Chapter_11-1 - SJS AP World History

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Transcript Chapter_11-1 - SJS AP World History

The Americas on the Eve of Invasion
World Civilizations, The Global Experience
AP* Edition, 5th Edition
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Copyright 2007, Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Longman
Chapter 11: The Americas on the Eve of Invasion
I. Postclassic Mesoamerica, 1000-1500 C.E.
II. Aztec Society in Transition
III. Twantinsuyu: World of the Incas
IV. The Other Peoples of the Americas
Stearns et al., World Civilizations, The Global Experience, AP* Edition, 5th Edition
Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Longman, Copyright 2007
Chapter 11: The Americas on the Eve of Invasion
I. Postclassic Mesoamerica, 1000-1500 C.E.
Collapses, 700s
Empire in central Mexico
Capital at Tula, c. 968
A. The Toltec Heritage
Rule extended to Yucatan, Maya lands, c. 1000
Commercial influence to American Southwest
Possibly Mississippi, Ohio valleys
B. The Aztec Rise to Power
Toltec collapse, c. 1150
The Toltec Empire lasted until the 12th century,
when it was destroyed by the Chitimecs and other
attacking groups. The Toltec people were absorbed by the
conquerors and in the south they became assimilated with
the Maya, subordinates to the people they once conquered.
After the fall of the Toltecs, central Mexico fell into a
period of chaos and warfare without any single ruling
group for the next 200 years, when the Aztecs gained
Center moves to Mexico valley
Lakes used for fishing, farming, transportation
Aztecs in, early 14th century
Begin as mercenaries, allies
1325, found Tenochtitlan
Dominate by 1434
Central Mexico and Lake Texcoco
The Aztects built the city, Tenochtitlan, on an island in
the middle of the lake. They put up efforts to control
the flooding but this led to most of the lake being
drained, leaving a much smaller lake Texcoco west of
the city.
Lake Texcoco was part of the Valley of Mexico. The
Valley of Mexico was consisted of 5 interconnected
major and smaller lakes.
Stearns et al., World Civilizations, The Global Experience, AP* Edition, 5th Edition
Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Longman, Copyright 2007
Chapter 11: The Americas on the Eve of Invasion
I. Postclassic Mesoamerica, 1000-1500 C.E.
Moctezuma II changed the previous meritocratic
C. The Aztec Social Contract
Transformation to hierarchical society
system of social hierarchy and widened the divide
Service of gods pre-eminent
Sacrifice increased
Source of political power
Moctezuma II
Head of state and religion
between the nobles (pipiltin) and the commoners
(macehualtin) by prohibiting commoners from
working in the royal palaces.
Moctezuma is seen in history as the ruler of a defeated
nation. He is known as weak-willed and indecisive in
most cases by historians.
Moctezuma II was the 9th leader of Tenochtitlan. The
first contact between Indigenous civilizations of
Mesoamerica and Europeans took place during his
reign, and he was killed during the initial stages of the
Spanish conquest of Mexico, when Conquistador
Hernan Cortes and his men fought to escape from the
Aztec capital Tenochtitlan.
The sacrifices were always increasing because the
Aztecs thought that the sun god needed more human
blood to come up and fight against darkness and save
them for that one day. So every day they sacrificed and
when it was not a sunny day they continued to
During Moctezuma’s reign, the Aztec Empire reached
its maximal size. Through warfare, he expanded his
territory as far south as Xoconosco in Chiapas and the
Isthmus of Tehuantepec.
sacrifice humans so that they appease the sun god and
the day would turn out better and it would be sunny.
Stearns et al., World Civilizations, The Global Experience, AP* Edition, 5th Edition
Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Longman, Copyright 2007
Chapter 11: The Americas on the Eve of Invasion
I. Postclassic Mesoamerica, 1000-1500 C.E.
D. Religion and the Ideology of Conquest
Spiritual and natural world seamless
Hundreds of deities
Three groups
Fertility, agriculture, water
Creator gods
Warfare, sacrifice
e.g. Huitzilopochtli
Aztec tribal god
Identified with sun god
The Aztecs were motivated to sacrifice
through terror. They were scared that the sun would
not come up if they did not sacrifice to the sun god.
Sacrifice and Death in Mesoamerica were seen as
necessary in order for the world to function and for
the continued existence of the world. The Aztecs
fought in wars to capture men to sacrifice to their
gods. They sacrificed men from other societies or
communities instead of their own. On God’s Feast
Day, they sacrificed their slaves for their gods, and
human sacrifices were offerings to the sun and earth
so that the food will grow.
Female form for all gods
Yearly festivals/ceremonies
Expansive calendar
Sacrifice – To energize the sun god, they sacrificed
humans to appease the gods. They believed that
the sun fought darkness every night and rose to
save mankind and that they had to feed humans to
make the sun rise again for that day. They had
many beliefs.
Types and frequency/degree changed with
Aztecs – borrowed from Toltec religious conviction
vs. political control
Religious questions – afterlife, good life, do gods
Art has flowers/birds/song and blood Tenochtitlan:
The Foundation of Heaven
Metropois – central zone of palaces/whitewashed
temples Adobe brick residential districts Larger
houses for nobility Zoos, gardens for king
Geographically connected to island by four
causeways. The Calpulli ruled the neighborhoods.
The Aztecs believed in cycles and they were very
into calendars. The Aztec calendar wheels have
been a source of fascination for centuries. It wasn't
just a way to keep time - it was a complete
philosophy of time. The Aztecs felt that there was
religious significance in every day. They also
believed that time went in cycles - ultimately in the
repeated destruction and recreation of the world.
Stearns et al., World Civilizations, The Global Experience, AP* Edition, 5th Edition
Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Longman, Copyright 2007
Chapter 11: The Americas on the Eve of Invasion
Postclassic Mesoamerica, 1000-1500 C.E.
Feeding the People: The Economy of the Empire
Chinampas, man-made floating islands
20,000 acres
high crop yields, 4 times a year, corn/maize
Mass population needed to be fed
Regular intervals to market
Barter or cacao beans/gold for currency
Pochteca – long distance trade
State controlled distribution of tribute
Primarily redistributed to nobility
Daily market at Tlatelolco
Controlled by pochteca, merchant class
Regulated by state
Stearns et al., World Civilizations, The Global Experience, AP* Edition, 5th Edition
Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Longman, Copyright 2007
Chapter 11: The Americas on the Eve of Invasion
II. Aztec Society in Transition
Society increasingly hierarchical
A.Widening Social Gulf
1.Life based on calpulli (neighborhood) groups
1. Governed by council of family heads
2. Nobility came from heads of calpullis
3. Military leaders based on success in taking captivesa. Ritual warfare – uniforms
4. As society grew, widening social disparity – no longer egalitarian
Scribes, artisans, healers between peasants and nobility
5. But…competition not between social classes, but between corporate groups
Transformed from clans to groupings by residence
Distribute land, labor
Maintain temples, schools
Basis of military organization
Noble class develops from some calpulli
Military virtues give them status
Serf-like workers on their lands
Social gaps widen
Imperial family at head of pipiltin
Calpulli of merchants
Stearns et al., World Civilizations, The Global Experience, AP* Edition, 5th Edition
Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Longman, Copyright 2007
Chapter 11: The Americas on the Eve of Invasion
II. Aztec Society in Transition
B. Overcoming Technological Constraints
Role of women – relatively equal, but subordinate to
Peasant women – fields, child-rearing
Revered as weavers
Polygamy among nobility, monogamy among poor
Could inherit property
Limits of technology
Women – six hours a day grinding corn/maize
Couldn’t be freed from 30-40 hours of preparing
Controlled vast number of people amazingly
C. A Tribute Empire
Most power in hands of Aztec ruler and chief advisor
“elected” from best siblings of royal family
ritual sacrifice/military dominated all elements of life
City-states – as long as they made tribute – they could
have autonomy
Rise of nobles altered dynamics
Society based on system of terror
By 1500, Aztec society was in the down, military period
– height far earlier
Great Speaker
Rules Tenochtitlan
Prime Minister powerful
Subjugated states could remain autonomous
Owe tribute, labor
Stearns et al., World Civilizations, The Global Experience, AP* Edition, 5th Edition
Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Longman, Copyright 2007
Chapter 11: The Americas on the Eve of Invasion
III. Twantinsuyu: World of the Incas
Tihuanaco, Huari (c. 550-1000 C.E.)
After 1000, smaller regional states
Chimor (900-1465)
North coast of Peru
Irrigated Agriculture
A.The Inca Rise to Power
1. Inca “ruler” – military alliances and campaigns to
take over
2. Subsequent rulers with names you’ll never
remember expanded and consolidated land
Cuzco area
Quechua-speaking clans (ayllus)
Control regions by 1438, under Pachacuti
Topac Yupanqui
Son of Pachacuti
Conquered Chimor
Rule extended to Ecuador, Chile
Huayna Capac
Furthers conquests of Topac Yupanqui
1527, death
Twantinsuyu (empire)
From Colombia to Chile To Bolivia, Argentina
Inca Expansion
Stearns et al., World Civilizations, The Global Experience, AP* Edition, 5th Edition
Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Longman, Copyright 2007
Chapter 11: The Americas on the Eve of Invasion
Cult of the Ancestors – Incas believed that their dead ancestors had the power to
communicate with the gods.
"Split inheritance” – deceased rulers would give all of their political power and titles
to their successor, but all of their material wealth and palaces went to their male
descendants so that the Cult could use them to worship the ruler for eternity.
– Political power to successor
– Wealth, land, and palaces to male descendants to support the Cult
Result is continual conquest because the successor had to obtain new lands on
which to build their kingdom.
Stearns et al., World Civilizations, The Global Experience, AP* Edition, 5th Edition
Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Longman, Copyright 2007
Chapter 11: The Americas on the Eve of Invasion
Incas were deeply influenced by religion.
Sun god supreme
– The Sun was the highest deity
– Incas believed that they were the
sun’s representative on earth
Temple of the Sun at Cuzco
– Center of the state religion
– Contained the mummies of the past
Incas did not prohibit the worship of local gods
Huacas – holy shrines where prayers were offered and sacrifices were made.
Stearns et al., World Civilizations, The Global Experience, AP* Edition, 5th Edition
Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Longman, Copyright 2007
Chapter 11: The Americas on the Eve of Invasion
Stearns et al., World Civilizations, The Global Experience, AP* Edition, 5th Edition
Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Longman, Copyright 2007
Chapter 11: The Americas on the Eve of Invasion
The Techniques of Inca Imperial Rule
Cooperation or Subordination
The Inca rules from his court at Cuzco
The Inca empire was divided into four provinces each with
a governor at the head
Incas created a bureaucracy that almost all nobles
participated in.
Local rulers (curacas) could maintain their powers in
return for their loyalty to Inca.
Incas spread the Quechua language to give the people a
common language.
Incas would force conquered people to a new home or
move their own Quechua-speaking people to a conquered
area to provide the conquered people with an example of
ideal individuals.
The Ancient Cities of Peru
Stearns et al., World Civilizations, The Global Experience, AP* Edition, 5th Edition
Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Longman, Copyright 2007
Chapter 11: The Americas on the Eve of Invasion
Complex systems of roads, bridges, way stations (tambos), and storehouses were built. Inca armies rested at tambos
as they traveled.
Inca State could benefit all
– Redistributive economy allowed even the
conquered population to receive goods not
previously available to them.
– Building and irrigation projects that were
previously impossible could now be achieved
with help from new conquests.
Gender Cooperation
Gender roles were considered equal and interdependent.
Incas emphasized military virtues, which created more inequality between men and women.
Gender Cooperation was also seen in cosmology
– Inca's senior wife links state to moon
Stearns et al., World Civilizations, The Global Experience, AP* Edition, 5th Edition
Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Longman, Copyright 2007
Chapter 11: The Americas on the Eve of Invasion
Inca Cultural Achievements
Metallurgy – one of the most advanced metalworking civilizations in the Americas.
– Made weapons and tools and worked with gold, bronze, copper, and silver.
Knotted strings (quipu) – used to record numerical information, similar to abacus.
– Used in accounting. Incas took censuses and recorded financial information.
Monumental architecture – created complex irrigation technology and extensive road systems.
– Inca stone cutting was extremely accurate and fitted together like puzzle pieces.
Comparing Incas and Aztecs
– Built on earlier empires
– Excellent organizers
– Intensive agriculture under state that controlled the redistribution and circulation of goods.
– Kinship-based institutions transformed into a hierarchy with a predominant nobility.
– Ethnic groups were allowed to survive as long as they acknowledged the sovereignty of the
empire and paid tribute.
– Aztecs have more developed trade and markets.
– Slightly different cultures
Stearns et al., World Civilizations, The Global Experience, AP* Edition, 5th Edition
Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Longman, Copyright 2007
Chapter 11: The Americas on the Eve of Invasion
The Other Peoples of the Americas
Great variety elsewhere
– Not all in the Neolithic
– Some use irrigation for
– Some formed no states
World Population, c. 1500
A. How Many People?
– Very difficult to determine
the exact population
because of extermination
from European invaders and
varied accounts.
B. Differing Cultural Patterns
– Arawaks on the Caribbean
island of Hispaniola were
farmers organized into a
– Some similar to Polynesian
chiefdom-level societies.
Stearns et al., World Civilizations, The Global Experience, AP* Edition, 5th Edition
Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Longman, Copyright 2007
Chapter 11: The Americas on the Eve of Invasion
The Other Peoples of the Americas
By 1500…
– There were 200 languages in North America
– The Mississippian mounds had been abandoned
– There were two great imperial systems, the Aztecs
and Incas
– Anasazi descendants resided in the adobe pueblos
along the Rio Grande.
American Indian Diversity in World Context
– Mesoamerica and the Andes weakened by
– Technologically behind Europeans; appeared to be
Stearns et al., World Civilizations, The Global Experience, AP* Edition, 5th Edition
Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Longman, Copyright 2007