Grant - Images

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Transcript Grant - Images

RQ Ch. 4.2 pg. 172-174
This did not free any slaves immediately
because it applied only to areas behind
Confederate lines, outside Union control.
___________ is a draft that forced men
to serve in the army.
She cared for the wounded and sick &
eventually founded the Red Cross.
In order to pay for the war in the North
Congress decided to collect ________
RQ Ch. 4.2 pg. 172-174
1. This did not free any slaves immediately
because it applied only to areas behind
Confederate lines, outside Union control.
Emancipation Proclamation
2. ___________ is a draft that forced men to
serve in the army. Conscription
3. She cared for the wounded and sick &
eventually founded the Red Cross. Clara
In order to pay for the war in the North
Congress decided to collect ________
________. Income tax
Thought of the Day
 Friday,
April 8, 2016
A corporal in the 54th Massachusetts wrote to
President Lincoln: “Your Excellency, we have
done a Soldier’s Duty. Why can’t we have a
Soldier’s pay?” What does this letter suggest
about conditions for black soldiers in the Civil
Shots Fired
-war begins at Fort Sumter, S.C.,
-Bull Run – 1st battle @
Manassas, Virginia
-July 1861
-Southern victory – Stonewall
-proved the Civil War would be
a long, serious war
-Lincoln replaces general with
-did not pursue the retreating
Union army
-citizens watched the battle
-had a picnic on the hill
Battle of Richmond
-A cautious McClellan waits
too long and fails to take
-Beat by Lee
-Lincoln fires McClellan
Second Battle of Bull Run
-Confederates win
-Lincoln reinstates McClellan
-Sept. 1862
-Lee leads troops into border
state (MD) hoping for support
-Lee’s battle plan is found by
Union soldiers
-bloodiest single day of the war
-Union victory for McClellan
-Lee retreats to Va.
-21,000 casualties in one day
-Emancipation is declared
-Nov. 1862
-Ulysses S. Grant (N. General)
-comin’ down the Mississippi
-Taking Vicksburg would be
-Many obstacles
-Grant surrounds city on the
-Siege of Vicksburg lasts +40
-try to split the south
Confederate Victories
-Confederates greatly
outnumbered but Lee still wins
-McClellan fired AGAIN
for not pursuing Confederates @
- General Burnside leads
-Dec. 1862
-Fredericksburg – South wins
- Gen. Burnside is fired
-Replaced by Gen. Hooker
-May 1863
-Chancellorsville – S. wins again
-Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson is
-July 1863 – 3 day battle
-Lee invades North
-Little Round Top – Union is forced
to higher ground until nightfall
-Cemetery Ridge – one of many hills
Union controlled
-Pickett’s Charge - destroyed
Confederate forces
-turning point of the war as
Lee is defeated
-Gettysburg Address given by
Lincoln several months later
South is Split
-July 1863
-Grant captures Vicksburg after
long siege
-Grant is called to command
Union armies
-relentlessly attacks Richmond
-Begins “Total War”
-demoralizes the South
Sherman’s March
-”March to the Sea”: 60k troops
from Tenn. to Savannah, Ga.
-Total War – looting and
destruction of anything valuable
“War is Hell”
-Forced evacuation of Atlanta
-burning of Atlanta
-destroy the will to fight
Grant in Pursuit
-1864 – election between
McClellan and Lincoln
-Lincoln wins
-Lee in retreat
- running out of troops
-Grant attacks repeatedly at
great loss of life
-Siege of Petersburg
-Burning of Richmond
-Lincoln wants speedy end to war
- “with malice towards none”
War’s End
-April 1865
-Grant surrounds Lee outside
-surrender at Appomattox –
Appomattox Courthouse in
-Surrender took months to
reach other generals
-Juneteenth Day!