Communication and Interpersonal Skills - MMR e

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Transcript Communication and Interpersonal Skills - MMR e

Source: Management Fundamentals, Canadian
Edition Schermerhorn and Wright
What is she saying?
“Relationships are the most powerful form of media.
Ideas will only get you so far these days. Count on
personal relationships to carry you further”
- Pam Alexander, CEO of Alexander Ogilvy Public Relations
Management Fundamentals, Canadian Edition Schermerhorn and Wright
 Communication allows managers to establish and
maintain interpersonal relationships, listen to others,
and otherwise gain the information needed to create
an inspirational workplace.
 No manager can handle conflict , negotiate
successfully, and succeed at leadership without being a
good communicator.
The Communication Process
What is effective communication?
 Effective communication occurs when the message is
fully understood. The intended meaning of the sender
and the interpreted meaning of the receiver are one
and the same.
Golf Course Activity
What did you learn?
 Were you able to communicate with your partner
 What were some of the barriers?
 What strategies worked? Didn’t work?
Persuasion and Credibility
 Not always about being “heard”
 Includes the desire of one party to influence or
motivate the other in a desired way.
 Getting someone else to support the message being
Good Managers Persuade
 Managers get things done by working with and
persuading other who are their peers, teammates, coworkers
 They get things done more by convincing than by
 They must persuade others over and over again in the
dynamic and complex workplace; once is not enough
Persuasion Activity
 Groups of Four
 Each member gets a product
 You meet three people on the street, they stop you and
question you about the product you have
 Try to convince them to purchase your product
Persuasion Activity Recap
 Did you succeed? Why or Why not?
 What methods did you try using?
 What would have helped you succeed?
 Jay Conger (Scholar and consultant) says “that many
managers confuse persuasion with taking bold stands
and aggressive arguing”
What does he mean by this?
 This often leads to “counter persuasion” responses and
to questions regarding the manager’s credibility.
(Credibility: is trust, respect, and integrity in the eyes of
Building Credibility
 Build credibility for persuasive communication
through expertise and relationships.
 You must be knowledgeable about the issue in question
and/or have a successful track record in dealing with
similar issues in the past.
 You must have a good relationship with the person to be
Rule of Persuasion
It is always easier to get
someone to do what you
want if they like you.
Barriers to Communication
Barriers to Communication
 Noise – anything that interferes with the effectiveness
of the communication process.
 For example – Translation
 A lot of the meaning behind our words can be lost in
Examples of Barriers
 Technical Interference
static on phone lines
computer crash
faulty hearing aids or inadequate eyeglasses
physical ailments (having a bad headache)
spelling and grammar
Examples of Barriers
 Semantic Interference
When different words mean different things to different
 Environmental Interference
Age (generation gap)
Gender (some things guys say may offend girls!)
Physical Appearance (looking untidy or wearing inappropriate
clothing may distract the receiver)
Cultural Attitudes (time, space, racial and religious
Choosing the right channel
 Written channels – acceptable for simple messages –
easy to convey and require extensive dissemination
quickly - also important in formal situations
 Spoken channels – complex and difficult to convey
messages – immediate feedback to sender is needed
Poor Written or Oral Expression
 Communication is only effective if the sender
expresses a message in a way that can be clearly
understood by the receiver.
A business report said: “ Consumer elements are
continuing to stress the fundamental necessity of a
stabilization of the price structure at a lower level than
exists at the present time.” $%**# ????
• Translation: Consumers keep saying that prices must go
down and stay down.
 A manager said, “Substantial economies were effected
in this division by increasing the time interval between
distribution or data-eliciting forms to business entities.
 Translation, “The Division saved money by sending out
fewer questionnaires.”
Spelling and Grammar Mistakes!
 Read article and discuss in small groups