Transcript Review

 Name the 3 ways in which plants adapted to life on land?
 How are plants today classified?
 What are the two life cycles of plants?
Nonvascular Plants
 Botanists have identified about 16,000 species.
 They lack vascular tissue and do not form true roots, stems,
and leaves.
 These plants usually grow on land near streams and rivers.
 Very small usually 1-2cm in height
 Need water to reproduce because the sperm must swim
through water to an egg.
 The asexually reproduce of haploid spores does not require
Phylum Bryophyta
 Thick green carpets of moss on shady forest actually
consist of thousands of moss gametophytes.
 Each gametophyte is attached to the soil by root like
structures called rhizoids.
 Less than 3 cm tall.
 The moss sporophyte grows up from the the top of the
Phylum Hepatophyta
 Liverworts, unusual-looking plants that grow in moist,
shady areas.
 Have a thalloid form- that is, a flat body with
distinguishable upper and lower surfaces.
Phylum Anthocerophyta
 Hornworts, refers to the thin hornlike sporophyte that
grow from the top of the plant