Transcript Data Love
Effective Communication using
By Jami Baayd MSPHc
Why I LOVE Data
Lends power and credibility to our statements
Drives good policy
Elevates the voices of marginalized groups
Helps us recognize disparities
Provides a fairly standardized way of sharing information
My Research
Boutayeb 2016
My Research (cont)
Data Analysis
Libraries and Public Health
A natural alliance
We both provide important public services
Both often looking to convince stakeholders of the importance of
our projects
End game: we need $$$$ for our initiatives
We know we have succeeded if . . .
People UNDERSTAND what we are saying
People CARE about what we are saying
How can we help our audience
Fagerlin 2011
How can we help our stakeholders care?
Vaccine PSA
Opioid Overdoses in Utah
Boutayeb, W., et al. (2016). "Actions on social determinants and interventions in primary
health to improve mother and child health and health equity in Morocco." Int J Equity
Health 15(1): 19.
Fagerlin, A., et al. (2011). "Helping Patients Decide: Ten Steps to Better Risk
Communication." Journal of the National Cancer Institute 103(19): 1436-1443.
Ganle, J. K. (2015). "Why Muslim women in Northern Ghana do not use skilled maternal
healthcare services at health facilities: a qualitative study." BMC Int Health Hum Rights 15: