Transcript Aug31 Fresh

Aug. 30
English-Fun Stuff
Vocabulary Unit 3
Oueen nefertit and her husband king amonhotep
iv who came to power in egypt in 1367. They
built the city of akhetaton in honer of the
egyptian sun god aton.
I like the south better than the north, however if
I had to travel east, I would go to new york city.
The capitol of the united states from 1785 to
Answer Key
Oueen Nefertit and her husband, King
Amonhotep IV, who came to power in
Egypt in 1367, built the city of akhetaton
in honor of the Egyptian sun god Aton.
I like the South better than the North,
however, if I had to travel east, I would go
to New York City, the capitol of the United
States from 1785 to 1790.