Transcript File

World History
Unit 5
Essential Question:
• After learning about the Treaty of
Versailles, reflect on what parts of
might have angered the German people
enough to follow Hitler into WWII.
• What was it about each of these things
that would get them to follow such a
radical person?
Paris Peace Conference
• Allied leaders meet and debate
the terms of the Peace Treaty
• The Big Four Leaders
– Woodrow Wilson – United States
– George Clemenceau – France
– David Lloyd George – Great Britain
– Vittorio Orlando – Italy
United States – President Wilson
• President Wilson’s plan,
“Fourteen Points,” called for:
– Self determination
• All peoples have the right to freely
determine their political status and
freely pursue their economic, social
and cultural development
– Small militaries for defense
– Open diplomacy - the
elimination of secret alliances
David Lloyd – Great Britain
• Prime Minister Lloyds objectives:
– keep up a blockade so that no food
or supplies could get into Germany.
– make the Germans pay
– take over Germanys colonies
– Maintain British supreme position in
Naval strength
– Maintain balance of power in Europe
France - George
• France, who had suffered the
most, wanted:
– return of Alsace and Lorraine,
land taken by Germany in
– security - against future
German aggression
– reparations
– revenge
War Debt
• France and Great Britain owed the U.S. millions
of dollars that they borrowed to finance the
• Wilson would NOT forgive debt owed to the
• France and Great Britain wanted reparations
against Germany so that Germany can pay
them and they can pay back the United States.
• Look up the definition of reparations and
write it on your notes
Paris Peace Conference
• Those not attending:
– Russia: in the middle of a civil
– Germany: not invited - no
Germans were at the Peace
Conference until everything was
agreed upon and the documents
(Treaty of Versailles) was ready
to be signed.
Treaty of Versailles
• Due to the British blockade of
German ports, the people were
starving, so Germany felt forced
to sign the treaty on June 28,
This drawing, done in
1924 depicts the
results of the
blockade. It is titled
"Germany's Children
Are Starving."
Treaty of Versailles
• There were a total of 440 clauses in the
final treaty.
– 414 spelled out Germany's punishment.
– 26 dealt with the establishment of the
League of Nations.
• Five separate treaties with defeated nations
Terms of the Treaty of Versailles
• Financial Clauses
– Reparations - Germany was to pay for the
damage caused by the war. The figure equaling
$33 billion U.S. dollars was set some time after
the signing of the treaty.
War Guilt Clause
• General Clauses
– War Guilt clause -
Germany to accept
blame for starting the
Military Clauses
• Demilitarized zone - The Rhineland area was
to be kept free of German military personnel,
weapons, and fortifications
Military Clauses
• Army - Reduced to 100,000 men
– No tanks were allowed
• Navy - Only allowed 6 ships
– no submarines
• Air force – dismantled – no air force
Sinking the German Fleet
• The German Fleet of ships
was kept at the Royal Navy
base in Scotland under the
terms of the Armistice while
negotiations took place over
the fate of the ships.
• Fearing that all of the ships
would be seized and divided
amongst the allied powers,
the German commander,
Admiral Ludwig von Reuter,
decided to scuttle (sink) the
Sinking of ten battleships, five
battlecruisers, five cruisers and
32 destroyers
Land and Territory Clauses
• Give Alsace and Lorraine back to
• Territory given to Denmark
• Territory given to Poland
Loss of
Blue = territory lost by Germany
Purple =territory lost by Russia
Pink = territory lost by Bulgaria
Green =territory lost by Austria-Hungry
New Countries Were Made
New boundary lines were drawn up:
Poland was created.
Czechoslovakia was created
Austria-Hungry was split into two countries
Treaty Of Versailles
• Military and territorial
provisions angered
• Germans felt it was a
harsh peace.
•Reduce army, cut
back navy, eliminate air
Territorial Clauses
• Land –
– Alsace-Lorraine was returned to
– Eupen and Malmedy were given
to Belgium
– North Schleswig was given to
– Land was also given to
Czechoslovakia and Poland
– The League of Nations took
control of Germany's colonies
• Payments Germany
was required to make
for war damages.
• Wilson (U.S.) wanted a
peaceful world
• France and Britain
wanted to punish
Unemployment lines in Germany
after the war
• Germany was required to pay
132 billion German marks (33
billion U.S. dollars)
• 1921 Germany made its first
payment of 2.5 billion marks
• The following year they had
no money to pay, so France
came in and took over some
of their industries
Lloyd George - Great Britain,
Orlando - Italy,
Clemenceau - France,
Wilson - USA
The League of Nations
• The United States does not
join the League of Nations.
• Americans no longer
wanted to be involved with
• Belief in isolationism.
• U.S. Senate refuses to ratify
the Treaty of Versailles.
Symbol of the League of Nations
The League of Nations
• Created on Jan. 25, 1919 at the
Paris Peace Conference.
• Wilson gets the others to agree
to create the League of
Semi-official emblem
• A world organization created at
the Paris Peace Conference
• U.S. Senate fails to ratify
Political cartoon
from Punch
magazine in 1920,
making fun of the
perceived weakness
of the League of
The League of Nations
1920 - 1946
• A nation governed
by another nation on
behalf of the League
of Nations
• France took control of
Lebanon and Syria
• Britain received Iraq
and Palestine
Essential Question:
• After learning about the Treaty of
Versailles, reflect on what parts of
might have angered the German people
enough to follow Hitler into WWII.
• What was it about each of these things
that would get them to follow such a
radical person?