we talk somewhere quieter, etc…)
LEARN more about the issues and people: (I would
like to hear their point of view)
RELATE to the background and experiences of those
speaking. (I should try to understand what they are
going through and the message they are sending.)
John is not interested in Jenny and Jennifer’s
conversation about Coach Purses.
Blake tunes out when Jessica talks about what
happened on her favorite reality tv show.
Jessica doesn’t listen when her dad starts griping
about how hot it is, because that is all he ever talks
Breanne gets mad and ignores her mom when her
mom starts to tell her why she is getting grounded.
When Amanda’s family starts talking about
politics she lets her mind wander off.
Rachel is in Choir and she doesn’t want to hang
out with Lisa because Lisa is a Cheerleader.
Jackson plays baseball at DHS, so when his friend
Larz from Ryan asked him to go hang out he said
The skater kid refuses to work in a group with the
preppy kid.
Irma is wheelchair-bound and can’t find anyone to
sit with at lunch because she looks different than
the other kids.
The Softball Team won’t go the basketball game
with the Volleyball Team because they don’t like
each other.
Dylan zones out during the test review because he
already thinks he knows all of the answers.
April’s mom is trying to give her advice, but April
doesn’t really listen because she doesn’t think her mom
understands her situation.
Sarah tunes out the directions because she assumes she
already knows what to do and she does her assignment
all wrong.
Michael doesn’t pay attention to his Algebra 2 teacher
because he thinks he is too dumb to understand the
Megan doesn’t listen to Issac when he talks about
Environmental Issues because she doesn’t understand
what he is talking about.
Logan can’t pay attention to the coach at football
practice because it is too hot outside.
Danielle is having a hard time learning her Fillies
routine because of all the cute boys watching from
the hallway.
Eric can’t focus on his homework because the kids
in the class are talking.
Sherry can’t hear her friend talking to her because
her little brother is running through the house
Mitch is having a hard time following the lecture
because it is freezing in Coach Bradley’s classroom.
Jamie’s mom doesn’t want Jamie to hang out with
Sasha because her family celebrates Kwanzaa
instead of Christmas.
Chris won’t sit at the same lunch table as Katie
because Katie wears a hijab to cover her head
because of her religion.
Jennifer hates to go to dinner parties at Malika’s
house because Malika only cooks Chinese food
that Jennifer thinks is weird.
Jose doesn’t want to be friends with Conrad
because they are not the same race.
Juan doesn’t like Wes because Wes is not Hispanic.
With your group, prepare an example to
demonstrate the Communication Barrier
assigned to your group.
Decide on a way that Barrier could be
eliminated or minimized in that situation.
Don’t tell anyone else what Barrier you have.
Be prepared to share with the class.
Read your example to the class.
We will try to guess which
Communication Barrier you have.
Then, tell the class how that
someone would eliminate or
minimize that Barrier in your
Answer these questions with your
group on your group’s paper…
What is a Communication Barrier?
Name the Communication Barriers.
How can you eliminate or reduce them?