Zoology Review

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Final Exam 2010
Body Symmetry
Radial – goes in a circle; ex. Octopus, squid,
cuttlefish, starfish
 Bilateral – has a right and left, top and bottom, &
front and back; ex. All mammals, all lizards, all
birds, etc.
 Asymmetry – doesn’t have any symmetry; ex.
Evolutionary Relatedness
This is a Cladogram. It shows evolutionary
traits on the bottom, and relatedness among
animals on the top, both with respect to time.
Organ Systems
Cardiac tissue
A single cardiac cell
Circulatory System –
pumps blood that carries
oxygen to organs and
carbon dioxide away.
A human being
Diffusion & Osmosis
Diffusion – particles moving from a high concentration to a
low concentration; requires NO energy
Osmosis – diffusion of water; requires NO energy
Hypotonic – the cell has more solute than the surrounding
Hypertonic – the cell has less solute than the surrounding
Isotonic – the cell has an equal amount of solute as the
surrounding solution’
Active Transport – moving from an area of low
concentration to a high concentration; requires ATP
Animal Behavior
Reaction to a stimulus; a stimulus is anything that
causes you to react in some way
 Imprinting – ducks following their mother, or the
first animal they see after birth
 Define and maintain their territory, usually through
aggressive behavior
 Cyclic Behavior – any behavior done at roughly the
same time every year; migrating, hibernating, etc.
Kingdom Animalia
Characteristics –
Have specialized tissues for doing specific jobs
Motile, meaning they can move
Do NOT have a cell wall, only plants have a cell wall
Kingdom Protista, Phylum Protozoa
Characteristic –
Motile, meaning they can move
 Microscopic in size
 Usually unicellular, meaning that their whole body is
just one cell
Kingdom Protista
Decomposers, or
(Parasitic, causes
African Sleeping
Paramecium, Stentor
Plasmodium (causes
Acoelomates, Pseudocoelomates,
& Coelomates
Acoelomates – triploblasts with no body cavity, flatworms.
Pseudocoelomates – triploblasts with a body cavity that is
NOT connected to their mesoderm, roundworms. Pseudo
means “false”.
Coelomates – triploblasts with a body cavity that IS
connected to their mesoderm, most animals.
Advantages of Having a Body Cavity
1. A storage place for waste products
 2. Space for development and differentiation of
 3. A simple means of circulation or for the
distribution of materials.
Phylum Platyhelminthes (Flatworms) - Life Cycle of a Typical Fluke
Life Cycle of a Fluke
1. An egg hatches in freshwater and a ciliated larval form called a
miracidium swims out.
2. The miracidium swims until it finds a good intermediate host, usually a
snail. Once inside the snail, it develops into its next larval form, a
sporocyst. This is where asexual reproduction occurs.
3. The asexual stage results in the next larval form, the cercaria. A
cercaria has a digestive tract, suckers, and a tail. Cercaria leave the snail
and swim freely until they find the second host. This host could be an
invertebrate, a vertebrate, or even a plant.
4. The final host eats the invertebrate, vertebrate, or plant infested with
the cercaria. Once inside the final host, usually a vertebrate, the cercaria
develops into a juvenile.
5. The juveniles mature into adults inside the final host. As adults, they
are able to engage in sexual reproduction and produce lots of fertilized
eggs. The eggs then get pooped out by the host and end up in the water
supply ready to begin the cycle again.
How Do I Know If I Have a Tapeworm or other
Infectious Worm?
If you live in North America or Eastern Europe, you
probably don’t have an infectious or parasitic worm.
Why not?
 We wear shoes when we go outside.
 Our meat supply is raised under stringent standards
and inspected before it reaches our table, AND we
COOK our meat, which kills any unnoticed eggs.
 Our pets are usually not raised on a farm with access
to infected vegetation, AND are usually medicated
and/or vaccinated for worms. (One exception-newborn animals.)
 During winter months, parasitic and infectious worms
cannot survive here outside of a host, it’s just too cold.
Phylum Cnidaria, Class Anthozoa - Coral
Coral reefs are the most complex, species-rich,
and productive marine ecosystems in the world.
Source of building materials.
They provide protection to coastlines from storm
damage, erosion, and flooding by reducing wave
Serve as protection to many fish and other aquatic
Boost the economy in coastal areas due to increased
Within the past thirty years, the number of coral
worldwide has massively declined due to human
actions such as pollution, harvesting for money, and
coastal development. The biggest threat to coral
Phylum Mollusca
Characteristics –
Hinged two-part shell
Open circulatory system, meaning they have no veins
or arteries
Exclusively water dwelling, meaning that they only
live in water
Motile, meaning that they can move
Have a tongue-like organ, called a radula, used for
Phyum Cephalopoda
Cephalopod means "head-foot." The foot of the
cephalopod is a cluster of tentacles that connects
directly to the head.
 The nervous system, eyes, and the other sensory
organs are well-developed, more than any other
Phylum Annelida – Segmented Worms
Earthworm Characteristics –
A combination of the nerve cord and stimulation of
each segment triggers contractions.
Leech Characteristics –
They are medicinally useful because they secrete a
substance that prevents blood clotting.
Phylum Arthopoda – Horseshoe Crabs
The closest relative of the horseshoe crab is the
Def. – a change in the DNA of a population over
 All organisms on Earth have descended from a
single common ancestor millions of years ago.
 Natural Selection – the genes of those organisms
who live the longest and have the most offspring
will spread through the population.
Phylum Echinodermata – Sea Stars
Characteristics –
Top consumers in their ecosystem
 Have a water vascular system responsible for
 Respiration
 Locomotion
Phylum Chordata
Notochord that functions as support for muscles
Spinal cord
Presence of gills (pharyngeal slits)
First appeared 510 mya
Phylum Agnatha – Lamprey and
Hagfish is considered to be the most primitive of
all fish.
 Characteristics
Lack jaws
 Lack paired appendages
 Support system made of cartilage.
Phylum Amphibia – Salamanders, Frogs,
& Toads
Unlike frogs and toads, salamanders do NOT
have a larval stage. They undergo direct
development, meaning that they hatch from as
egg as a miniature version of its adult form.
 All amphibians are ectotherms, cold blooded.
This means that they rely on the environment for
there source of heat.
 Mating between frogs is called amplexus.
Phylum Reptilia – Turtles, Lizards,
Snakes, Dinosaurs, Crocs, Alligators, etc.
Characteristics –
Just like birds, reptiles are OVIPAROUS, meaning
that they lay AMNIOTIC eggs
 Turtles are in the Order Testudines
Phylum Aves - Birds
Dinosaurs evolved into birds.
 The missing link between birds and dinosaurs is
called archaeoptryx, which was a glider rather
than a flapper.
 Archaeopteryx had characteristics of both
reptiles and birds. Its reptilian characteristics
included a long tail, claws on the tips of its
fingers, and teeth. Its birdlike characteristics
were feathers and the presence of a wishbone.
 Discovery of these fossils have helped us develop
the hypothesis for the theory of the evolution of
flight: WAIR, Wing Assisted Incline Running
Birds Continued
Characteristics –
Have a crop and gizzard because they lack teeth with
which to chew.
 Have adapted for flight by
Having feathers
 Having bones with numerous air spaces
 Being endothermic, thus having a high metabolism
Phylum Mammalia
Began about 70 million
years ago during the Tertiary
Period, just as the dinosaurs
were going extinct.
 Mammals are endotherms,
also called homeotherms.
Types of Mammals
Marsupials – carry babies in a pouch
 Monotremes – lay eggs
 Placental Mammals – carry babies in a uterus
Cetaceans – nearly hairless, with thick layers of
blubber and streamlined bodies
Artiodactlya – mammals with hooves
Embryology BCR
Explain why reptiles, birds, and mammals have
so many similarities at the embryonic stage. In
your answer, be sure to:
Describe the similarities in the characteristics of
developing vertebrate embryos and their importance
to the vertebrate.
 Explain how knowledge of development contributes
to an understanding of evolution from a common
Embryology BCR Answer
Vertebrate embryos, for example, reptiles, birds, &
mammals, have many similarities at the embryonic stage.
They all have a notochord that will eventually become the
backbone. A dorsal nerve cord will become the spinal cord,
brain, and nerves. They all have gill pouches that permit
breathing. Every vertebrate embryo has a heart with left
and right sides that pump blood. All have a tail, which
remains in some but not in others.
This evidence demonstrates that they have evolved from a
common ancestor and share the same kinds of genes. It
also shows that natural selection builds on what has come
before, rather than starting from scratch.
Kingdom Animalia VS. Kingdom
Protista BCR
List and compare the major features of Kingdom
Animalia and the major features of Kingdom
Protista. In your answer, be sure to:
Identify three characteristics that are similar in both
 Identify three characteristics that are different in
both kingdoms.
 Explain why there is limited fossil evidence relating
these two kingdoms.
Kingdom Animalia VS. Kingdom Protista BCR
 Motile
 Have specialized organelles/organs.
Protists are unicellular or colonial, while animals are
all multicellular.
 Some protists are autotrophic, while all animals are
is very little in the fossil record. Protists are very
tiny and have mostly soft bodies, therefore they just get
smushed, rather than making a good fossil. The only
really good protist fossils we have found have some
kind of hard outer shell to them, like diatoms, but these
are very few.
Adaptation of Fish BCR
There are many important distinguishing characteristics between
the different classifications of fish. Explain the characteristics
used to group fish into different Classes. In your response, be sure
Identify and compare several criteria use by taxonomists to classify fish.
Describe the composition and function of scales in both Chondrichthyes
and Osteichthyes.
Give an example of how each type of scale is advantageous in its own
environment (niche).
Adaptation of Fish BCR Answer
Identify and compare several criteria use by taxonomists to
classify fish.
Some of the characteristics that are used to classify fish
 Number of gills
Location of gills
 Type of snout/bill/mouth/chin
 Location of eyes
 Location of fins
 Types of fins
Compare: Venn Diagram
Adaptation of Fish BCR Answer
Describe the composition and
function of scales in both
Chondrichthyes and
Osteichthyes – most have ctenoid
scales. These overlapping scales
grow larger as the fish grows.
The overlapping gives the fish a
large range of movement as it
Chondrichthyes – have placoid
scales also known as dermal
denticles. These scales do not
overlap nor do they grow with the
fish. Instead, as the fish grows,
more placoid scales are added.
Adaptation of Fish BCR Answer
Give an example of how each type of scale is advantageous in its
own environment (niche).
Placoid scale advantages
Counter shading of scales color
Well-developed sensory system embedded in scales.
Allow for deep dives and movement in shallow water
Reduces drag or friction in water
Ctenoid advantages
Scales hold lateral line that allows for tubular canal bearing sensory
organs-they are sensitive to pressure and temp changes in water
Mucus on scales also makes capture more difficult
Light, thin and flexible, which increase mobility and speed.
Help to increase feeding efficiency or predatory avoidance
Nature VS. Nurture BCR
The idea that behavior must either be innate or learned is
called the “nature vs. nurture” controversy. However, many
animal behaviorists believe that a strict dichotomy between
the two does not exist.
 Differentiate between innate and learned behaviors. In
your response, be sure to:
Define both types of behaviors.
Identify two reasons for believing that such a strict
dichotomy does not exist.
 Explain the evolutionary advantages for animals to exhibit
both types of behaviors.
Nature VS. Nurture BCR Answer
Innate behavior is behavior that is inherited or preprogrammed. These
behavior patterns are believed to develop in the same way regardless of
environment; they are instinctive. The other aspect of behavior is
learning, which is a modification of behavior through experience.
Many behavioral scientists believe that behaviors cannot develop without
experience and that all forms of behavior depend on an interaction of the
organism and environment. Other behavioral scientists believe that many
complex sequences of behavior are not learned and appear to be
programmed. This “nature vs. nurture” debate is exemplified in the tiger.
It’s a tiger’s instinct to eat, growl, run, and play. However, if it didn’t
learn how to hunt properly from its mother, it would never eat. If it didn’t
learn how to run fast during play, it would never be able to escape
predators. Therefore, the combination of nature and nurture aids in the
survival of the tiger.