Would you say it to the person`s face?

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Transcript Would you say it to the person`s face?

• "Netiquette" is network
etiquette, the do's and
don'ts of online
Another term is digital
citizenship. It applies
to cellphone texts and
all social media.
Would you say it to the
person's face?
If the answer is no, rewrite and
reread your words. You should
work feel as comfortable saying
these words to the live person as
you do sending them through
Another reason not to be offensive
• When you use online
digital communication
-- via email, online
communities, or
cellphone text -- your
words are written.
Your words are likely
stored somewhere
and you may not
control what happens
to the content.
Some numbers
• There are 17 social
media services with
over 100,000,000
• There are 4 services
with over 1 billion
registered users
• terms big file.doc
What does the school say?
• Disruptive behavior in the classroom will not be
tolerated, as it infringes on the educational rights
of others.
• Irresponsible use of technology: (cell phones,
tablets, etc.) When teachers allow, participants
should use personal devices during the
instructional day to support their educational
activities and maintain academic integrity in all
their work at all times. Access for personal
reasons is secondary and must not disrupt the
school day or the learning of others.
What else?
• Bullying, Harassment, Discrimination**** (BCS Board Policy 1710,
4021, 7230) Harassment or bullying behavior is any pattern of
gestures or written, electronic or verbal communications, or any
physical act or any threatening communication that:
• Cyber-Bullying of students, faculty, or staff (Facebook, texts, chat,
etc.) **** (BCS Board Policy 1710, 4021, 7230)
• Examples of behavior that may constitute bullying or harassment
include, but are not limited to, verbal taunts, name-calling and putdowns, epithets, derogatory comments or slurs, lewd propositions,
exclusion from peer groups, extortion of money or possessions,
implied or stated threat.
• Disorderly Conduct: Disruption,
disturbance, or interference with the
teaching of students, or that which disturbs
the peace, order or discipline on any
public school or activity bus. Also included
are disturbances intentionally caused by
fighting, creating the threat of violence, or
communication intended and likely to
provoke violent retaliation resulting in a
disruption. (G. S. # 14-288.4 (a) (6))
What can happen?
Problems with “sharing to much”
• Identity theft
• Phishing
• Cyber-stalking
What else?
• http://www.nsteens.org/Videos/BrokenFriendship
What is expected?
Have respect
Act responsibly
Work together
Keep on task