America Enters the War

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Transcript America Enters the War

America Enters the
We Didn’t Want to Get Involved
“I Need Some Alone Time”
• U.S tried to maintain a policy
of neutrality
–Monroe Doctrine
• The naval war between
Germany and Britain got the
U.S involved
• England is first to have a blockade
of Germany’s ports
– Very effective
• Germany responds by doing the
same to GB
Germany’s Blockade
• German Policy
– Unrestricted submarine warfare
• Ok to sink anything in the water
–This included passenger lines
Ohhhh Noooo!!
• Lusitania
–British cruise ship is sunk
by German submarines
•May 7, 1915
Ohhhh Noooo!!
• Casualties
– 1,100 casualties
• 100 Americans included
– U.S strongly voices their opinion
– Germany suspends unrestricted
submarine warfare
• Doesn’t want the U.S to be upset
Show Lusitania Video
Zimmerman Telegram
• On 16 January 1917, the German Foreign
Minister, Arthur Zimmerman sent the
following telegram to Count von Bernstorff,
the German ambassador in the United
Arthur Zimmerman
Zimmerman Telegram
(Don’t Write)
• Most Secret
For Your Excellency's personal information and to be
handed on to the Imperial Minister in Mexico
We intend to begin unrestricted submarine warfare on
the first of February. We shall endeavor in spite of this to
keep the United States neutral. In the event of this not
succeeding, we make Mexico a proposal of an alliance
on the following basis: Make war together, make peace
together, generous financial support, and an
understanding on our part that Mexico is to re-conquer
the lost territory in Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona. The
settlement detail is left to you.
Zimmerman Telegram
(Don’t Write)
• You will inform the President [of Mexico] of the above
most secretly as soon as the outbreak of war with the
United States is certain and add the suggestion that he
should, on his own initiative, invite Japan to immediate
adherence and at the same time mediate between Japan
and ourselves.
Please call the President's attention to the fact that the
unrestricted employment of our submarines now offers
the prospect of compelling England to make peace
within a few months. Acknowledge receipt.
Germany Rolls the Dice
• Germany wanted to break the deadlock
in the war.
• They begin using unrestricted
submarine warfare again
• Believed that they could starve the
British into submission.
– Thought that it would take 5 months
German Advisors
• Emperor was concerned about American
– Was told not to worry about it
– “The British would starve before the
Americans could react.”
Admiral Holtzendorf
• “I give your majesty my word as an officer
that not one American will land on this
United States Enters the War
• April 6, 1917
• Initially not Americans are shipped over
• However a huge effect occurs
– Just knowing that the Americans are now
involved switches the momentum.
• Psychological effect
– Americans also serve as a major source of
money, resources and war goods