Chapter 40: Basic Principles of Animal Form & Function

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Transcript Chapter 40: Basic Principles of Animal Form & Function

Chapter 40: Basic Principles of
Animal Form & Function
Cell size limited by
surface area :volume
Cells must be in aqueous solution for nutrient &
waste exchange
Groups of cells with common structure & function
Cover body, line organs, & body cavities
Tightly packed; held together by tight junctions
Barrier against microbes, fluid loss, or mechanical injury
Categorized by numbers of layers & shape
 Cuboidal- dice-like
 Columnar- brick-like
 Squamous- floor tile-like
Simple epithelium
 Single layer
 “leaky”- allows for diffusion
 Ex. Alveoli, capillaries
Stratified epithelium
 Multiple tiers of cells
Glandular epithelia
 Absorb or secrete solutions
 Ciliated- lining of respiratory system
 Mucus membrane- oral cavity, nasal passages; moisten &
Connective tissue
Bind to & support other tissues
 Sparse number of cells scattered through an
extra-cellular matrix
 Consist of 3 protein fibers
Collagen: non-elastic; strength; resists stretching
Elastin: rubbery; retain shape
Reticular: branched to connect adjacent tissues
Types of connective tissue
Loose connective
 Fibroblasts- secrete proteins of extracellular fibers
 Macrophages- immune response
 Storage of fat
 For energy & insulation
Fibrous connective
 Tendons- attach muscle to bone
 Ligaments- attach bone to bone
 Part of all of skeleton in vertebrates
 Mineralized connective tissue
 Plasma- liquid matrix of water, salts, & proteins
 Leukocytes- white blood cells
 Erythrocytes- red blood cells
 Platelets- blood clotting
 Form in red bone marrow at ends of long bone
Nervous tissue
Sense stimuli & transmit signals within the animal
Neuron=nerve cell specialized to conduct impulses
dendrites= extensions that conduct impulses to the cell
Axons= extensions that transmit impulses away from
the cell body
Muscle tissue
Capable of contraction when stimulated
Consists of contractile proteins actin & myosin
Skeletal muscle
 Attached to bone by tendons
 Voluntary
 Striated pattern
Cardiac muscle
 Contractile walls of heart
 Striated pattern
Smooth muscle
 Lines walls of internal organs
 Involuntary
 Tapered, non-striated appearance
Organ systems
Are inter-dependant; organs with separate
functions act in coordinated manner
Tissues organized into organs except in
simple organisms
Some organs are layered (ex. Vertebrate
Mesentery=sheets of connective tissue in
which organs are suspended
Flow of energy through an organism
Limits animal’s behavior, growth, &
Determines food requirements
Animals are heterotrophs
Energy Input
(ingested food)
(enzymatic hydrolysis of food)
(small energy molecules by body cells)
(cellular respiration & fermentation harvest chemical energy
from food molecules)
some Energy Stored in ATP
some Energy Lost as heat is to
Energy Used - chemical energy of ATP powers cellular work.
After the needs of staying alive are met, leftover chemical
energy and carbon skeletons from food molecules can be
used in biosynthesis.
Energy Lost - cellular work generates heat, which is lost to
surroundings or used to maintain body temperature (endotherms)
Metabolic rate
Total amount of energy an animal uses to stay alive
Measured in Calories (kilocalories)
Calculated by measuring:
oxygen used
Amount of heat loss per unit of time
Heat loss is by-product of cellular work
Heat loss is measured with calorimeter
Range of metabolic rates
Minimal rate for life support (breathing, sleeping….)
Maximal rates occur during peak activity (all out exercise)
Vary depending on:
Age, sex, size
Body and environmental temperature
Food quality & quantity
Amount of available oxygen
Hormonal balance
Time of day & activity level
Animals that generate their own body heat
Includes birds, mammals
Many endotherms are homeothermic
Maintain temperature within narrow limits
Basal metabolic rate
Endothermic animal’s metabolic rate
measured under resting, fasting, & stress-free
Average BMR for humans:
Males….1600-1800 kcal/day
 Females….1300-1500 kcal/day
Animals that acquire most of their body
heat from the environment
Includes fish, amphibian, reptiles, &
Minimal metabolic rate must be
determined at a specific temperature
Standard metabolic rate (SMR)
Ectotherm’s minimal metabolic rate measured
under controlled temperature as well as resting,
fasting, & stress-free conditions
Metabolic rate/gram is inversely related to
body size among similar animals
Smaller animals consume more calories/gram
than larger animals
Correlated to higher metabolic rate & need for
faster oxygen delivery to tissues
Small animals have a higher
Breathing rate
Blood volume
Heart rate
Inverse relationship holds true for both
endotherms & ectotherms
Body plans & the external
single celled organisms
Multi-cellular animals body plan
must have sufficient surface area of plasma membrane
to service the entire volume of cytoplasm
two-layered sac ... e.g. coelenterates / cnideria
flat-shaped body ... max. surface area exposed to water
(e.g. the flat worms)
most complex animals have a small SA : volume
and lack adequate exchange area on the outer
surface but…..
Highly folded, moist, internal surfaces for material
Circulatory system shuttles materials between the inner
& outer surfaces
Regulating the internal
interstitial fluid
Internal controls used to maintain homeostasis if
external environment changes
internal conditions vary with external environmental
**animal may be regulate according to 1 variable &
conform to another
Homeostasis depends on feedback circuits (i.e.
nervous system)
receptors - detects internal change
control center - processes information from receptors
& directs the effectors to respond
effector provides a response
feedback (common method of regulation in
positive feedback
enhancement of a response
Ex. Blood clotting, childbirth contractions
negative feedback
reduced response
examples: insulin regulation in mammal, body temp.
 hypothalamus ... detects high blood temperature
impulse to sweat gland sweat gland increases
output evaporative cooling normal temperature
obtained stops sending impulse
Animal maintains internal temperature within a
tolerable range
Can be ectotherm or endotherm
Internal temps vary widely
Relatively stable internal temps
Modes of heat exchange between organism &
the environment:
Adaptations for thermo-regulation
Hair, feathers, & fat layers
Reduce flow of heat between organism & the
Circulatory adaptations
Increase diameter of surface blood vessels
Warms skin & transfers heat to environment by radiation,
convection, & conduction
Decreases diameter of surface blood cells
Reduces blood flow to the surface
Retain heat
Countercurrent heat exchange
Arrangement of blood vessels to help trap heat in body core
Reduces heat loss
Cooling by evaporative heat loss
Increase mucus production
Spread of saliva on body surface
Behavioral responses
Move between shaded & sunny locales
Hibernation- long term (cold)
 Estivation/summer torpor- slow in summer to
survive high temps & low water levels
 Daily torpor- based on feeding times
Physiological response occurring over days or
weeks to environmental temperature change
Occurs by:
Increasing or decreasing insulation (fur or fat)
 Changing functional enzymes
 Changing proportions of unsaturated fats &
cholesterol in the cell membrane
 Rapid adjustments to temperature change involve
stress-induced proteins
i.e. heat shock proteins- protect other proteins from
denaturization at high temperatures