基础医学英语Unit 5

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Transcript 基础医学英语Unit 5

Unit 5
The Respiratory System
Word Formation
nas/o 鼻
( nasal )
epiglott/o- 会厌
trache/o- 气管
( epiglottis )
( trachea )
( bronchi )
bronch/o-, bronchi/o- 支气管
thorac/o- 胸, 胸腔 ( thoracic )
dia- 通过; 区别, 分离
pleur/o- 胸膜
( diaphragm )
( pleura )
muc/o- 黏液
( mucous )
esophag/o- 食管
( esophagus )
alveol/o- 小孔, 肺泡
in- 进入
( alveoli )
( inhale )
ex(o)- 排出 ( exhale )
oxy- 氧
( oxygen, deoxygenated )
Group Discussion
• 1. Do you know the English names of the
organs in the respiratory system ?
• 2. What is external / internal respiration ?
• The organs of the respiratory system include
the nose, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi,
lungs, and accessory structures, e.g. the thorax
and the diaphragm.
The Process of Respiration
• External respiration
---- the procedure by which oxygen from the external
environment enters the bloodstream and carbon
dioxide leaves the bloodstream and enters the external
environment. The external respiratory cycle consists of
three phases: inspiration, expiration, and rest.
Internal respiration
----the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide at the
cellular level. Oxygen contained in the red blood cells is
exchanged for the waste carbon dioxide in the tissue.
Illustration provided by:
Interesting Questions:
Why Do I Yawn?
When you are sleepy or drowsy the lungs do
not take enough oxygen from the air. This
causes a shortage of oxygen in our bodies.
The brain senses this shortage of oxygen
and sends a message that causes you to
take a deep long breath---a YAWN.
Why Do I Sneeze?
Sneezing is like a cough in the upper breathing
passages. It is the body‘s way of removing an
irritant (刺激物) from the sensitive mucous
membranes of the nose. Many things can irritate
the mucous membranes. Dust, pollen, pepper or
even a cold blast of air are just some of the many
things that may cause you to sneeze.
What Causes Hiccups ( 打嗝 )?
Hiccups are the sudden movements of the
diaphragm. It is involuntary--- you have no
control over hiccups, as you well know.There
are many causes of hiccups. The diaphragm
may get irritated, you may have eaten too fast,
or maybe some substance in the blood could
even have brought on (引起,导致) the hiccups.
Understanding the Text
1. What gases are taken in in respiration ?
2. Why is oxygen very important to the body ?
3. What is the function of nasal cavities during
breathing ?
4. What do you know about cilia ?
5. What is a sinus ? What functions do sinuses
perform ?
Difficult Words in the Text
1. cilium n. ( pl. cilia: ) adj. ciliary
(1) a hairlike process(毛发样突起), large numbers of
which are found on certain epithelial cells. Cilia are
particularly characteristic of the epithelium that
lines the upper respiratory tract, where their beating
serves to remove particles of dust and other foreign
material. 纤毛
(2) an eyelash or eyelid. 睫(毛), 睑
2. sinus
paranasal sinuses(鼻旁窦): the air-filled spaces,
lined with mucous membrane, within some of the
bones of the skull. They open into the nasal cavity,
via the meatuses(鼻道), and are named according
to the bone in which they are situated. They comprise
the frontal sinuses(额窦), the maxillary sinuses(上颌窦)
the ethmoid sinuses(筛窦) and the two sphenoid sinuses
• The sinuses are located in the front of the face in the
forehead (frontal sinuses), between the eyes (ethmoid
and sphenoid sinuses) and in the cheekbones (maxillary
6. Do you know any clinical pathological conditions
related to pharynx/larynx/trachea?
7. What characteristics do the lungs have ?
8. What are the lungs made up of ?
Para. 7
9. What is diaphragm / pleura/ mediastinum ?
Breathing starts with a dome-shaped muscle at
the bottom of the lungs called the diaphragm.
It is a muscular membranous partition separating
the abdominal and thoracic cavities and functioning
in respiration 横隔膜; 一种分隔胸腔和腹腔并起 呼吸
When you breathe in, the diaphragm contracts. When
it contracts it flattens out and pulls downward. This
movement enlarges the space that the lungs are in. This
larger space pulls air into the lungs. When you breathe
out, the diaphragm expands reducing the amount of
space for the lungs and forcing air out. The diaphragm
is the main muscle used in breathing.
a thin serous membrane that envelops each lung
and folds back to make a lining for the chest cavity
胸膜; 包覆每 一个肺脏且向后折叠形成胸腔的薄浆膜
pleural: 肋膜的, 胸膜的 ( pleural cavity 胸膜腔)
interpleural: 胸膜间的 / intrapleural: 胸膜内的
the space in the thorax (chest cavity) between the two
pleural sacs. The mediastinum contains the heart, aorta,
trachea, oesophagus, and thymus gland and is divided
into anterior, middle, posterior, and superior regions.
纵隔 位于胸腔内两个胸膜囊之间的间隙。纵隔被分
10.What are bronchi/bronchioles/alveoli ?
11. What is the ‘one airway’ concept of the
respiratory system ? Does this new idea have
any significance ?
12. What are the three phases of respiration ?
Explain further.
13. How does the diaphragm work as an engine that
drives respiration ?
14. What controls the breathing rate according to this
paragraph ?
15. What are the functions of the mucous membrane
and cilia during respiration?
16. How are gases exchanged on the cellular level
when the air reaches the alveoli ?
17. What are the common disorders of the respiratory
system mentioned in the passage ?
18. What is an allergic reaction ? (para. 21)
Asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory system
in which the airway occasionally constricts, becomes
inflamed(发炎), and is lined with excessive amounts
of mucus(粘液), often in response to one or more
triggers. These acute episodes(发作) may be triggered
by such things as exposure to an environmental
stimulant (or allergen 过敏源), cold air, exercise or
exertion(劳累), or emotional stress.
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD),
also known as chronic obstructive airway disease
(COAD), is a group of diseases characterized by the
pathological limitation of airflow in the airway that
is not fully reversible. COPD is the umbrella term
for chronic bronchitis, emphysema and a range of
other lung disorders. It is most often due to tobacco
smoking, but can be due to other airborne irritants
such as coal dust, asbestos(石棉) or solvents, as well
as congenital conditions.
According to the World Health Organization (WHO),
80 million people suffer from moderate to severe
COPD and 3 million died due to it in 2005. The WHO
predicts that by 2030, it will be the 4th largest cause
of mortality worldwide.
• Allergies are abnormal reactions of the immune
system that occur in response to otherwise harmless
• The term was coined by the Viennese pediatrician
Clemens von Pirquet in 1906 after noting that some
of his patients were hypersensitive to normally
innocuous entities (harmless things) such as dust,
pollen, or certain foods. Pirquet called this
phenomenon "allergy", from the Greek words allos
meaning "other" and ergon meaning "work".
• An allergy is a type of immune reaction. Normally,
the immune system responds to foreign microorganisms
or particles by producing specific proteins called antibodies. These antibodies are capable of binding to
identifying molecules, or antigens, on the foreign
particle. This reaction between antibody and antigen
sets off a series of chemical reactions designed to protect
the body from infection.
Sometimes, this same series of reactions is triggered
by harmless, everyday substances such as pollen, dust,
and animal danders (头垢,头皮屑). When this occurs,
an allergy develops against the offending substance
(an allergen.)
Phrases in the Text
carbon dioxide
upper/lower respiratory tract
nasal cavities
mucous membranes
vocal cords
thoracic cavity
rib cage
chronic/acute inflammation
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
allery /allergic symptoms
Respiration is the process of gaseous exchange between
an organism and its environment. This includes both
external respiration and internal respiration. In external
respiration, oxygen is taken up by the capillaries of the
lung alveoli and carbon dioxide is released from the
blood. During internal respiration, oxygen is released to
the tissues and carbon dioxide absorbed by the blood.
Blood provides the transport medium for the gases
between the lungs and tissue cells.