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• Communication is a process of
transferring information from one
entity to another.
Communication processes are
sign-mediated interactions,
between at least two agent.
• Communication is commonly defined
interchanging of
• Thoughts,
• Opinions,
• Information
by speech, writing, or signs".
Communication requires that all
parties have an area of
communicative with common people.
• Auditory means, such as speech,
song, and tone of voice,
• Sign language, touch, eye contact,
• Through media, i.e., pictures,
graphics , sound, and writing.
• Nonverbal means, such as body
language, Miming
Researchers have divided how
communication was transformed
into three revolutionary stages:
The first written communication made on
stone, which were too heavy to transfer.
During this era, written communication
was not mobile
In the 2nd Information
Communication Revolution, writing
began to appear on paper, , clay, wax,
etc. Much later the Gutenberg printingpress was invented. Gutenberg created
this printing-press after a long period
of time in the 15th century.
• Johannes Gutenberg
1468 - February
German goldsmith and
printer who introduced
modern book printing.
• His invention of
mechanical movable
type printing started
the Printing Revolution
• In the 3rd Communication
Revolution, information can now be
transferred via controlled waves and
electronic signals.
• Communication meaning is assigned
and conveyed in an attempt to create
shared understanding.
• This process requires a vast repertoire
of skills in intrapersonal and
interpersonal processing, listening,
observing, speaking, questioning,
analyzing, and evaluating.
• It is through communication that
collaboration and cooperation occur.
• Listen first carefully
Communication is a two-way
• Be interested in the people you
are communicating with, pay
more attention to what they are
• Be relaxed. Bad body language
such as hunched shoulders, toetapping or touching hair &
other bad habits to be avoided
• Smile and use eye contact. It’s
the most positive signal you can
• Ask questions. Its a great way to
show people that you are
really interested in them.
Be assertive. By this we mean try to
value their input as much as your
own. . Try for the right balance.
• When you are speaking try to be
enthusiastic when
• appropriate. Use your voice and
body language to emphasis this.
• 55% of impact is determined by body
language—postures, gestures, and
eye contact.
• 38% by the tone of voice.
• 7% by the content or the words
• Listen
• First acknowledge what you hear,
even if you don’t agree with it
• Before expressing your experience or
point of view