Section 2 Notes

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Section 2 Vocabulary
porcelain – fine clay baked at high temperatures
Chang’an – Chinese capital
Li Bo – famous poet of the Tang era. His poems talked about
Du Fu – famous poet of Tang era whose poems talked of
suffering of common people
calligraphy – beautiful style of writing
Section 2 Vocabulary
Section 2 Notes
A Growing Economy
Tang dynasty strengthened China’s
economy by supporting farming and trade.
Farming during the Tang dynasty
Tang leaders brought peace to China and
gave land to farmers. Farmers were able
to make great advances in farming.
Section 2 Notes
Farming Improvements:
1. Improved irrigation
2. New ways to grow crops
3. New kinds of rice that grew well in
poor soil, grew faster and was
disease resistant
These improvements helped farmers grow more
rice. They also began to grow tea and make
improvements in other crops.
Section 2 Notes
More Food
More people
More trade
Big cities
More $ for
people & govt.
Section 2 Notes
Chinese Traders -
Imports (into country) &
exports (out of country)
Tang rulers had roads and waterways built (Grand
Canal). Travel was easier so merchants increased
trade w/people throughout Asia.
China Exports
•silk fabric
•tea, steel
China Imports
•precious stones
•fine woods
Section 2 Notes
New Technology
Chinese developed new technology such as
steelmaking and printing
The Chinese discovered that coal could be used
to heat things. The coal mining industry developed
and grew. Chinese needed coal (wood was scarce)
to warm their homes and to cook.
The Chinese also discovered that mixing iron and
coal created a new strong metal they called steel.
Steel was used to make armor, swords, farm tools
chains, nail and sewing needles.
Section 2 Notes
New Technology
Chinese developed new technology such as
steelmaking and printing
Paper was invented during the Han dynasty but
during the Tang rulers the printing press was
invented which allowed mass production of books.
Books were no longer hand printed so they were
not as expensive. The first printed book, Diamond
Sutra, was a Buddhist book. Books helped spread
ideas more quickly.
Section 2 Notes
New Technology
Chinese developed new technology such as
steelmaking and printing
The printing press also allowed the Chinese to
produce paper currency ($) which was way easier
to make than the copper coins they were using.
Paper money helped the economy to expand and
cities to grow.
Pi Sheng invented moveable type. This allowed
characters to be rearranged making it easier to
Section 2 Notes
New Technology
Chinese developed new technology such as
steelmaking and printing
Chinese also invented gunpowder. They created
the fire lance – a type of gun.
Gunpowder helped make China’s army strong and
allowed them to create fireworks.
Other Inventions: compass, built ships with rudders
& sails
Section 2 Notes
New Technology
Chinese developed new technology such as
steelmaking and printing
Chinese inventions reach Europe through
missionaries and trade.
Impact on Europeans:
•block printing =Publish books in large numbers
•Gunpowder=changed how wars were fought
•Compass =encouraged travel around world
Section 2 Notes
Tang and Song dynasties
were a golden era
Art and literature was supported
and encouraged
Li Bo was a famous poet who wrote about nature
Du Fu was a famous poet who wrote about social
injustice and problems of the poor
Landscape paintings were very popular during the
Song dynasty
Calligraphy was used to write beautiful characters
The art of making porcelain was perfected during
the Tang period and was used to make fine plates,
cups, vases and figurines.
Section 1 Notes
Name three ways farming
improved under the Tang
Section 1 Notes
What products were imported
to China
Section 1 Notes
What products were exported
from China