The Psychoanalytic theory proposed by Sigmund
Transcript The Psychoanalytic theory proposed by Sigmund
• Learning is a behavioral modification that occurs
through experience or conditioning. According to
the behavioral learning theory, learning in a
consumer occurs from exposure to external
stimuli such as advertising and according to the
cognitive learning theory, consumer learning
takes place by a process of internal knowledge
The basic charecterisics of learning are
b.Cues – Cues are stimuli that direct motives
c.Response- How an individual respond to a
cue constitute response
• d.Reinforcement-It is that which increases the
liklihood that a specific response will occur in
the future as a result of particular cues or
• Two major forms of learning are classical conditioning and
intrumental(or operant ) conditioning
• Conditioning is a form of learning.Conditioning can be defined as "a
learning process in which an organism's behavior becomes
dependent on the occurrence of a stimulus in its environment."
Ivan Pavlov a Russian physiologist, demonstrated conditioning by
conducting experiments on dogs.
• Classical conditioning is the learning of the association among
events that allows the organism to anticipate and represent its
environment.It is a cognitive associative learning
• The most important aspects of classical conditioning are
• A. Repetition- Repetition increases the strength of
association between a conditioned stimulus and a
unconditined stimulus and slows the process of forgetting.
• B. Stimulus generalization – learning depends not only on
repetition but also on the ability of the individuals to
generalize. Making the same response to slightly different
stimulus is called stimulus generalization.e.g family
• C. Stimulus discrimination- stimulus discrimination is the
opposite of stimulus generalization.It is the selection of a
specific stimuli from among similar stimuli.
• Instrumental conditioning, like classical
conditioning, also has an association between
stimulus and response but in instrumental
conditioning, the stimulus that provides the
most rewarding response will be learned
When the environmental conditions reward a
certain behavior it is said to be a positive
• When a particular behavior results in punishment
or less satisfaction, the individual will try to avoid
such behavior. This is called negative
• According to cognitive learning theory, the
human mind processes the information it
receives from the environment. There are three
stages in the memory of a human being. They are
sensory memory store, short-term memory store,
and long-term memory store.
• The amount of information available for delivery from short term storage
to long term storage depends on the amount of rehearsal it
receives.Rehearsing is by repeating or by relating it to other data.
Encoding is the process by which we select a word or visual image to
represent a perceived image.For e.g Mcdonalds use the big M sign.
• It is the storage of information in the memory.
• Information is stored in the memory episodically(by the order in which it is
acquired) and semantically(According to significant concepts) Activation
involves relating new data to old to make the material more
meaningful.Associations brought o mind when a cue is activated is called
• Brand imprinting refer to the messages sent to
establish a brand’s identity.
• Soul symbolism mean that the sounds associated
with a particular brand which conveys some
meaning to the customer.
• Brand’s linguistic charecteristics e.g unusual
spellling impact the encoding and retention of
the brand name.
• RETREIVAL It is the process by which we recover
information from long term storage
• The theoretical models of cognitive learning
are :
• Promotional model like AIDA
• Tricomponent model
• Decision making model
• Innovation adoption model
• Innovation decision model