Transcript File

Nationalism, Unification, and
 Students will understand what led to the unification
of Italy and Germany after the revolution of 1848.
 The revolutions of 1848 failed in both Germany and
Italy. These revolutions were caused by Nationalism.
 However, by 1871, both Germany and Italy would be
 Open book to page 186. Read the breakdown of the
Concert of Europe. List the two nations primarily
involved in the Crimean War; list other nations
A) The effect of the _______ War was to destroy the
Concert of Europe; Austria and ______ became
B) King Victor _______ II, Camillo di Cavour, and
Giuseppe ________ helped Italy achieve unification.
C) Count Otto von ________ used _______ , politics
based on practical matters, to help achieve German
D) With Prussia’s militaristic and ________ values
triumphant, William I became ________ of the
strongest power in Europe.
The Crimean War
 **Question: How did the Crimean War mark the end
of the Concert of Europe?
 **Answer: Austria and Russia, which had previously
worked to maintain the status quo in Europe, were
now enemies.
Italian and German Unification
 Unification: the act, process, or result of making
into a coherent or coordinated whole; the state of
being unified.
 Militarism: reliance on military strength.
 Realpolitik: the "politics of reality," or politics
based on practical matters rather than on theory or
Complete the Chart (p. 187 – 188)
Otto von Bismarck
 How did the Prussians help the Germans achieve
unification after the Frankfurt Assembly?
 Answer: Prussia defeated Austria, organized the
Northern German Confederation, and agreed to
protect the southern German states in return for
their support. After Prussia defeated France in the
Franco-Prussian War, France gave up the provinces
of Alsace and Lorraine to Germany. In 1871, William
I of Prussia was declared kaiser of the Second
German Empire.
 Authoritarian and militaristic values of Prussia
helped shape the new German state. Predict how
these values might have affected subsequent German
leadership and actions.
 Otto von Bismarck
 Students will understand the political climates of
Great Britain, France, Austria, Russia, and the
United States in the 1800s.
Class Exercise
 Group 1 and 6: Name four reasons why Great Britain avoided
revolutions in the 1800s;
 Group 2 and 7: Explain the changes that occurred in France after
 Group 3 and 8: Explain the changes that occurred in Austria after
1848 and the Compromise of 1867;
 Group 4 and 9: Explain the changes that occurred in Russia after
 Group 5 and 10: Explain the two issues that divided Americans in
the 1800s.
Changes in Great Britain After 1848
Why didn’t the revolutions in Europe affect Great
Gave vote to industrial middle class (increased the
number of male voters)
Made social and political reforms
Enjoyed continued economic growth and prosperity
(middle-class wages increased)
Developed strong sense of nationalism (Queen
Victoria reflected this)
Changes in France After 1848
Restoration of monarchy (Second Empire)
under Napoleon III
Brief period of prosperity
Construction of roads, railroads, harbors,
and canals
Rebuilding of Paris
Fall of Second Empire in 1870, do to France’s
defeat in the Franco-Prussian War.
Changes in Austria and Russia After 1848
Austria was defeated by Prussia in 1866.
**Compromise of 1867 created dual monarchy of
Austria-Hungary; both Austria and Hungary have
their own exclusive governments, but are united
by a king and common army
Alexander II attempted reforms.
• ** Serfs were freed in 1861, but became
Impatient reformers assassinated Alexander II.
United States in 1800s
 **Federalists v. Republicans: Federalists wanted a
strong national government, where as the
Republicans wanted the federal government to be
subordinate to the states. Thus, people were divided
on the division of power.
 **Civil War: the South was determined to maintain
the cotton economy and plantation-based slavery.
Civil war broke out, leading to the emancipation
(the act of setting free) of the slaves.
 Abolitionism: a movement to end slavery
A. Social and political reforms undertaken by the British _________ and Great Britain’s
continued __________ growth helped the British avoid revolutionary upheavals.
B. Under _____________ , the authoritarian French government limited
_______________ , but distracted the public by expanding the _____________ .
C. After opposition arose in the 1860s, Napoleon III began to ___________ his regime.
D. The _____________ Empire, a multinational empire, was defeated by __________
in 1866.
E. The _____________ of 1867 created the dual monarchy of Austria-____________ .
F. After defeat in the Crimean War, Russian czar __________ decided to make several
reforms, such as issuing an _____________ edict that freed the serfs.
A. In the United States, __________________ , who
favored a strong central government, fought with
__________________ , who wanted state
governments to have more power.
B. In the Civil War, which ended in _____________ ,
the North favored ____________ , a movement to
end slavery.
Crimean War
Civil War