Transcript Document 1
Panama Canal Document
Based Question
Examine the following documents and
come up with positive and negative
effects of the Panama Canal. Write a
well-planned essay.
Document 1
Teddy Roosevelt
Courtesy of the Theodore Roosevelt Center
Document 2
A treaty ratified by the Senate February 23, and proclaimed February
26, 1904.
The United States guarantees and will maintain the independence of the
Republic of Panama.
The Republic of Panama grants to the United States in perpetuity the use,
occupation and control of a zone of land and land under water for the
construction maintenance, operation, sanitation and protection of said
The Republic of Panama grants to the United States all the rights, power
and authority … which the United States would possess and exercise if it
were the sovereign of the territory...
The Republic of Panama grants to the United States in perpetuity a
monopoly for the construction, maintenance and operation of any system of
communication by means of canal or railroad across its territory between
the Caribbean Sea and the Pacific Ocean…
Document 3
1905 Fumigation Car
Document 4
A statement by Rafael Reyes, who served as a General in the
Colombian military before being elected president of Colombia in
Panama has become independent, has organized a government, has
induced a few powers to prematurely recognize her sovereignty, has
usurped rights which do not belong to her in any case, and has ignored the
debts, which weigh heavily upon Columbia…because the government of the
United States has desired it; because, with its incomparably superior force,
the United States has prevented the landing of Colombian troops destined
to reestablish order after our having exhausted every possible means of
friendly understanding… …the United States has not respected our rights in
that strip of land which Columbia considers as a divine bequest for the
innocent use of the American family of States; and, finally, because the
Government of the United States, invoking and putting into practice the right
of might, has taken from us by bloodless conquest-but by conquest,
nevertheless-the most important part of national territory…