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Transcript ah7e_ch21_lecture_outlines

James A. Henretta
Rebecca Edwards
Robert O. Self
America’s History
Seventh Edition
An Emerging World Power,
Copyright © 2011 by Bedford/St. Martin’s
I. From Expansion to Imperialism
Foundations of Empire-over seas markets desired to combat
unemployment due to economic panic of 1893, and the threat of
1. Josiah Strong-belief in Anglo-Saxon superiority leading to
American exceptionalism (widely held belief of the time)
2. Alfred T. Mahan-The Influence of Sea Power Upon Historyadvocated a strong navy for US to compete with European powers
The War of 1898 (Spanish-American War)
1. Cuban Rebellion-fought Spain for Independence
2. “Remember the Maine”-propaganda blamed Spain for US ship
3. The Spanish-American War-fought to aid Cuban
independence(Teller Amendment) but McKinley wanted spoils of
4. War in the Pacific- US attack Spanish navy in Philippines and win
I. From Expansion to Imperialism
C. The Spoils of War1. An Armistice-In the Treaty of Paris 1898 US
gains Cuba, Puerto Rico, and Guam from Spain
2. The Philippines-despite protests from the antiimperialist faction (including Mark Twain, Jane
Addams, Samuel Gompers, Andrew Carnegie)
McKinley decides to occupy Philippines(claimed
they were unfit for self-rule)- result is Filippino
rebels fighting a guerilla war, led by Emilio
Aguinaldo a former ally , to gain independence
from US
II. A Power among Powers
A. The Open Door in Asia
B. The “open door” note-from John Hay stated that
coastal China should be open to all nations for
business and trade
1. The Boxer Rebellion-Chinese nationalists-used
violence to try to get foreigners out of China-US
intervenes to stop rebellion
2. Japan-TR mediates an agreement to end
Russia/Japan conflict 1905 and allows Japan
authority over Korea and Manchuria(RootTakahira Agreement)1908
II. A Power among Powers
B. The United States in the Caribbean
1. The Hay-Pauncefote Treaty (1901)-Britain sold
U.S. sole rights to canal zone
2. A “Big Stick”- US aids Panama independence
from Colombia-builds Panama Canal 1903
3. Roosevelt Corollary-added to Monroe Doctrineonly the U.S. had the right to intervene in the
Caribbean-(went from protector to overseer)
Platt Amendment- US forced Cuba to ….
Bad Neighbor Policy-US policy in Caribbean for
II. A Power among Powers
C. Wilson and Mexico
D. Wilson promises never again to seek conquest for
the US
1. American Interests-Caribbean was becoming an
“American Lake”
2. Revolution –US interferes with Mexican
Revolution to ensure US friendly government stays
in power Pancho Villa attacks Americans at border
III. The United States in World War I
A. The Great War, 1914-1917 aka The War to End All Wars
1. Alliances-Austria/Germany vs. France/Britain/Russia and
US(1917)-Germany invades neutral Belgium to attack France
2. Devastation-millions killed in France-trench warfareimproved weapon technology-war of attrition
B. From Neutrality to War-multiple arguments against the US
getting into WWI –know them
1. The Struggle to Remain Neutral-huge war debt owed by
Allies undercut neutrality
2. America Enters the War-U-boat attacks(Lusitania) causes
US to build up military Wilson1916(“He kept us out of war”)
but Zimmerman note was last straw –war declared by
Congress April 1917
III. The United States in World War I
C. “Over There”
1. Fielding an Army-military draft(conscription)
used to provide enough soldiers-Russia drops out
of Allies to fight revolution at home and become
communist Soviet Union in 1922
2. The American Fighting Force-up to 1,000,000
fresh soldiers under General John Pershing fight
Germans in France-force Germany to surrender
III. The United States in World War I
D. War on the Home Front
1. Mobilizing the Economy-WIB ordered factories
to convert to war production, rationing of food
and resources was encouraged, sale of war bonds
used to raise $ for war effort
2. Promoting National Unity-CPI was a
propaganda agency that encouraged patriotismbacklash was that it led to nativism(mostly antiGerman)actions by the US government and the
Supreme Court punished anti-war activities
3. Great Migration-name given to WWI migration
III. The United States in World War I
E. Women’s Voting Rights-NAWSA made big impact
in war effort ,winning Wilsons respect
Women started industrial paid labor force didn’t last
upon soldiers return but still significant
1. The National Woman’s Party- radical
organization that protested for suffrage
2. The Nineteenth Amendment-1918 Wilson
supported womens suffrage as a”war measure”
Women begin to vote in 1920
IV. The Treaty of Versailles
A. The Fate of Wilson’s Ideas –”idealist” Wilson
presents his 14 Points(peace plan) to Congress
then the Allies at Versailles
1. “Peace among Equals”?-all 14 points rejected
by Allies except the League of Nations
2. “Mandates”-greedy land grabs by Japan,
France, and England set the stage for future
conflicts-some that still exist
B. Congress Rejects the Treaty
1. Debate-Republican Congress rejected the
League of Nations-Wilson appealed to public but