Transcript Document

Department of Education, Faculty of Education
Development of Power Relationships
in the Classroom of Future Teachers
Zuzana Šalamounová, Kateřina Lojdová,
(Jarmila Bradová, Kateřina Vlčková)
J. A. Comenius
Czech Republic
This paper is a part of the output
of a three‐year‐project called
“Power in the Classes
Taught by Student Teachers”
The research is sponsored by the Czech Science Foundation
Introduction to the research project
The aim of the project is to describe in detail how power
is negotiated, used, and perceived by student teachers
and their pupils on the level of lower secondary schools
(ISCED 2A) in classes of student teachers.
In this paper, we would like to introduce out theoretical
background and methodological implications.
Concept of power
Power is defined as the ability to influence opinions,
values, and behaviour of a person or a group of persons
(McCroskey, 2006; Richmond & McCroskey, 1992).
Power principle: power comes from the person being
influenced – not the person in the more powerful position.
Situational phenomenon (Jacobs, 2012, Schulz, Oyler,
Circular phenomenon (Buzzelli, Johnston, 2001,
Aultman, Williams-Johnson, Schutz, 2009)
Reciprocal phenomenon (McCroskey, 2006; Moscovici,
Why student teachers?
Newly qualified teachers know necessary information of
their teaching subjects, but they do not know how to
meet conditions for establishing power relationships
in the classroom (Richmond & McCroskey, 1992;
Staton, 1992).
Harsh and rude reality of everyday classroom life can
cause collapse of their ideals formed during teacher
training - “the reality shock”(Veenman, 1984).
Power play in Czech schools
Traditional power constelation is characterised by
concentration of power in the teacher’s hands.
Mode called power play (Šeďová, 2011).
Teacher establishes situation in the classroom according to
his/her aims.
Situation is close to hegemony (Hargreaves, 1972).
Power play in Czech schools
The dominant role of teacher is supported also by seating arrangement
in which pupils have only little chance to talk to each other (see
Bradová, 2011).
Power play in Czech schools
This setting is supported by communication based on IRF
structure which is a dominant communication mode
(Šeďová, Švaříček, Šalamounová, 2012; see also
Alexander, 2007).
T: When we talk about accidents we use die of and when we talk about diseases we use die from.
Remember the difference, OK?
P Tomáš: But it has got the same meaning! I mean, in both cases the people die because of health
T: You think so?
P Tomáš: Yes, because . . .
T (she interrupts him): But it’s not the same. Because here (is pointing to “die from” written on the
whiteboard) is a long term cause which causes the death. On the other hand, here (she is pointing to “die
off” written on the whiteboard) the cause of death is instantaneous. What was the cause of death in “die
P Tomáš: Heart attack.
T: Good. That’s why we use “die of.”
P Tomáš (interrupts the teacher who wants to move on to a new topic): But one can die of a heart attack
after a much longer time then they had it.
T: You know what? Here is the dictionary, look it up (hands him the dictionary, Tomáš is vexingly looking
around the classroom, pupils giggle). Look up “die of” and “die from.” And you’ll tell is in a while what you
P Tomáš: OK . . .
T: Did you find when “die from” is used? Which phrasal verb did you look up the first?
P Tomáš: To die of means to die because of some fatal accident.
T: To die because of some fatal accident. As I told you. There was I thinking that I made a mistake. Well,
then everything is OK, isn’t it? (is smiling).
Changing tendencies of power relationships
Nowadays academic and public discussions accent the fact
that power realitonships should change.
Result of democratization of the Czech society.
Influence of discussion about efectivity of traditional
transmissing way of teaching.
Considerations that transition to constructivist teaching
requires adequate modifications of retationships are
Tendency to change of power relationships
Especially novice teachers tend to establish power relationships
that are based on concensus.
Pupils should be involved in decission-making processes in the
level of the classroom.
Pupils should enjoy the process of schooling.
Ideally pupils should behave and perform in accordance with
aims of the school that they co-construnsted.
Simultaneously they should do so with pleasure and voluntarily.
Rationale of the project in the Czech environment
Teachers with „democratic subjective theories” nowadays
struggle to meet requirements that are expected from
them, therefore the schooling suffers from problematic
power constelations
As the result 40 % of Czech teachers decide to change
their career and leave the profession within 4 years
(Blížkovský, Kučerová, Kurelová a kol., 2000, s. 169)
Project methodology
The project is designated as a field research based on
mixed methods design.
Data collection:
-In-depth interview with student teachers and pupils
-Participant observation of the student teachers and their pupils
during classes
-Video recording of four classes (in total 32 classes)
-Pupils questionnaire (Teachers´ Power Use Scale), shortly after the
from September 2013 to December 2013 (during longterm practice of student teachers)
Thank you for your attention.
Zuzana Šalamounová ([email protected])
Kateřina Lojdová ([email protected])
Department of Education, Faculty of Education,
Czech Republic
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