Chapter 11 Section 2

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Chapter 11
Section 2
War with Spain
Conflict in Cuba
• Supporters of expansion had long been
interested in Cuba
Cuba and Puerto Rico were the last of the
Spanish colonies in America
Cuba launched a series of unsuccessful revolts
against Spain
• {Cuban poet Jose Marti was one of many
activists banished from Cuba to Spain not once
but twice for fighting for Cuban independence}
• Spain sent General Valeriano Weyler to Cuba to
put down the revolt
The United States Reacts
• Many Americans sympathized with Cuba’s
• {Newspaper publisher, William Randolph
Hearst, published tales of Spanish atrocities in
Cuba in an effort to inflame American war
• The nation teetered on the edge of war until
Spain was unfoundedly blamed for the battleship
the USS Maine blowing up
On April 11th 1898 Congress declared war on
Spain {The Spanish-American war was on
and its rallying cry was “Remember the Maine”}
• Congress recognized Cuba as independent it adopted
the {Teller Amendment that stated that once Cuba
gained its independence the U.S. would “leave the
government and control of the Island to its people”}
• The first war’s battle took place in the Philippines led
by {Commodore George Dewey aboard his flagship
the Olympia}
• Dewey easily defeated the Spanish fleet then focused
on the capture of the city of Manila
Dewey obtained the support of a {Philippine rebel
army leader named Emilio Aguinaldo} in the city
and Spanish forces were forced to surrender
Battle of Manila Bay
Fighting in Cuba
• In the wars most famous battle Lt. Col. Theodore
Roosevelt led a cavalry of 1,000 men called the Rough
Riders toward the garrison on San Juan Hill
By nightfall U.S. troops controlled the ridge above
Then the navy sank the Spanish fleet in Cuba
Two weeks later Spanish troops in Cuba surrendered
• {The out come of the Spanish-American War was that
Spain ceded Cuba, Puerto Rico and the Pacific
island of Guam. To the United States.} The U.S.
also purchased the Philippines from Spain for $20
• {When the U.S. gained overseas territory they became
an imperial power}
The Rough Riders led by Roosevelt
Uproar over the Philippines
• Some Americans questioned whether it was proper to
annex a foreign territory and rule its government and
its people
Others wanted it annexed to serve as a trading post
and re-fueling station
The Senate narrowly approved the treaty and annexed
the Philippines on Feb 6 1899
Meanwhile, Aguinaldo had already set up rule in the
Philippines and vowed to go to war with the U.S. if
they tried to take the country by force
For the next three years Filipino freedom fighters
battled U.S. soldiers for control of the Philippines
Emilio Aguinaldo
• U.S. forces defeated the Filipinos in 1902
• The U.S. government passed the Philippine
Government Act, which established a governor
and a two-house legislature to rule the
Philippines (which would be appointed by the
Later the Jones Act of 1916 granted the Filipinos
the right to elect both houses of their legislature
Not until July 4th 1946 did the U.S. finally
granted independence to the Philippines
• Cuban poet Jose Marti was one of many
activists ________ from Cuba to Spain not once
but twice for fighting for Cuban independence
Who published tales of Spanish atrocities in
Cuba in an effort to inflame American war
What was the rallying cry of the Spanish
American War?
Spain ceded Cuba, Puerto Rico and the Pacific
island of Guam to who?
What did they become when the U.S. gained
overseas territory?
Do you think it might have ninja
skills in addition to being a mutant?