Transcript Data Love

Effective Communication using
By Jami Baayd MSPHc
Why I LOVE Data
 Lends power and credibility to our statements
 Drives good policy
 Elevates the voices of marginalized groups
 Helps us recognize disparities
 Provides a fairly standardized way of sharing information
My Research
 Boutayeb 2016
My Research (cont)
Data Analysis
Libraries and Public Health
 A natural alliance
 We both provide important public services
 Both often looking to convince stakeholders of the importance of
our projects
 End game: we need $$$$ for our initiatives
We know we have succeeded if . . .
People UNDERSTAND what we are saying
People CARE about what we are saying
How can we help our audience
Fagerlin 2011
How can we help our stakeholders care?
Vaccine PSA
Opioid Overdoses in Utah
 Boutayeb, W., et al. (2016). "Actions on social determinants and interventions in primary
health to improve mother and child health and health equity in Morocco." Int J Equity
Health 15(1): 19.
 Fagerlin, A., et al. (2011). "Helping Patients Decide: Ten Steps to Better Risk
Communication." Journal of the National Cancer Institute 103(19): 1436-1443.
 Ganle, J. K. (2015). "Why Muslim women in Northern Ghana do not use skilled maternal
healthcare services at health facilities: a qualitative study." BMC Int Health Hum Rights 15: