Transcript entry # 34

United States Enters WWI
“Impartial in thought as well as action”
–Woodrow Wilson
• At the Beginning of the War,
the United States considered
the war Europe’s problem and
did not want to deal with it
• There was private support for
both sides in the War (although greater
support for the Allies)
• Wilson took the official stance of Neutrality
(“Impartial in thought as well as action”) …He
picked no side;
• Instead, an Internationalist, Wilson tried
to use US influence to end the War and
bring peace.
British Blockade
• The British blockaded German ports, seized ships trying to
run the blockade, and confiscated any contraband
materials that could help the German war effort.
• Despite the naval arms race before the war, the Germans
did not have a large enough surface fleet to break through
this blockade.
Unrestricted Submarine Warfare
• Instead, the Germans created
their own blockade around
Great Britain, using
submarines (U-boats)
• They (mostly) sank ships that
carried Allied supplies,
• Many such supplies came
from the United States…The
US traded far more with the
Allies than with Axis powers,
and provided the Allies with
almost $3 billion in loans (so
not quite neutral).
• A passenger ship, which German
officials (probably correctly)
claimed was also carrying
ammunition and other war
• Sunk by the German U-boat
torpedoes on May 7,1915.
• Killed 1198, including 128
• We warned Germany to stop
sinking unarmed passenger
• Germany temporarily pledged to
stop sinking passenger ships
• Called the Sussex Pledge
• However, as 1917 rolled around,
the Germans changed tactics and
began unrestricted submarine warfare
again, hoping to cut off Allied supplies
and win the war before the US
Zimmermann Note
• Meanwhile, The German Foreign
Minister, Arthur Zimmermann, sent
Mexico a telegram stating that if
Mexico declared war on the US that
Germany would help Mexico take
back Texas, New Mexico, and
• German U-boats and telegrams
pushed US public opinion against the
Germans, as had German brutality in
their march through Belgium toward
France (Schlieffen Plan)
poster using
the "Rape of
Belgium" to
raise money
for War
Bonds, 1918
April 2,1917 - Wilson called for
war to “make the world safe for
democracy.” He cited Germany’s
submarine policy as “warfare on
mankind” and asked Congress to
recognize that a state of
war existed between the
US and Germany.
April 6, 1917 – US
Congress declared war.
ENTRY # 34
• Why did the US enter WWI? Please
explain in a full paragraph. There are
multiple reasons…what do you believe to
be the main cause?