War in Iraq - davismiddleschool

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YaS’mEaN MoRtOn=D
• NaTiVeS aMeRiCanz
* bUiLDs h0uses out of
natural resources*
mammels xoxo <3
*Several European
rulers finally decided
to try to find a route
around the Turkish
Empire. If a country
could find a way to
get these valuable
spices to Europe, the
~going to explore the new world…they
rulers would be very
Thought the world was flat!..smh~
*Some came for political
reasons, on behalf of
powerful European kings
and ... Although early
European voyagers to
North America had
diverse motives, they
shared ... for the beliefs
and ways of life of the
Native people who were
already here.
*Almost twenty years passed
between the first and second
attempts by England to
colonize in the Americas. In,
*1606 the Virginia company of
London received a charter
from King James I, and that
charter gave the company
permission to set up a
settlement in the land to the
north of Roanoke, between
*North Carolina and the
Potomac River. This land was
called Virginia.
*The french and indian
war was the last of
four major colonial
wars between the
British, the French,
and their Native
American ...
*Causes of the French
and Indian War,map
of French forts and
*Although some believe that the
history of the American
*Revolution began long before
the first shots were fired in
*1775, England and America did
not begin an overt parting of the
ways until 1763, more than a
century and a half after the
founding of the first permanent
settlement at Jamestown,
Virginia. The colonies had
grown vastly in economic
strength and cultural attainment,
and virtually all had long years
of self-government behind them.
In the 1760s their combined
population exceeded 1,500,000
-- a sixfold increase since 1700
#1 FoUnDiNg FaThErS
*The Founding Fathers of
the United States of
America were political
leaders and statesmen
who participated in the
American revolution by
signing the united states
of independent , taking
part in the establishing
the, united states
constitution or by some
other key contribution.
Within the large group
known as the "Founding
*The war began at
Lexington center in
1775. this won ended
with the treaty of paris
in 1783 . The war
took 8 years to end.
The 13 colonies
lacked weapons& a
army. The U.S.
managed to win this
brutal war.
* After the
independence new
grounds by examing
the changes in the
seven states……
*Jump to: navigation, search
*As of 2012, the United States has a
total resident population of
313,478,000, making it the third
most populous country in the
world.[1] It is a very urbanized
population, with 82% residing in
cities and suburbs as of 2008 (the
worldwide urban rate is 50.5%[2]).
*This leaves vast expanses of the
country nearly uninhabited.[3]
California and Texas are the most
populous states,[4] as the mean
center of United States population
has consistently shifted westward
and southward
*The Louisiana
purchase was one of
the lands acquired by
the U.S. from French
in 1818.the u.s. paid
$15millon dollar for
the piece of land that
expanded 827,987
square miles.
*This war lasted five
long, hard years.
FROM 1861-1865
*The war was fought
over the secession of
the confederacy.
* This was the era of
reconstruction. after
civil war the south
was damaged. many
people like
carpetbaggers' went
to the south to sell
there goods for high
*The world war one began with a little
miss understanding after the
assination of Archduke (Franz
Ferdinand) of the decaying AustroHungarian empire was
assassinated in Sarajevo on June
28, 1914 by a group of Serbian
nationalists. This event began the
struggle between Serbia and the
Austro-Hungarian government.
On July 26, 1914, the AustroHungarian officials issued an
ultimatum to the Serbian
government containing five major
concessions. Once the time limit
on the ultimatum had expired,
Austro-Hungary declared war on
• The great depression
begin in 1920’s-1938
• One reason the great
depression began
was because the
banks invested the
bankers $$ and the
stock market crashed
-this brutal war started in 1939-1945
Hitler, who became chancellor of government in 1933. he
ended a democratic rules & created a militaristic government.
the people who followed & believed him were called
scapegoats. he was one of the few dictators who preached
racial superiority.
-The united states stated that they were going to be neutral in this
war, because they were a strong & isolationist mood. They
were so strong about this statement that they made the
neutrality act.
Part of
the reason for going to war against the
Germany, Japan and Italy. In March
1940: the Lend-Lease act was passed
stating Roosevelt could direct aid to
whomever he wanted. This meant that
the US was no longer neutral. The US
ended up contributing 42 billion dollars
to the war effort by 1945. With Hitler
taking over Europe, FDR saw fit to aid
the British and French troops with
arms, etc.
-The united states got involved in world war two when..
*Started from 1945-1991
The COLD WAR >;/ (approx. 1945–1991)
was a continuing state of political and
military tension between the powers of
the western world , led by the United
States and its Nato allies , and the
communist World , led by the soviet
union , its satellites states and allies.
This began after the success of their
temporary wartime alliance against
Nazi Germany , leaving the USSR
and the US as two superpowers with
profound economic and political
differences. The Soviet Union created
the Eastern Bloc with the eastern
European countries it occupied,
maintaining these as satellite states.
* the Vietnam war was fought to prevent the spread of communism.
*Here are some various opinions on why (and whether) the US
lost the war in Vietnam:
The United States pulled out of the Vietnam war. We did not
lose it. Technically, we were not at war, we were advisors but
the Congressional approval to fight in Vietnam was not given.
If anyone lost it was the people of Laos and Cambodia who
came under Communist rule after the war.
Lack of interest. No one was that interested in stopping the
Communists aggression in the Far East. And as the war went
on, the cost in blood and treasure seemed extreme and
fruitless. So we didn't lose, we just withdrew. When the draft
was ended, it made the war more tolerable, but then high
profile stories of war crimes and napalming made the war
The only reason the US lost was because we withdrew from
there. The US won every battle but the North Vietnamese
were willing to sacrifice many more lives than the US.
They lost because the politicians did not let the military do their
job. They made decisions that should have been made by
generals. Politicians should not make tactical decisions.
The people of South Vietnam did not want to fight that war and
the US didn't want to fight the war for them without their help.
SePtEmBeR #11& ThE waR IN
*SEPTEMEBER11,2001 was an tragic& emotional times
for many people.
*were a series of four suicide attacks that were
committed in the United states.
* coordinated to strike the areas of New York City and
Washington, DC. On that Tuesday morning,
19 terrorist from the Islamism militant group ALQaeda hijacked four passenger jets
*. . The hijackers intentionally piloted two of those
planes, American airlines flight 11 and United
Airlines flight 175 , into the Twin Towers of the
World Trade Center complex in New York City; both
towers collapsed within two hours. The hijackers
also intentionally crashed American Airlines 77into
the pentagon in Arlington Virginia , and intended to
pilot the fourth hijacked jet, United Airlines Flights
93 , into a target in Washington, D.C.; however, the
plane crashed into a field near shank svilles
Pennsylvania after its passengers attempted to
take control of the jet from the hijackers nearly
3,000 people died in the attrack including the 227
civilians and 19 hijackers aboard the four planes,
none of whom survived.
• The Iraq War, or the War
in Iraq (also referred to
as the Occupation of
Iraq, the Second Gulf
War, or Operation Iraqi
Freedom by the United
States military), was a
conflict that occurred in
Iraq from March 20, 2003
4142to December 15,
2011,43 though sectarian
violence continues since
and has caused hundreds
of fatalities.
*The first in history, this was the time of
pride and joy of the first AfricanAmerican president in the United
States of American.
*He was elected nov.4,2008 and became
president in january20,2009
*has declared his position on many
political issues through his public
comments and legislative record. The
Obama Administration has stated that
its general agenda is to "revive the
economy; provide affordable,
accessible health care to all;
strengthen our public education and
social security systems; define a clear
path to energy independence and
tackle climate change; end the war in
Iraq responsibly and finish our mission
in Afghanistan; and work with our allies
to prevent Iran from developing a
nuclear weapon."